The “Deep State” is Still Alive and Well in the “Washington Cesspool”!

The “Deep State” is Still Alive and Well in the “Washington Cesspool”!

The “Deep State” is sometimes referred to by some experts on Washington politics as the “Permanent State” since it appears to be permanent and many of its “members” no longer make any effort to hide their identity or even what they do at times.

I refer to what some call the “Swamp” as the “Washington Cesspool”. It is not occupied by just Washington Democrats who hate America and openly work at destroying it. RINO Republicans, the Main Stream Media, Washington bureaucrats at every level, and everyone else who consider themselves to be part of the Washington “elite” are also full time occupants of the “Washington Cesspool”!

The “Washington bureaucrats at every level” are the people who are doing the most damage to America by their actions. They are also being used by the rest of the “Washington Cesspool” to hold onto their power and influence over what happens in America. To quote Dr. Sebastian Gorka, “Today, we have a very large number of people in the U.S. Government, not just Senior Executive Services (SES) but Government Services (GS) individuals who think, “I’ve been doing this for 15 years, I’ll be here when the president leaves, I know better”. This bureaucratic “rogue” mindset has been happening for a long time but became noticeably more active during the Clinton Administration and got totally out of control during the Obama Administration.

The “Washington Cesspool” has done everything in its power (which is immense) to prevent President Trump from being elected, disrupt his transition team, prevent him from taking office, and prevent him from functioning in office while openly working to remove him from office. The verified examples of all this are countless with more becoming public every day. Many of these activities actually rise to a level of treason.

  • According to Dr. Gorka there were 125 verified serious leaks during President Trump’s first 126 days in office.
  • Every government agency, especially the State Department, DOJ and FBI still refuse to honor legal “Freedom of Information Act” request.
  • Top officials in every department openly worked to prevent Trump from being elected or sworn in. Actual text messages proving this reached all the way to the Obama White House have recently been made public.
  • Obama used closed records laws to hide documents that prove that his administration flagrantly violated a wide range of federal laws to spy on the Trump campaign and then leak confidential information to try and prevent him from being elected. After he was elected the Obama Administration then worked at disrupting his transition team’s efforts leading up to his inauguration. Just before he left office Obama sent the documents to his Presidential Library in Chicago, which has not been built yet. This allows him to shield the documents for five years.
  • It was actually the DNC and Hillary campaign that conspired with the Russians, with the Obama Administration’s help, not the Trump campaign!
  • Members of Congress, including RINO Republicans, are still conspiring to delay Trump Administration appointees from being confirmed so the remaining Obama bureaucrats can continue to work at destroying the Trump Administration.

President Trump is working tirelessly to drain the “Washington Cesspool” but with so many people firmly entrenched in it this will not be a fast process. Two glaring examples of this are:

  • John Koskinen was not removed from his position as head of the IRS after the Lois Lerner scandal and the IRS’s deliberate destruction of records during his tenure. Instead he was allowed to retire at a time of his choosing in November 2017.
  • The “Washington Cesspool” is still screaming for President Trump to be forced to testify before a Grand Jury, be impeached and sent to jail for alleged Russian collusion and now alleged obstruction of justice. But Hillary was questioned by selected FBI agents about her obvious, deliberate treason without being under oath, with no notes taken and with her aides and lawyers present (some of whom were given immunity and allowed to destroy documents and electronic devices). All this was carefully orchestrated to assure that Hillary could not be charged with anything. For those of you who are not familiar with Grand Jury testimony, there is a saying that a prosecutor “can indict a ham sandwich using a Grand Jury”. That is correct. If you go before a Grand Jury you are all alone. Neither your attorney nor anyone else can be present to support you when you are interrogated by the prosecutor before the Grand Jury. The interrogation is recorded by a court reporter. If you even accidentally say anything wrong you can and will be charged with lying under oath. This is why Hillary was questioned the way she was. No chance of any charges! There is a definite double standard of justice in America! One for the occupants of the “Washington Cesspool” and one for the rest of us!


President Trump, the Master Negotiator, has the Democrats Between “A Rock and A Hard Place”!

President Trump has really figured out how to be a very successful Chief Executive of the greatest country in the world. And the “Washington Cesspool” HATES IT! The Democrats, Main Stream Media and hard core RINO Republicans are desperately trying to figure out how to avoid giving President Trump a win at any level, but regardless of what they do they will LOSE!  President Trump has offered to sign a major, bi-partisan immigration reform bill with the first item on the bill being DACA reform that potentially gives millions of “dreamers” amnesty and a potential path way to citizenship. This is way more than the Democrats ever dreamed of getting passed. However, the bill also must include maximum border protection, the end to chain migration as it is today, and the end to the immigration lottery program.

The hard “Right” does not like the proposed DACA reform, but I think they are missing the point. Many “Dreamers” do contribute to our country while others have criminal records other than being brought here illegally as a child. Those with criminal records will be arrested and deported! With the Trump proposed reform bill we should not have the problems we had when President Regan signed an amnesty bill in 1986. Under the new proposed immigration reform bill we will have maximum border protection that includes:

  • A new fence where it is appropriate
  • Increased electronic surveillance where it is appropriate
  • A major increase in Border Patrol staffing
  • An end to “catch and release” policies at the border
  • An end to “chain migration” as it exist today and the immigration lottery program

All this means is that we decide who we allow to immigrate into our country.

The bill President Reagan signed in1986 effectively incentivized an increase in illegal immigration. The Clinton and Obama Administrations actually “encouraged’ the illegals to come here with the belief that the Democrats could help them vote illegaly until they could make them legal. I firmly believe that Hillary would have lost the popular vote by a significant margin without their illegal votes. If President Trump and the Republicans take the lead on solving the DACA and illegal immigration problems the Democrats will not be able to count on their illegal votes in the future.

I also believe that President Trump knows the Democrats, with the support of the MSM and RINO Republicans, will not give him a win on anything, even DACA reform as generous as what he just proposed. Either way he wins. He wins now with a complete comprehensive immigration reform bill followed by other important bills, or in a Conservative Republican landslide in the November 6 midterm elections. After that it will not matter what the Democrats do!

Presidents Trump’s SOTU speech was the most patriotic, inspiring and emotional speech I have ever heard! The speech was not just about immigration reform, it was about everything that must be done, on a bipartisan basis to make “America Great Again”! Based on the Democrat’s reactions during and after the speech, President Trump did not just back the Democrats into a corner, he body slammed each and every one of them into that corner so hard that they will lose no matter what they say or do to try and get out of that corner!



The Left’s Arrogance Has Become Incomprehensible

Merriam Webster definition of arrogance: an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims and assumptions

Merriam Webster definition of incomprehensible: having or subject to no limits

As I watched FOX NEWS and the Yahoo news feed on my internet home page over the last few days I noticed that the Democrats and RINO Republicans in the “Washington Cesspool” have totally lost touch with America and reality. Either that or they simply do not believe that they are accountable to voters, or they believe the majority of voters are too stupid or uninformed to understand what is really happening in Washington, D.C.

Instead of working on bi-partisan immigration reform and a reasonable U.S. government budget while the Government was shut down, there was a three day battle to see which of the “Washington Cesspool” occupants could get the most TV camera time. They spent their TV time saying the most ridiculous and irrational things about why the Government shut down. While this was happening I asked myself several times if these people are aware that there is always TV tape and audio recordings of everything they say and do publicly. These recordings clearly prove they are constantly contradicting themselves, and they have no concern what so ever that anything they say or do will have any consequences for them in future elections. Arrogance is the only word I could think of to describe this mindset.

After our Government reopened with a ridiculous short window, open only to February 8, the Democrats and RINO Republicans continued to publicly demonstrate an incomprehensible level of arrogance toward the American voters.

  • When the Democrats and RINO Republicans choose illegals over our SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN, AND THEIR FAMILIES, and brag about it in front of TV cameras, that is the “height of arrogance”!
  • When the mayors of major sanctuary cities boycott a meeting at the White House with President Trump to talk about the country’s infrastructure needs over the rights of illegals in their cities, and brag about it in front of TV cameras, that is the “height of arrogance”!
  • When top ranking FBI personnel exchange thousands of text messages, on Government issued phones, about how to prevent President Trump from being elected, or a ‘back up plan‘ if he is, and then a month’s long block of those text disappear, that is the “height of arrogance”!
  • When a long list of Democrats go to great lengths to get in front of TV cameras to insist that President Trump’s new tax plan did NOT help the middle class, that is the height of arrogance”!
  • When a long list of Democrats go to great lengths to get in front of TV cameras to insist that everything good that happened in America during President Trump’s first year in office was a result of Obama’s eight years in office, that is the “height of arrogance”!

Obviously this list could run on for many pages, but the examples I have listed here confirm that there is an epidemic of arrogance in the “Washington Cesspool”.

Those of us that truly care about the future of America must remain vigilant and active to assure we are victorious on November 6, 2018!

The Democrats, RINO Republicans and MSM are Making it Clear That They will Go to Any Lengths to Destroy the Trump Presidency, and Consequently, America!

Is America’s second civil war imminent?

I wrote last week about president Trump’s masterful efforts to move America forward with COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform. The President promised, during a White House bi-partisan, bi-Carmel (both House and Senate members) meeting that he would sign any reasonable, bi partisan COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform bill they put on his desk. Unfortunately that goal does not fit in with the Democrats’ refusal to give up on their obsession with “fundamentally changing America” to make it part of a “one world order”. The Democrat’s reaction to the President’s promise has now become all-out war on the Trump Presidency! And, as expected the RINO Republicans and MSM are rushing to “sign up” on the Democrat’s side of the war.

As defined by President Trump, bi-partisan COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform must include a DACA fix, funding for strengthening border security, and changes to our immigration laws regarding merit based immigration versus our current lottery and chain immigration policies. President Trump promised he would sign any bi-partisan bill they put on his desk if it included these reasonable components. As I watched the meeting on live TV it was obvious that the Democrats in the meeting were shocked when President Trump made that promise. This was one more confirmation for me that the Democrats have every intention of doing anything but what the President wants in their efforts to destroy this President and the America he is trying to save. The Democrats’ agenda includes a “by any means necessary policy” to achieve their objectives. Based on the Democrat’s, RINO Republican’s and MSM’s actions after the meeting, I was right.

Instead of working on a reasonable COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform bill as noted above this is what happened:

  • RINO Graham and Dick Durban immediately “concocted” a proposed DACA bill that was only what the Democrats wanted, and immediately tried to go through a “back door” to get President Trump to agree to it. I repeat, this was not a bi-partisan COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform bill. It was a ridiculous and disgusting attempt to get only what the Democrats wanted without addressing any of the other issues that need to be addressed immediately. There was absolutely no chance this was going to work. However, when it failed miserably RINO Graham loudly and publicly blamed the failure on “someone on the White House staff convincing President Trump to chance his position at the last minute”. In one impromptu press conference RINO Graham even said that this was an indication that the President was unstable on his positon on various issues!
  • Dick Durban, with RINO Graham’s help started a ridiculous and unprecedented attack on President Trump claiming that he is a total racist. Democrats, RINO Republicans and the MSM are making sure this dominates every news cycle and congressional hearing. The first Congressional hearing where this happened was a Senate hearing with DHS Secretary, Kristjen Nielsen regarding what Congress needed to do to strengthen border security, which is a necessary part of COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform. The Secretary was an absolute professional in every way while every Democrat on the committee was an embarrassment to the title U.S. Senator! If you did not watch the hearing look up her response to Cory Booker. He insisted on continually focusing on President Trump being a total racist, and his, all for the TV cameras, response to her was a disgusting attack!
  • Democrats and RINO Republicans are taking every opportunity, including speeches from the Senate floor, to publicly rant about the alleged President’s failures and him being unstable, with the eager assistance of the MSM. The White House Press Corp took this to an extreme when they spent a never before seen 56 minutes grilling the White House Dr. about the detailed results of the President’s recent physical. This included many questions that were deliberate efforts to openly question the results of the President’s physical and sanity! The press was especially horrified when the Dr. stated unequivocally that, “the President’s physical results indicate that he could serve out the remainder of this term and the next one if he chooses to run again”.
  • The Democrats have added a new line to their daily “talking points” memo. It is,

“everything good that happened during President Trump’s first year was a result of everything Obama did in his eight years in office”!

All this confirms my beliefs that we are about to enter an all-out war for the future of America. I also believe that the Democrats, RINO Republicans and MSM see the November elections as their last chance to “fundamentally change America” and are afraid they may not win (although they would NEVER admit this). We must stay vigilant and active if we want America to be great again!






President Trump is Rapidly Reshaping America, and the World

After one year in office the President is accelerating his efforts to “Make America Great Again”!

Yesterday, January 9, 2018 the President held a meeting in the White House with members of the House and the Senate, from both parties, and allowed the press to watch and record most of it! In the meeting he challenged both parties to put comprehensive bipartisan immigration reform, and other legislation on his desk. He also said that he would sign it, with NO absolute demands from him regarding what had to be in the legislation. He insisted that if the Democrats and Republicans work together he trusts them to put together reasonable legislation that he can sign and defend. It was fascinating to watch key Democrats’ reaction to the President’s declaration. Steny Hoyer, who was sitting on the left side of the President, looked like he had just taken a large bite out of a green persimmon!  He was so shocked that he could not resist looking desperately around the room for someone else to try and somehow rebuff the President’s declaration, while involuntarily shaking his head “NO”. When no one else spoke up he tried, very unsuccessfully, to speak up and RESIST the President’s proposal. He was quickly and reasonably shut down by the President. Then Dianne Feinstein made a feeble attempt to propose to do the things the President referred to in “steps”. She wanted to do what the Democrats want now and then what the President wants “later”. The President shut that down quickly and reasonably. It was amazing to watch how shocked the Democrats were and how the President put them and the RINO Republicans in a position where they practically have to do their jobs, rather than spending all their time trying to keep the “Washington Cesspool” the way it was when President Trump was sworn in!

I have also noticed that we have not seen any organized and paid for anti-America public activity lately? Where are the “vagina hat” rallies, BLM, ANTIFA, anti-Trump or anti-Police riots? All I have seen recently was an internet article claiming that the NAACP was planning to protest President Trump in Atlanta at the college football championship game. If it happened it was not very effective.

Another amazing transformation I have noticed recently is changes in the Democrat and Republican Party membership. Many RINO Republicans are announcing their retirement or eagerly getting on the “Trump Train”. Some Democrats are cautiously talking about working with the Republicans and the White House.  And the hard Left Democrats’ and MSM’s efforts to appear “confident” that Trump will fail are appearing even more feeble than they did before.

President Trump has put more effort into working with Congress actually getting things done in his first year in office than Obama did in EIGHT!

President Trump is clearly a “young and energetic” 70 year old and is a perfect example of what it is like to have a successful and accomplished BUSINESS MAN in the White House rather than a career politician! And all indications are that President Trump is just getting started on his “Make America Great Again” agenda.

The next seven years are going to be great for America and the world. And then maybe Nikki Haley, or someone like her, winning the 2024 Presidential election with a promise to continue the “Trump Legacy”!




The Democrats and MSM Are “Whistling Past the Graveyard”


Whistle Past the Graveyard

To attempt to stay cheerful in a dire situation; to proceed with a task, ignoring an upcoming hazard, hoping for a good outcome

To enter a situation with little or no understanding of the possible consequences


        Characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound, a strident voice

       Commanding attention by a loud or obtrusive quality

In recent weeks I have written and published a number of articles about my belief that the Democrats and MSM are completely out of touch with, and totally dishonest about, what is happening in Middle America today. I have also read a number of detailed articles from other Conservative writers who have the same views as I do. Obviously they are seeing the same irrational and strident public commentary from the Left that I am seeing. What is even more interesting to me is that every time I turn on the TV or scroll through internet articles or social media I see even more convincing evidence that  the Left is NOT GOING TO TAKE OVER OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT on NOVEMBER 6, 2018! However the Left is still obsessively sticking to the Democratic playbook. Which is deny, deny, deny, lie and then re-direct!

Here are a few recent examples that confirm the Left is “whistling”:

  • A Democratic Strategist was representing the Left on FOX one morning this week. When asked about the Democrat’s ties to the “Russian Dossier” he immediately went into a well-rehearsed rant about it being the Republicans who really financed the “Dossier” in an effort to defeat Trump in the primary. His rant was an absolute contradiction to all the publicly available information confirming that it was the DNC and the Hillary campaign that financed the “Dossier”.
  • On Tucker Carlson one night this week a Democratic Strategist and former Clinton Campaign staff member was asked about the latest information confirming that the Obama Administration did spy on the Trump campaign. The Democrat immediately flipped to a detailed rant about the Russians working with the Trump Campaign to defeat Hillary.
  • Sandra Smith is hosting Martha MacCallum’s show this week. One night one of her guest, by remote, was the career sailor who was court marshaled for taking cell phone pictures on the nuclear sub he was serving on. He just wanted to be able to show his family where he served and what he did when he was on duty. He plead guilty expecting to be able to negotiate a reasonable punishment. But instead he was sentenced to a year in Federal prison, three years’ probation, given a dishonorable discharge and lost all his service benefits. As a convicted felon, on probation, with a dishonorable discharge he cannot get a job, he is bankrupt, his home is in foreclosure and he and his family are about to become homeless. Another guest was a Democrat attorney. Sandra asked him about new evidence that confirms that Hillary and Abedin did flagrantly violate U.S. Secret Security regulations, with no legal ramifications for anyone, and to compare that to what happened to the sailor. The attorney immediately insisted that Hillary and Abedin did not do anything wrong, but the sailor did, and he deserved everything that happened to him.
  • In 2017 there were dramatic increases in homelessness, major crimes, and an exodus of jobs from Sanctuary/Democratic controlled Cities.
  • The Democratic National Committee is failing miserably in fund raising while the Republican National Committee is raising huge amounts of money every month.
  • The stock market is at record highs, the unemployment rate is at record lows, consumer confidence is up, and companies are giving out bonuses and raises.
  • The U. S. financial contribution to the UN was just reduced by $285,000,000 and will be reduced more while Nikki Haley resoundingly stood up to UN members who publicly questioned the U.S. decision to move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  • The Trump Administration is publicly supporting Iranians who are protesting conditions in Iran and is refusing to ratify the Obama nuclear deal with Iran.
  • The Trump Administration is withholding aid dollars to Pakistan until they meet certain conditions that are in America’s best interest.
  • The Trump Administration is withholding aid dollars to the Palestine government until they meet certain conditions that are in America’s best interest.

Obviously the political situation in America can change between now and November 6, 2018 so we Conservatives must remain vigilant and active to keep America moving forward away from the Left’s “One World Order” fantasy!


How Can the Democratic Party and the MSM be so Dishonest?

As I try to follow current events in America and the rest of the world I constantly realize that I would have to suspend reality to actually believe the majority of what is being “reported”. Please know that I use the word “reported” very loosely in this article.

The Trump Russia Collusion story is a perfect example of how far to the Left the Democratic Party and MSM have gone. We have a special prosecutor that is accountable to no one and has an unlimited budget (of taxpayer dollars). He can investigate, and possibly file criminal charges against anyone he chooses. He is an egomaniac that has assembled one of the most biased and expensive group of lawyers in the history of the “Washington Cesspool”.  All because the Obama Administration and the Democrats claimed that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 Presidential election.

Yes, Russia does “meddle” in other countries elections and lots of other things, but the U.S. and many other countries do that too! If you want to know which country is the “meddler in chief” just do a goggle search, “the U.S history of interfering in other countries elections”.  You will be amazed to find how much WE have been doing that and how long!  There are several articles that list six specific examples of the Obama Administration interfering in foreign elections, including Israel’s last Prime Minister election and Macedonia’s Democratic Presidential election. Obama actually spent U.S. tax payer dollars, and in some instances sent Americans to work on election campaigns of the people he preferred to win those six elections!  Hillary was the Secretary of State when some of this U.S. involvement in other countries’ elections was happening. Where were the Democrats and the MSM when these events were actually happening?

Another example of the Left’s and MSM’s obsession with twisting the truth to make it fit their desired outcome is the constant and loud stream of misinformation they are “reporting”.  The vocal Democrats and the MSM “reporting” is all about how bad everything is in America, how unpopular President Trump is and how many seats the Democrats are going to win back in the U.S. House and Senate in Nov 2018. I also noticed that they rarely provide much information to validate the “polls” they are referring to in their effort to prove their points?  I would think that they would have learned in November 2016 that this is not a winning strategy!

I began this article with a specific question because I simply do not believe that there are that many Americans now who are so uninformed,, or totally Left leaning Liberal that will believe the Democrat’s and MSM’s massive “lie and redirect” campaign. However, after I thought about it more I realized that the Left is using basic advertising techniques in their efforts to take back control of our government. A key rule of advertising is to maximize “reach and frequency”, which means how many times you’re advertising will be seen or heard by what people. The more times your target audience sees or hears your message the higher the odds are that they will positively respond to it. The Democrats and the MSM know this and are obviously making a concerted effort to convince enough people in America that they are right and to vote for their ideas! If we Conservatives do not stay vigilant and active they just might take back America with these tactics!

The Left is so Afraid of President Trump’s Success, That They Have Become Completely “Unhinged”!

During the Obama Administration it became obvious that the Left had developed an open disdain, and in some instances open hatred for anything Conservative or Patriotic American. The Left also made it clear that they thought they were invincible  and would never be held accountable regardless of what they did. And then November 8, 2016 happened and their fantasy world began to collapse! And on January 20, 2017 their worst nightmare happened!

Over the last eleven months the Left has gone from public displays of utter disbelief, to refusal to accept the facts, to working at destroying the Trump Presidency and even trying to get the election results decertified, all to no avail. Now it seems that all they can actually do is get on social media or in front of any TV camera they can find and make fools of themselves openly lying to the American public. This is happening because the  Main Stream Media is equally obsessed with the Left’s desires to destroy America and make America be part of some mythical “One World Order”

Every time I turn on the news, even FOX, I see Democrats who are part of the Washington Cesspool loudly and angrily arguing that they are right and everything Trump, including his supporters are saying and doing is absolutely wrong. They appear to be completely convinced that everything they say is true, even though in many instances what they are saying does not even make sense. .And, thanks to the MSM they are also completely convinced that they have a large base of supporters who totally believe them.

Over the last few weeks the MSM and the Democrats in Washington have been perfect examples of how “”unhinged “the Left has become. There has been a constant stream of angry Democrats in Washington getting TV camera time to loudly insist that they will take back the Federal Government with huge majorities on November 6, 2018, and will immediately Impeach President Trump. The MSM is only too happy to help spread this “pipe dream”

Based on everything I see happening in America today I am increasingly confident that the opposite of the Democrat’s dream is going to happen. America is going to be GREAT AGAIN and the Democratic Party is going to go deeper down into its death spiral. It is amazing how many things can change in eleven months!

The Left is Eating its Own, But Are They Just the Left’s Sacrificial Lambs?

As I watched the news and read various internet articles over the last few days I could not avoid wondering if America can be saved from the Left? Is the Left’s open hatred for America and their corruption so deeply embedded in our Government that America cannot survive? I say this even after the recent news about  a number of high ranking DOJ and FBI officials being demoted for displaying open support for Hillary and open hatred for President Trump, I want to place emphasis on the word “demoted”, they were not fired!

Here are some examples of the Left’s hatred for Trump and their corruption in our government that recently became public:

  • Peter Strzok was a ranking FBI agent involved in Hillary’s emailgate investigation. He is the person who changed the wording in Comey’s written report closing the investigation into Hillary’s mishandling of State Department communications.. He changed the language from “grossly negligent” to “extremely carless” which eliminated a key word that would have made her actions more prosecutable.
  • Strzok was also assigned to Mueller’s investigation into alleged Trump staff Russia collusion involving the November Presidential election. He was dropped from this investigation after an internal FBI probe revealed over 10,000 text messages he exchanged with his “girlfriend” that were disgusting on many levels and, I believe Un-American to the point of being treasonous in some instances. He even went so far as to say that if Trump somehow got elected he had an “alternate” plan to prevent him from serving. Strzok actually referenced the plan that ”his girlfriend” mentioned when they were discussing the election in “Andy’s Office”. Strzok’s “girlfriend is Lisa Page who is also an FBI agent,
  • The “Andy” Strzok referred to is Andrew McCabe the acting FBI director after Comey was fired. McCabe’s wife ran an unsuccessful campaign for a Virginia state senate seat using over $500,000 of campaign funding provided by Terry McAuliffe, a ranking member of the Clinton “political machine”. McCabe was also heavily involved in the Clinton emailgate investigation.
  • Bruce G. Ohr was a ranking DOJ official who actually held two different DOJ positions at the same time. He was removed from the top ranked position recently when it was revealed that he had been involved with the “Fusion GPS” group and his wife actually worked for the group. “Fusion GPS” is the group that created the false Trump Russia collision dossier, which was largely funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. The FBI, during Obama’s last months in office actually used parts of this dossier to convince a FISA judge to issue a warrant allowing them to wiretap Trump staff members. The Obama Administration staff who asked for the warrant were ranking DOJ and FBI lawyers. They had to make three trips to the FISA court before they found a judge who would give them what they wanted.

As I watched the Congressional hearing on December 13 where Assistant AG Rosenstein was supposed to be briefing the committee on the status of the Mueller Russia collusion investigation, I got so disgusted with the Democrats on the committee that I had to turn the TV off. While I watched and listened to the hearing I did not hear a single Democrat use their time to do anything except attack President Trump and his supporters. Based on my observations the only thing that was accomplished in that hearing was a public display of just how deep the Left’s hatred is for President Trump and his supporters who desire to “make America Great again”. The time I spent watching this hearing is what solidified my concerns about the future of America and made me wonder if the people noted above, who were demoted, not fired, were nothing more than temporary “sacrificial lambs”?






The Left Cannot Believe That it Lost the Election and Continues to lose!

In several of my past articles I noted that the Democrats get up every morning with a text message, voice mail or electronic memo telling them what the party’s talking points are for the day. All you have to do to recognize this is watch and listen anytime a Democrat steps up to a microphone. The Democratic Party leadership also keeps a tight rein on its member to assure that they stay “on” these talking points. Note to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Tom Perez and Keith Ellison: This is NOT working well for your party now, but please keep doing it!

The Democratic Party’s obsession with “our way or else” has been happening for a long time, but now it has reached a point where the party’s leadership has completely lost touch with what is actually happening in America. It appears that the party’s leadership also still believes that anyone who helps carry out the party’s agenda is immune to any negative consequences, regardless of what they do.

What is happening in America now:

  • After many months of investigations by Congressional committees and the Special Council, and a waste of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, there has not been a single thread of evidence produced confirming any Trump Russian collusion, or any attempts to interfere in the November 2018 election. The “Russia, Russia, Russia Collision” story is not only dying, it is focusing unwanted attention on the Democrats (who did actually collude with Russia).
  • The “Russia, Russia, Russia Collision” story has been replaced with the Democrats loudly claiming that Trump “Obstructed” justice when he fired Comey in an attempt to cover up the “Russia Collusion”. The “Obstruction of Justice” claim includes a reference to it being the basis for impeaching Trump.
  • The Main Stream Media continues to help the “Washington Cesspool” attack everything Trump, including fabricating “news” that is very detrimental to the Trump Presidency and America. One recent “fake news” report caused a short lived stock market crash, forced CNN to issue a public retraction of the report and the “reporter” who wrote the “fake news” story was suspended.
  • Information is becoming public that Mueller and various high ranking people in the DOJ and FBI were involved in Hillary’s “e-mail gate” cover up. Hillary and her staff were basically given a free pass while General Flynn and several other people are being prosecuted for allegedly lying to the FBI (not colluding with Russia).
  • Undeniable proof is being made public about various ranking DOJ and FBI staff working to protect Hillary and defeat Trump, and now they are working to impeach President Trump. The information that was made public about their unethical, and in some cases criminal activities is so “damning” that some of the Clinton/Obama “holdovers” had to be “reassigned” to try and cover up their activities.
  • Four Clinton/Obama “holdovers” have been charged with and convicted of crimes for illegally “unmasking” Trump campaign staff, transition staff, or staff members after he was sworn in. Information obtained in the illegal “unmasking” was then illegally leaked to the MSM. This is just the cases that have been publicly acknowledged. I am sure there are a lot more that are still sealed.
  • There are currently 27 open active investigations about Clinton/Obama “holdovers” illegally “unmasking” Trump campaign staff, transition staff and staff members after he was sworn in, and then illegally leaking information obtained during the illegal “unmasking” to the MSM. This is just the number of cases that has been publicly acknowledged. I am sure there are a lot more that have not been publicly acknowledged yet.
  • Obama and his supporters continue to constantly and publicly blast President Trump and his supporters. In a recent speech at an international climate change forum Obama apologized for America not being part of the forum, said that absence was “temporary” and that it was due to America “being leaderless right now”! And we thought that Jimmy Carter was a mean spirited, small, little man after he left the White House!

This is just a small sample of what the “Washington Cesspool” is doing in its continuing efforts to destroy America and make it part of a “One World Order”.

The Left is really going to “freak out” after the November 2018 and 2020 elections!  Wake up “Washington Cesspool”.  Middle America is wide awake and angry.



Washington is Rotten to the Core! Shut it Down December 8, 2017!

This article was originally published in May 2017. It has been rewritten for the looming December 8, 2017 budget deadline.

Congress, and consequently the entire Federal Government, has been increasingly dysfunctional for decades. Unfortunately eight years of the Obama Administration took the level of dysfunction to a “point of no return”. Democrats and RINO Republicans (Republican in name only) are equally at fault.

It is obvious that the Democrats and the Main Stream Media (MSM) are already painting a bright target on the chest and back of every Republican that is up for re-election in the mid-term elections in 2018.  What the President and Republicans do, or do not do between now and November 2018, will not change the Democrat’s and MSM’S plans for the Democrats to take over every branch of Government in November 2018 and 2020, and then make America part of the “One World Order”.  However what the President and actual Conservative Republicans do will determine who is elected in November 2018 and 2020.I am convinced that “Middle America” has become more attuned to what is happening in Washington, so they will not place all the blame for a government shutdown on December 8, 2017 on all Republicans!

I have written a number of articles where I said that the Democrats get up every morning with a daily message waiting for them with the specific Democrat Party talking points and marching orders for the day, and the Democrats all stick to those talking points and marching orders no matter what happens. The opposite is true for the Republicans. Some Republicans are actually trying to listen to their constituents and the rest (RINOs) are also playing the “Washington Game”, which is:

  • How do I stay in office?
  • How do I get more rich and powerful while I am here?

Elected members of Congress alone are not the entire “Washington problem”. Many people appointed to positions of power are also part of the “Washington problem”. Federal Judges who “legislate from the bench” and people like Jim Comey and Robert Mueller who use their position, or prior position, to assure that they continue to be an integral part of what they see as the “Washington Elite”.

It is inarguable that Congress does not remotely resemble what our Founding Fathers planned for it to be. The Founding Fathers believed that elected officials should serve America out of a sense of patriotism. They should go to Washington, do their job and then go back home to their family and personal businesses. THEY WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO BECOME PROFESSIONAL CAREER POLITICIANS!  ESPECIALLY NOT POLITICIANS THAT PROMOTE DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR OR VIOLENCE!

Why did I say in the title of this article, “SHUT IT DOWN December 8, 2017”?  Because I am now convinced that shutting the Federal Government down is the only way to begin to fix it (other than an actual revolution).

There are two points regarding a Federal Government shut down that are important to know:

  1. Critical services continue to function during a shut down. Anyone who says things like old people will not get their social security checks if we shut the government down is an absolute liar!
  2. Government employees are still paid when they are not working due to a shut down! This should not happen!

President Trump, please do not agree to anything Congress proposes that does not meet the mandate you were sent to Washington to do. Shut the Federal Government down December 8, 2017 and keep it shut down as long as necessary to force needed changes (no more Federal budget “continuing resolutions”). Use your “phone and pen” to conduct Washington’s business until you are convinced that Congress may be willing to actually do what it is supposed to do. Direct your Cabinet Secretaries to cut their departments like you proposed for them to do, not what Congress wants. Stop trying to “fix” Obamacare. Let it collapse and then replace it. INSIST on a Constitutional Amendment establishing TERM LIMITS for all members of the U.S. Congress and Senate! And please keep tweeting regardless of who suggest that you stop. You are communicating directly with Americans and not allowing the corrupt, deranged Main Stream Media to “filter” what you say! I am absolutely convinced that there are enough people in America now who have “had enough of the Washington problem” and will fully support you ANY WAY THAT IS NEEDED to fix the “Washington problem”.

The Obamaites are Still Doing Everything They Can to Destroy the Trump Presidency!

Urban Dictionary: Obamaite  – A blind follower of the prophet Obama. A person who pays no attention to his socialist policies or his radical associations with people like Bill Ayers and Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and will refute any negative claim about him, even if it is fact. He will say that you are smearing Obama, and that Obama never plays those political games.

Based on my observations the “Obamaites” have little to no concern that what they are doing is unethical, criminal, or even treasonous

“Obamaites” come from many segments of our population. Two things make them “Obamaites”:

  • An obsession with all things Obama.
  • An extreme hatred for any political belief that opposes Obama’s political views.

“Obamaites” usually fit into one of the following categories:

  • They are still working in various Federal Government jobs. These are Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Obama “holdovers” that have not been fired yet. Many of them are in positions of authority. These “Obamaites” are especially unconcerned that what they are doing is unethical, criminal or even treasonous. The number of “Obamaites” still working in Federal Government positions is slowly being reduced. It is being reduced slowly because of the depth and size of the “Washington Cesspool”.
  • Former Clinton and Obama Administration officials that have become public figures like Brennen and Clapper who are spending as much time in front of TV cameras as they can attacking everything Trump. Note: Brennen and Clapper were typical Obama Administration staffers. They lied to Congress under oath about their Department’s activities on more than one occasion.
  • Members of organized groups like “Antifa” and “BLM” with an expressed desire to destroy America and make it part of the “one world order”, and a willingness to accomplish this by any means necessary.
  • Elected officials whose only interest is self-aggrandizement regardless of the effect of their actions on America.
  • “Sheeple” – People who blindly follow the political entity that promises them the most freebies from the government.

Those of us that believe in the Constitution and America must do three things to assure that the “Obamaites” do not win.

  • Turn off and stand against the Main Stream Media.
  • Stay active politically to assure that there is a big turnover in elected officials in the November 2018 elections.
  • Give the Trump Administration the time it needs to drain the “Washington Cesspool”.

We can defeat the “Obamaites” if we preserver!


President Trump is Correct About Other Countries, Especially China Taking Advantage of America Economically!

As usual President Trump was right about how badly America is being taken advantage of by other countries, and consequently disrespected. Since he began to campaign for the office of the President of the United States of America ,I have been constantly and pleasantly surprised at how much he really knows about what is happening in America and around the world.

During his recent international trip he spoke about how many other countries are taking advantage of America through trade deals that were bad for America. He even said that he did not blame them for doing a better job of negotiating trade deals than our State Department. Many of these countries also take economic advantage of America due to weak, or practically non- existent enforcement of Federal or state laws and regulations.  These problems were also aggravated by a Congress that totally failed to do its job and various Presidents’ inept administrations over regulating American industries and products while ignoring foreign products that were being dumped in the American marketplace. The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) and the EPA are prime examples of this.

Here are a few examples of bad trade deals and inadequate enforcement of Federal or state regulations that allowed other countries to openly take economic advantage of America:

Japan was one of the first countries to take economic advantage of America. They made really cheap products and “dumped them” into the American market place. At first this seemed like a good thing because Americans were getting things they wanted at low prices. But then people stared to realize that jobs were leaving America because of this overseas production. At one point the Japanese even developed their own line of earth moving equipment (bull dozers) and began to sell them here in America under the brand name “Komatsu”. The parts were actually inter-changeable with similar Caterpillar equipment!  After their initial steps into the America marketplace the Japanese did do one thing right. They began to invest in America and build their products here. However, that was only because their country is so small and lacking in resources that they had no other choice!

China is probably the country that has taken the most advantage of America economically. They took cheap copying of American products and then dumping them in the American market place to a much higher level than any other country had done before and continue to do it to this day. All you have to do to confirm this is look at the cheap Chinese illegal ATV and off road utility vehicles sitting in auto parts stores, pawn shops and anywhere else they can set up a “dealer”. I use the term dealer very loosely here because the “dealerships” are not legitimate nor or the products. These industries and products are supposed to be heavily regulated by Federal and state agencies but the Chinese product “dealerships” are blatantly operating without meeting basic, legitimate industry requirements. This has forced many legitimate dealerships to close and thousands of Americans to lose their jobs. It has also put many Americans, including children at increased risk of injury or death when they sell these machines to uninformed customers.

Weak anti-American deals and lack of enforcement of Federal and state regulations did not stop with trade deals. Everything the last Administration and several before him did was bad for America. The Bowe Berghdal deal, Federal Judges legislating from the bench, the Paris Climate Accord, and the Iran deal were all an embarrassment to America.

At this time there are 193 countries in the world. We give some sort of aid, financial or military to most of them. This included North Korea. For many years we were giving them large sums of money to “feed their starving people” in exchange for stopping their nuclear arms program. Instead of using the aid to feed their starving people they used it to expand their nuclear program and standing army.

President Trump could not be more RIGHT when he says, “PUT AMERICA FIRST”!




The Democrat’s, RINO Republican’s, and MSM’s Obsession with the Alleged Trump Russia, Collusion, is “Backfiring” Loudly Against Them!

After almost two years of intense scrutiny not a single bit of evidence has been found that proves there was any collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign regarding our 2016 Presidential election. In fact the opposite is true!  More evidence is being uncovered that it was the Democrats and “Never Trumpers” who “meddled” in the election with the enthusiastic support of the Main Stream Media. There is also more evidence emerging that indicates that the Clintons openly engaged in criminal activity (probably actually treason) when she was Obama’s Secretary of State, in exchange for huge amounts of illegal money from Russians! Her actions were approved by Eric Holder and the Obama White House and even “buried” to keep the American people from knowing about it.

Here are a few examples of the “Backfiring”:

  • It was recently revealed that Samantha Powers, Obama’s U.N. Ambassador, requested the “unmasking” of an extraordinary number of Trump campaign and transition staff members. During an extended period of time she averaged more than one request per day! This is not just unethical it is ILLEGAL! When questioned about it recently before a Congressional committee she denied making that many request and at one point in her testimony she even suggested someone else must have done a lot of those request using her name. She is the wife of Ezekiel Emanuel, who is the brother of Rahm Emanuel. Ezekiel was a co-author of Obamacare. He is a strong advocate of “Single Payer” (Government healthcare) with “death panels”.
  • Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Advisor also requested the “unmasking” of an unprecedented number of Trump campaign and transition staff members. When originally asked about this on camera she loudly denied it, which proved to be an outright lie. She is scheduled to testify about this before Congress in the near future. She was also the “public face” of the Obama and Clinton Benghazi cover up, which ultimately prevented Obama from appointing her to the U.N. Ambassador position that went to Samantha Powers.  .
  • A “consulting firm”, Fusion GPS, whose primary partner is a former British MI6 agent, was hired to build a file that would prove that president Trump has deep Russia connections and colluded with the Russians to get elected President. To date Fusion GPS has not produced any actual evidence of President Trump, his campaign or transition staff colluding with the Russians. As of last week Fusion GPS was refusing to testify before Congressional committees or provide any information regarding who funded their activities!
  • The FBI suddenly found that documents about the infamous Clinton and Lynch tarmac meeting do actually exist and has agreed to turn them over to Judicial Watch in response to a FOIA request.
  • The Podesta Group, an international consulting company with extensive ties to Russian companies dating back several years, is now part of Special Prosecutor Muller’s “Russia Meddling” investigation. Initial indications are that the Podesta Group was not properly registered with the Federal Government, which was required for them to legally represent foreign entities in the U.S. John Podesta, Hillary’s Presidential campaign chairman was an active partner in the Podesta Group until he became Hillary’s campaign Chairman. At that time he “removed himself” from his “position”: with the organization.
  • The Clinton Uranium deal while she was Secretary of State is also the focus of new Congressional investigation. I am sure the investigation will become, if it is not already, a significant part of Special Prosecutor Muller’s “Russia Meddling” investigation. There has been a lot written about this over the last few months, including in several of the articles I have published. Hillary has loudly denied it happened including in an on camera interview on October. However the evidence is over whelming that it happened in exchange for huge sums of money being directed to the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton from Russian companies with direct connections to the Russian government. New information ties Eric Holder into the deal and now Loretta Lynch who helped silence a whistle blower with first-hand knowledge of the deal. And now even the ultraliberal New York Times is reporting that the deal happened and the uranium is illegally leaving the U.S. It has also come to light that Muller, who was the Director of the FBI at the time, had an open investigation into the deal that was ultimately buried by the Obama Administration. I am confident that more of the Main Stream Media will be treating this as “front page” news soon!


As noted earlier, after almost two years no one has been able to produce any credible evidence against the Trump campaign or transition staff indicating any collusion with Russia involving the Presidential election. However the evidence indicating Democratic Russia connections is starting to PILE UP!