Over the last few months I have researched, written and published a number of articles detailing how far to the LEFT the Democratic Party, that exist today has gone, and how obsessed the Main Stream Media (MSM) is with the Democratic agenda. I have also noticed that a number of other writers have published similar articles about the “internal war” that is raging in America now and the MSM’s role in this ”war”.
Earlier this week the “L.A. TIMES” published an article about the “division” in America. The article was about the “two medias” in America (Left leaning and Conservative leaning), and how polarized Americans are today along those lines. This polarization of America has actually been growing for many years but reached the dangerous level that exist in America today during Obama’s eight years in office, with a “frightening” peak during his last two years in office.
It is especially “frightening” for me to see so many people in America today who are openly unpatriotic at best and, in many cases openly treasonous (they hate America and everything about our Constitution and history)!
Every time I open up the internet, watch the news on TV, hear the news on the radio, or read a newspaper or current events magazine, I see or hear a constant stream of “troubling reports” about what is happening in America. These “reports” are about people saying or doing things that I, during most of my adult life, would never have imagined would be happening in America.
We have:
Judges at every level from Municipal to the Supreme Court “legislating from the bench”. Openly creating law versus following it as laid out in the Constitution.
Cities and states creating their own laws in open violation of the Constitution and Federal law.
Some municipalities have tried to enforce Sharia law in their jurisdictions.
Many colleges have allowed, and are continuing to allow violent protest to prevent conservative speakers from speaking on their campus.
Students at Notre Dame (a Catholic University) are protesting V.P. Pence (a devout Catholic) being this year’s commencement speaker because he makes them feel “unsafe”!
College professors are openly teaching liberal anti-American views. A professor in California tweeted about President Trump being hanged and Republicans being killed in response to illegal immigrants being deported. He is still teaching at the college.
A middle school teacher in southern California led violent protest preventing a conservative speaker from speaking on a college campus. No one was arrested and she went on a number of TV shows where she angrily defended her actions. She said that she was exercising her “right to free speech and fighting fascism”. She is still teaching at the middle school.
Republican Congress members all over America who try to have “town hall” meetings in their district are shouted down by protesters that are organized and led by paid organizers.
Democratic groups are filing ethics charges against elected Republicans, at state and Federal levels.
Huge amounts of “outside the district” money is being spent in attempts to elect radical Democrats to replace Republicans in the current Congressional special elections. $8.3 million was spent in the first quarter of this year by Democrats in one Congressional special election in a northern suburb of Atlanta. And this does not count the “soft” money that is being spent in this special election (money that is spent to influence the election that is not given directly to the candidate).
Organized Left leaning groups are demanding that all law enforcement agencies be disbanded!
Organized groups like “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) and Organizing for America (OFA) have been given hundreds of millions of dollars in tax free funding with a stated mandate of destroying America as it exist today. These organizations were given” tax free” status by the Obama Administration.
BLM is banning “white people” from a planned event in Philadelphia on April 15, 2017. When asked about this event policy group leaders stated that it was a planned “black space only” event and that if “white people” wanted to support BLM, “they could do it in other ways”.
Obviously this is just a tiny sample of the well organized and heavily funded attack on our Constitution that is being openly carried out today. However these examples clearly demonstrate what a “frightening” place we have been brought to in America today by the Democratic Party. We are not just seeing a growing lack of respect for authority; we are seeing open, organized hatred for anything that represents any form of authority and the Constitution.
With each passing day I am becoming more convinced that we are rapidly approaching a complete state of anarchy in America, and this is what the Democratic Party wants to happen! And the MSM is not only refusing to “report” what is really happening in America, they are openly denying it, and in many instances supporting the Democrat’s obsession with destroying America!
To quote Congressman Tim Kaine, a supposedly devout Christian and former V.P candidate, “Democrats must be willing to fight Republicans in the streets”. And the Democrats foolishly believe that they can win that fight! Many people in the MSM claim that America is equally split between Left leaning and Right leaning people. I personally do not believe that to be correct. I still think that there are more Patriotic Americans than there are people here who hate America, so I do not think the Democrats will “win that fight”!