The Washington Cesspool is Still a Cesspool!

President Trump is working practically 24/7 at draining the “Washington Cesspool”, but the “Cesspool” is desperately fighting for its survival! It seems that nothing is off limits or too low for the occupants of the “Cesspool” to do or say as they try to save themselves:

  • Nancy Pelosi is leading the Democrat’s charge against the current tax cuts. She calls them “crumbs for the middle class while the corporations get richer”. The Democrats and the MSM are refusing to acknowledge that the take home pay for practically everyone working in America increased as soon as the tax cuts went into effect, and the Labor Participation Rate in America is at a record high level, including for women and minorities.
  • The Democrats and the MSM are screaming about President Trump’s new tariffs and how they are going to cost so much damage to America’s workforce. They are ignoring the fact that other countries have been literally ripping America off with unfair trade deals that were negotiated by previous administrations, especially the Obama Administration. An example was Canada charging tariffs up to 275% on American dairy products. America had an $817,000,000,000 trade deficit last year. To quote President Trump, “that is Billion with a B”! Update: ON JULY 25 PRESIDENT TRUMP HELD AN UNSCHEDULED PRESS CONFERENCE WITH THE EU TRADE COMMISSIONER TO ANNOUNCE A JOINT AGREEMENT TO WORK TOWARD ELIMINATING ALL TARIFFS BETWEEN THE EU AND THE US.
  • The Democrats and the MSM are screaming about President Trump being “too soft on Russia” at the same time they are screaming about President Trump’s ”harsh tweets” toward Iran in response to an open threat they made about destroying America.
  • A grossly unqualified 28 year old “Democrat Socialist” surprisingly defeated a ranking Democrat in a N.Y. city primary race. Some of the planks in her platform are free college for everyone, free healthcare for everyone and a $15 hourly minimum wage for everyone. She will be elected to Congress on November 6, 2018 because the voting district she is running in will never elect a Republican. She is now traveling around the country with Bernie Sanders campaigning for other Democratic Socialist candidates and giving TV interviews describing how bad the Trump economy is!
  • The Democrats and the MSM are all insisting that “the polls” show that President Trump is dramatically losing support among his base because “people are still struggling to make ends meet even though he has been in office for a year and a half”. Based on everything I see, hear and read this is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!

As noted above the occupants of the “Washington Cesspool” and the MSM will say and do anything to try and convince people that everything President Trump does is bad for America and the world. Real world facts prove them wrong. In previous articles I have written about how much commercial growth I am seeing in my area of the state. The same is happening in other areas. Last Saturday I drove down I-75 south of Atlanta for about 30 miles. I had not been down I-75 for about a year. I was literally astonished to see how much commercial development was happening in that 30 mile drive! As I drove by all this new commercial development south of Atlanta I had the same thought that I did the first time I drove by the two huge industrial parks being developed on South Fulton Parkway west of Atlanta. That was, “where are all these companies going to find the people they will need to fill all the new jobs they are creating”? It will be interesting to see how the Democrats and MSM continue to negatively “spin” this growth!

President Trump is very different from previous Presidents. He speaks, tweets and acts dramatically different from previous Presidents, and he is steadily generating positive results for America here and abroad. However he does still need all the help he can get from those of us who want to see him succeed in his efforts to “Make America Great Again”.