As I watched and listened to the Left during the holidays, I was constantly reminded of how much open hatred the Left has for President Trump and America. As President Trump approaches his second year anniversary in office the hatred toward him is so bad that the haters no longer appear to be rational. It is obvious that the haters have reached a point where they will say and do anything to hurt America in their efforts to destroy the Trump presidency. The only thing that appears to matter to these people is POWER, and they see President Trump as a threat to their agenda and therefore their personal power. Based on what we are seeing and hearing from the Left now, it is going to be a nasty 23 month run up to the next elections! Here are a few examples:
- New York city’s incoming Attorney General has threatened President Trump and his family members with legal warfare. She made a public announcement that she will, “use every area of the law to investigate the president and his family”. She publicly declared that she would use her new elected office to destroy the Trump presidency and his family!
- Elijah Cummings, who will now be the chairperson of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has already sent 51 separate letters to the White House demanding documents and information on a wide range of White House policies and actions.
- Maxine Waters, who will now be the Chairperson of the House Banking and Finance Committee, is still screaming “Impeach, Impeach, Impeach”. She has publicly promised that as soon as she officially becomes the chairperson she will use her power to, “crack down on America’s banks” (whatever that means?). If you have ever watched her behavior during a congressional hearing you would swear that she is functionally illiterate and unstable. Years ago I watched segments of a committee hearing, before our banking system did crash, where banking regulators were testifying about the possibility of a banking system crisis based on the Federal Government’s enforcement of bank lending policies at the time. Maxine literally jumped up out of her chair and screamed at the regulator that was testifying. She screamed that, “we will nationalize this thing” (whatever that meant?). She was so irrational that the other Representatives sitting around her could not resist laughing at her. When our banking system did crash she illegally funneled government bank bailout money to a California bank that she and her husband owned stock in, and he was on the Board of Directors. She does not even live in her district. She lives in a private gated community that is not in her district!
- As of January 3,2019 every U.S. House of Representative’s committee chairperson will be a Democrat, like Cummings and Waters. That means they will have a majority vote on their committees and will totally control what the committees do or do not do. And every one of them has declared that they will use the committees to destroy the Trump presidency.
- The border patrol just issued a report that between December 22nd – 31st, 2018 they took 451 people into custody on our southern border that required immediate medical attention. 19 required hospitalization. 259 were children. Their illnesses included various forms of the flu, and phenomena. During this ten day period there has been a constant stream of people on the Left, including RINO Republicans making public statements against President Trump’s demands for a wall on portions of our southern border. They are publicly using words like “immoral, archaic, medieval, too costly, and ineffective” to describe it? They are even declaring the “majority of Americans do not want a wall built on our southern border”. They are all claiming this last statement was based on “recent surveys”. However everyone that I have spoken too since I started hearing the Left make this declaration thinks it is a deliberate fabrication. “Irrational” is the only word I can think of to describe what they are saying, and they are insulting everyone in middle America by expecting us to believe this! The Left is obviously reading published Democratic leadership talking points.
- Incoming RINO Republican Senator Mitt Romney recently published a nasty op-ed in the Washington Post about the Trump Presidency and President Trump personally. In the op-ed Romney said things like “Trump’s shortfall set a poor example for America’s public character, while alienating U.S. allies”. Romney has even let it be made public that he is considering running against President Trump on the Republican ticket in 2020. Challenging a sitting President in your own party in a presidential election is unheard of! To say that I am disappointed in a man I once admired and supported is an understatement!
- Another really disappointing RINO is John Kasich from Ohio. He is another person that I admired and supported in the past. He was elected to congress, worked on wall street, got elected as governor of Ohio, and re-elected in a predominantly Democratic state. And then along came Donald Trump. Kasich led the charge from the other Republican candidates demanding that Trump publicly take the oath to support the winner of the Republican presidential primary, no matter who it was. When Trump won the primary Kasich was the first person to publicly denounce his pledge and even tried to mount a 3rd party campaign to run against Trump. This would have guaranteed a Hillary victory. Kasich is also saying publicly that he is considering running against Trump in the 2020 Republican presidential primary!
- Another RINO who is making a complete fool of himself publicly is Jeff Flake from Arizona. He is “retiring” from the senate (he would have lost his re-election bid badly due to his anti-Trump actions during the 2016 campaign). He spent his last days in the senate openly saying and doing everything he could to hurt the Trump agenda, including helping block Trump appointees to federal judgeships and the Trump administration. Yes, after two years in office President Trump still has unfilled positions in his administration and federal courts. But, with the help of RINO’s, led by McCain, the senate literally rushed to approve Obama’s appointees as quickly as possible. McCain even made a public statement to the MSM that, “President Obama deserved to have who he wanted in his administration”. Note, this is why there are so many Obama supporters still working in federal government positions and doing everything they can to disrupt the Trump agenda! RINO Flake has also stated publicly that he is, “considering running against President Trump in the 2020 Republican presidential primary”.
It appears that the original Trump disease, “Trump Derangement Syndrome” has morphed into an irrational open hatred for everything Trump. This does not bode well for America or the world. But I still think that President Trump will out work and out last all the haters, and 2019 will be another good year to be an American!