The Electoral College is Still a Critical Part of Our Constitutional Election Process

Every time I thought about the Founding Fathers throughout my life I always came to the same conclusion. These men were absolutely brilliant and their ability to understand human nature and predict the future was phenomenal!  The Electoral College is just one example of that.

The Electoral College was included in the Constitution to solve a significant set of problems that existed at the time, but when you consider the demographics of America today the Electoral College is still a critical part of our election process.

When the Constitution was written America had thirteen fiercely independent states, spread out over a thousand miles of the eastern sea coast, with a total population of about four million people. When you consider the fact that no formal established means of communication existed between the states, developing a method for holding fair and equitable national elections was a daunting task. That is why the Electoral College became part of our original Constitution. Without it certain key states would have carried such a majority of the votes that other states would not have had a voice in national elections, national affairs, or international affairs, and the United States of America would not have HAPPENED! 

The following explanation of the Electoral College process is posted on the US Government Archives

The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution in 1787 as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.

The selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors, where they vote for the President and Vice President and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress are all part of the process.

Today the Electoral College has 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state’s allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your Senators.

Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. For this reason the word “state” also refers to the District of Columbia.

Each candidate running for President in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate’s political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are elected and what their responsibilities are.

Any changes to the Electoral College process require a Constitutional Amendment, which is NOT going to happen!

Today the lack of a formal established means of communication that the Founding Fathers faced has obviously been solved, but the demographics of America still justify the Electoral College process for choosing our President. Here are a few examples of why that is true:

  • California has approximately 12% of the total U.S. population.
  • Approximately 40% of the total U.S. population lives on the west coast and the central/north east coast.
  • Six of the states that issue drivers licenses to illegal immigrants are on the west and central/north east coast, which adds to the potential voter rolls in those states.

These three statistics alone make it clear that without the Electoral College all our national elections would be decided by the states on the west and central/north east coast. Which means all national elections, and consequently national and international affairs would be decided by these states. That is the America our Founding Fathers were so afraid of!








During the Next 50 Days We May See America Torn Apart

Over the last few days it has become clear that there is absolutely NO chance that we can take a cautious step back and breathe a little easier between now and inauguration day! The Left is still determined to “anoint” Hillary regardless of the cost or resulting damage to America. In fact it now seems obvious to me that Trump’s win actually fits right in with the Left’s plan to “fundamentally change America”, even if it has to be done with violence. There are just too many things happening now to deny it.

To begin with we had “instant” protest that became riots immediately after the election results were announced. These protests were organized by paid protestors who for the most part did not live where they were protesting and did not vote in the election. I saw a protest leader in Chicago being interviewed on camera last week. When asked if he voted he said, “No, there is nothing to vote for in this country”. REALLY? According to some of the protest organizers the protests will continue and grow in size, and violence with the intent of disrupting the Presidential inauguration (unless they can succeed with their plans to “anoint” Hillary). However, the protests are nothing compared to everything else that the Left is doing.

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, with lots of help recently began to demand a recount in key states. However since no one could point to any evidence of voter machine tampering there is no justification for a recount. Consequently anyone who asks for a recount in a specific state will have to fill out the necessary paperwork, before that states deadline, and pay for the recount. Jill Stein actually held a press conference and acknowledged that “experts” could not find any evidence of voter machine tampering but insisted they wanted recounts to assure future elections were fair. Remarkably her group suddenly got $6 million in “donations” so she could formerly request recounts and pay for them. Amazing that $6 million just appeared in her group’s bank account!  And now the Clintons have publicly announced that they will join this recount effort.

Unfortunately the recount effort is by no means the biggest threat to the election results. There is another organized and well-funded effort to change enough Electoral College votes to keep Trump out of the Whitehouse. These people have two websites up and running and are actively working to get Electors that are committed to Trump to change their votes to Hillary. Two have already publicly announced that they are changing their votes and are making the rounds on TV shows, including FOX trying to convince other Electors to do the same. I am having more than a little trouble understanding how anyone could seek a slot as an Elector, take an oath to carry out their duties as the voters in their state desired, and then publicly violate that oath and work to encourage others to do the same thing. Unfortunately only 25 states and the District of Columbia legally require that their Electors vote like they were committed to do by the voters. Unfortunately the penalty for violating that law is a small fine, which I am sure Clinton supporters will be happy to pay for anyone who changes their vote to Hillary!

We also have Liberal members of Congress doing everything they can to cast doubt on the Trump transition team’s work and throw “road blocks“ out in front of the transition team’s work. Elijah Cummings was one of the first to actively start this effort by writing a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) demanding they audit the transition team because” it is in such disarray that it is probably misspending tax payer money”. And then Elizabeth Warren loudly and publicly joined in the efforts to demand that the GAO audit the Trump transition team’s work. These people want the GAO to waste taxpayer money and interfere with the Trump transition team’s work at a critical time because they think the team is in disarray?

In case you do not know their history these letters to the GAO and their public statements about the Trump transition team are typical behavior for Elijah Cummings and Elizabeth Warren. For example Cummings has a long history of “Abuse of Power” activity. He was one of the original members of Congress to demand, in writing that the IRS do something about the conservative groups that were applying for tax free group status during Obama’s first term. When an organizer of one of the targeted groups got a copy of his letter she filed formal “Abuse of Power” charges against him, which went NOWHERE with the current criminal Department of Injustice in power. Elizabeth Warren changed her personnel records at Harvard Law school to indicate that she was 1/32nd “Native American” so she could claim minority status. When a genealogist traced her history and could not find any Native American linkage and Warren was questioned about it, her only response was that she remembered her Grandmother talking about her Great Grandmother talking about their Indian ancestors. She also publicly blasted Trump for making money during the housing market crash. No surprise there, but she did the same thing! These are just two of the people actively working to destroy America and the next 50 days are their last best chance to do that.

We are also seeing and hearing loud complaints about Trump “conflicts of interest” because some of his family is involved in his transition team and because of his worldwide business interest, and he has not even been sworn in yet .On a legal note the President and Vice President are legally exempt from conflict of interest regulations. If they were not they would not be able to function due to constantly being attacked with “conflict of interest” complaints. It is ethical and desirable for the President and Vice President to try and avoid what could appear to be conflict of interest activities, but they have much bigger things to be concerned about in America and the world today. Publicly making these accusations now is not in America’s best interest.

Obama just wasted many millions of dollars doing a world tour where he spoke publicly in every country he visited about all his accomplishments, and said he would not remain silent after leaving the Whitehouse when there is a threat to his accomplishments!  And we thought Jimmy Carter was a really bad past President!

About two days after the election it seemed to me like a majority of the people in America collectively “breathed a sign of relief” and said, “OK we can get on with our lives now”.  Maybe not……

Note to those of you who are still in “mourning” over the election results, I suggest you read this article,  especially the update I added at the bottom.


Updated December 1, 2016 – The Collapse of Obamacare Was Planned

I have heard people say that the collapse of Obamacare was pre-planned ever since its inception and implementation. However it was only in recent months that I became convinced that this is absolutely true! It is common knowledge that a long time dream of the liberal Left is to replace ALL healthcare in America with a single payer, Government run VA style healthcare program. When a “single payer healthcare system” is established there will NOT be any private healthcare providers or institutions left operating in America. That means that everybody in America will be forced into that single payer plan, including people currently enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, private insurance, and people who are currently uninsured.

However the Liberals knew that the increase in healthcare premiums and deductibles, for everybody every year since Obamacare was implemented, would not be enough to force everyone into a single payer healthcare system. So at the same time that Obamacare was implemented they implemented the second part of their carefully planned effort to take over healthcare in America. The second part of their plan is to increasingly deny healthcare to patients and increasingly reduce reimbursement to health care providers for services rendered (which will eventually force them out of business).

My conclusion that there is a twofold plan being executed to take over healthcare in America is based on my personal healthcare experiences in recent years, especially this year, plus conversations with friends and health care providers about their healthcare experiences since Obamacare was implemented, and now recent reports that Obamacare premiums will increase as much as 116% in some states January 1. Here are a few examples:

  • I was forced into Medicare when I turned 65 by my private healthcare coverage provider.
  • My Medicare premium, which is deducted from my Social Security check is being “means tested” What that means is that I am charged more than the basic monthly premium each month based on my and my wife’s annual income and it is going up another $40 each month on January 1 (our income has not increased?).
  • I chose to also pay for a second healthcare provider in addition to Medicare to assure I had full coverage. This second coverage provider has changed every year since I signed up for Medicare except this year. I am currently Medicare/United Health Care (UHC) with UHC being the secondary coverage and administrator for my coverage for both plans.
  • My wife’s health care provider has changed every year since Obamacare was implemented except one. She will be forced into Medicare with UHC as a secondary carrier when she turns 65 this month. She got a letter from Medicare yesterday informing her that both of our Medicare premiums will go up $12 a month this month because we file a joint tax return?
  • My wife and I lost our individual, $1,000, preventive care budget on January1 the year after Obamacare was implemented and our deductibles increased (we were not on Obamacare).
  • In September one of my healthcare providers tried to get approval for a critical back procedure for me over the phone. My insurance providers refused to approve it over the phone so I had to wait two weeks, in pain, for the procedure.
  • My health care coverage providers required me to have an extensive evaluation before they would approve any more treatments for my accelerating back problems. I say again, it was a required evaluation. Last week I got a letter from UHC informing me that they were declining to pay for the required extensive evaluation and I was responsible for the total cost of $912.
  • I was scheduled for a new MRI to evaluate my treatment options for my increasing levels of back and hip pain. My health care provider approved the procedure and it was scheduled. Two days after the MRI I got a letter from UHC informing me that the procedure was approved however “ This approval did not guarantee that the plan will pay for the service(s).”
  • Out of my total medical expenses this year (YTD June end) that were billed by my medical care providers (which have been considerable), my combined healthcare coverage paid a total reimbursement of 08% and I had to pay 01% including my up-front deductibles. Some charges were reimbursed at a slightly higher percent, others at a lower percent and some were reimbursed at “.00” %! Note, I just received my September YTD medical care summary and the total reimbursement for medical services billed dropped to .06% with my combined healthcare coverage providers only paying .05% with me being responsible for the other .01% including my upfront deductibles. There were more treatments and procedures reimbursed at .00% in the 3rd quarter than there was in the first six months of the year! Update, just got a notice that one of my healthcare providers filed an appeal and received additional reimbursement for some of my medical care but the total reimbursement is still significantly below what was billed. And as a condition of accepting health care coverage reimbursements the healthcare providers cannot require the patient to pay more than their plan’s deductibles, or other charges their healthcare provider dictates (like the $912 example noted above). They are also requiring so much “red tape” that many healthcare providers cannot comply. Even if you consider some healthcare providers may be overbilling for certain services, no healthcare provider can stay in business with this level of reimbursement.  Especially when you consider the patients who cannot pay their upfront deductibles (I have witnessed this repeatedly while sitting in waiting rooms).
    • > My primary care Doctor sold his practice to the local hospital chain and left the profession.
    • > My eye Doctor stopped treating patients with any combination of Medicare insurance coverage so I have to pay him cash for my annual checkups.

As noted above I am now absolutely certain that the liberal Left is executing their carefully calculated plan to destroy America’s Healthcare system and replace it with their “dream single payer healthcare system”! It is also undeniable that a single payer healthcare system is the centerpiece for Socialism!

Note, the liberal Left referred to here is the Obama Administration since day 1 of his presidency and the Democrats in Congress since January 20, 2006 (when they had a veto proof majority during the last two years of President (43) Bush’s administration.

This election is our last chance to save our Republic!  I am repeating what I said last week. If you voted for Obama and still support Hillary, please look at history! No form of Communism/Socialism (no matter what it was called) has been successful since mankind began recording our history!


As noted above I have been “means tested” since I was forced into the Medicare program when I turned 65 in 2012. My Medicare premium has increased several times over the years even though my income has not increased? According to the Social Security Administration (SSA) the $40 increase noted above on January 1, 2017 is the result of the IRS notifying the SSA that I had TAX FREE income from tax free municipal bonds (I originally invested in them while I was still working years ago). My wife was forced into Medicare when she turned 65 this month (November).

In addition to the two recent SSA letters noted above regarding increases in our Medicare premiums since my wife was forced into the program, on November 25 we both got identical 4 page (printed on both sides) letters from the SSA explaining our Medicare monthly premium status and how it is calculated. The calculation process is referred to as “IRMAA” (income-related monthly adjustment amount).

According to these letters, based on our current joint IRMAA calculations both of our premiums will increase an additional $112.70 on January 1, 2017!

On January 1, 2017 we will be paying more for Medicare than we were paying for a family healthcare plan, that we were very satisfied with prior to me being forced into Medicare in 2012. That coverage was available to us through my wife’s employer provided group coverage plan (she was and still is working). Unfortunately the plan requires people on the plan to sign up for Medicare as their primary coverage when they turn 65.

For those of you who are still “in mourning” over the election, do you really want our healthcare system to continue down this path of destruction!


On November 21 I had an appointment at the spine center for a reevaluation of my options for treatment for my back problems. I had to pay a $95 co-pay since I was seeing a specialist. Based on my latest MRI and recommendation by my orthopedic surgeons (I have permanent, inoperable back problems that are accelerating), I was scheduled for a pain block injection procedure this morning, December 1. Tuesday afternoon the center called to confirm my appointment and that I was fully aware of the pre-procedure prep requirements, “nothing by mouth after midnight, etc”. Yesterday at 3:45 the center called again and informed me that my insurance, UHC/Medicare had informed then that the procedure was not approved and that I needed to come in this morning for another evaluation and  to provide more personal information! The additional information that was needed was information I have provided literally dozens of times already this year to all my medical care providers, including the Spine center every time I have been there this year, including during my appointment on November 21 (so it was already in my current and past records).

I paid another co-pay, answered the same questions again, watched the Doctor’s assistant verify that the information was already in my files (with a somewhat perplexed look on her face) and  was rescheduled for another procedure on December 19th.  So I will spend the next 18 days with Tens unit pads on my hips and lower back for 12 hours a day!

I am beginning to think I am being personally targeted……


The Big Lie, About Obama’s Approval Rating

For some time now I have been hearing about Obama’s approval being at “record highs”. This morning I heard that it was at 58%. I find it odd that very few who report on Obama’s approval rating, including Fox, acknowledge who provided the report and its origin. or dares to publicly question it? This is just one more example of the media being PC. The price for the media to not be pc is simply too high. It is extremely rare for anyone to dare to publicly question anything about Obama personally! I have also noticed that on the rare occasion when people in media do question any Obama  actions they usually preface their comments, or end them with saying how much they admire Obama, or a similar statement. The price to do otherwise is apparently too high in American media.  A perfect example of this is Charles Krauthammer, a regular Fox News contributor. He is a Dr. (Psychiatrist) who has never been intimidated by anything, including being permanently paralyzed from the neck down when he was in medical school. He still graduated with his class with honors, married his long time sweetheart, has children,  drives his own specially built car which he operates entirely with only his fingers on his right hand, has a very accomplished  career as a columnist  and Fox News contributor, and writes bestselling books. In short he is a very successful person and the consummate professional. During Obama’s first term he said that in his professional opinion Obama was a “pathological narcissist”. A few days later he made the public observation that he would not be making a public analysis of anyone again. The firestorm he must have endured to be “cowed” to this point is inconceivable! Note, I actually researched the term “pathological narcissists” and it seemed to me that it was a “text book” diagnosis for Obama.

The Fox report on Obama’s approval ratings this morning was in  the context that he was the first President in history to be the ”star”  in a Presidential campaign when he was not the candidate. On a side note they did report that Obama mentioned himself 207 times in recent campaign speeches including saying that if Trump is elected the Obama legacy will be destroyed!

Anyone who has been interested in history and followed current events at any level over the last few decades, or even in recent years has to be amazed at how biased (corrupt) and arrogant the Main Stream Media (MSM) has become in their reporting and opinion of the “average citizen” in America since Obama became a presidential candidate. The Obama approval rating and how the MSM reports on it, and Obama personally are glaring examples of how Politically Correct (P.C). America has become.

When anyone who supports Hillary is asked a simple question,, “can you name one thing Hillary accomplished as Secretary of State” they cannot  answer the question. The same thing happens when you change it to “her 30 years in public service”. The facts are that she did accomplish a lot, but none of it was good! I believe that history will show that Obama’s record will be SIGNIFICANTLY worse than Hillary’s (unless she is elected President) because he had unlimited opportunity to build a public record during his two terms as President of the United States of America. Unfortunately getting elected President, and reelected, was his only “positive” accomplishment (the first person of color to be elected to be President of the United States of America).

I am absolutely certain that history will show that Obama was the WORSE President in American history. He will leave America in such a weak position in every way that it is doubtful that we can recover! Yet he and his rabid sycophant supporters continue to “scream” about his extraordinary accomplishments? It is still astonishing to me that so many people not only believe this but angrily argue that this is true?  We have clearly reached the epitome in PC politics in America.

I first became aware of how being PC was becoming more noticeable in American politics when I got more involved in politics during the Jimmy Carter years. I noticed that America was becoming more polarized politically and I am sorry to say less patriotic. I was happy and proud to see that this changed to a noticeable positive degree during the Regan years with more Americans being less political and more focused on what was good for America. Political polarization came back with a vengeance during the Clinton Presidency but largely disappeared during President (43) Bush’s presidency when Americans put America first and rallied around the president after 911. However this welcome reduction in being PC and the surge in patriotism only lasted into the first part of President Bush’s second term. Then PC politics began to “rear its ugly head” again, exploded during Obama’s Presidential campaign and went on steroids during his time in the Oval Office. As I studied and wrote about the Obama Administration’s obsession with PC politics it became clear that throughout history there has been a direct correlation between a rise in PC politics and a direct decline in Patriotism.  This is very obvious anytime you are exposed to the MSM in America today.

Obama’s legacy in history will be that his Administration was so obsessed with being PC that his Presidency was an absolute failure in every way. For some time now I have been convinced that the Obama Administration will leave America in such a weak position in every way that it is doubtful that we can recover. I am so convinced of this that I began to research, document and write detailed articles about it earlier this an effort to educate people about what is really happening in America. This will be my 45th article to date and hopefully not my last (depending on the current election results).

I normally do not post articles that have what could be too may distracting links. Consequently I am posting only links to two of my 44 recent articles at the bottom of this article in an effort to make my case that the Obama Administration has been an absolute failure in every way. Equally disappointing is that the Obama Administration and their sycophant supporters, including the MSM literally scream about all the great things this administration has accomplished (ABSOLUTE LIES). One obvious example of the ridiculous lies is, “we are reducing the deficit at the fasted rate in history”! Really!!!???  And I have not seen anyone in the media, except some people on Fox News, call the Obama Administration out on this ridiculous lie?

The first article I linked below is about our national debt exceeding our Gross Domestic Product.(it is not as complicated as it seems. Please read the article). To put this in perspective the only time in history this has happened in America was late in WWII and we lived in an entirely different time then patriotically and politically. Throughout history it has been extremely rare for a country to survive a national debt crisis like this. The Liberals love to “blame it on Bush” and now “blame it on Republicans”: but the facts prove otherwise.

The second article linked  below is about the real unemployment rate in America. The Obama Administration loudly brags about how many jobs it has created and that they have brought unemployment down to 4.9%. Really!!?? The facts prove it is the opposite!

Counting this one, there are now 45 articles posted on my website and on two other public forums that I write for but I think these two adequately explain why America cannot survive a Hillary Presidency.



Obamacare was Designed to Collapse so it Could be Replaced with Government Run Healthcare for Everyone

I have heard people say that the collapse of Obamacare was pre-planned ever since its inception and implementation. However it was only in recent months that I became convinced that this is absolutely true! It is common knowledge that a long time dream of the liberal Left is to replace ALL healthcare in America with a single payer, Government run VA style healthcare program. When a “single payer healthcare system” is established there will NOT be any private healthcare providers or institutions left operating in America. That means that everybody in America will be forced into that single payer plan, including people currently enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, private insurance, and people who are currently uninsured.

However the Liberals knew that the increase in healthcare premiums and deductibles, for everybody every year since Obamacare was implemented, would not be enough to force everyone into a single payer healthcare system. So at the same time that Obamacare was implemented they implemented the second part of their carefully planned effort to take over healthcare in America. The second part of their plan is to increasingly deny healthcare to patients and increasingly reduce reimbursement to health care providers for services rendered (which will eventually force them out of business).

My conclusion that there is a twofold plan being executed to take over healthcare in America is based on my personal healthcare experiences in recent years, especially this year, plus conversations with friends and health care providers about their healthcare experiences since Obamacare was implemented, and now recent reports that Obamacare premiums will increase as much as 116% in some states January 1. Here are a few examples:

  • I was forced into Medicare when I turned 65 by my private healthcare coverage provider.
  • My Medicare premium, which is deducted from my Social Security check is being “means tested” What that means is that I am charged more than the basic monthly premium each month based on my and my wife’s annual income and it is going up another $40 each month on January 1.
  • I chose to also pay for a second healthcare provider in addition to Medicare to assure I had full coverage. This second coverage provider has changed every year since I signed up for Medicare except this year. I am currently Medicare/United Health Care (UHC) with UHC being the secondary coverage and administrator for my coverage for both plans.
  • My wife’s health care provider has changed every year since Obamacare was implemented except one. She will be forced into Medicare with UHC as a secondary carrier when she turns 65 this month. She got a letter from Medicare yesterday informing her that both of our Medicare premiums will go up $12 a month this month because we file a joint tax return?
  • My wife and I lost our individual, $1,000, preventive care budget on January 1 the year after Obamacare was implemented and our deductibles increased (we were not on Obamacare).
  • In September one of my healthcare providers tried to get approval for a critical back procedure for me over the phone. My insurance providers refused to approve it over the phone so I had to wait two weeks, in pain, for the procedure.
  • My health care coverage providers required me to have an extensive evaluation before they would approve any more treatments for my accelerating back problems. I say again, it was a required evaluation. Last week I got a letter from UHC informing me that they were declining to pay for the required extensive evaluation and I was responsible for the total cost of $912.
  • I was scheduled for a new MRI to evaluate my treatment options for my increasing levels of back and hip pain. My health care provider approved the procedure and it was scheduled. Two days after the MRI I got a letter from UHC informing me that the procedure was approved however “ This approval did not guarantee that the plan will pay for the service(s).”
  • Out of my total medical expenses this year (YTD June end) that were billed by my medical care providers (which have been considerable), my combined healthcare coverage paid a total reimbursement of 08% and I had to pay 01% including my up-front deductibles. Some charges were reimbursed at a slightly higher percent, others at a lower percent and some were reimbursed at “.00” %! Note, I just received my September YTD medical care summary and the total reimbursement for medical services billed dropped to .06% with my combined healthcare coverage providers only paying .05% with me being responsible for the other .01% including my upfront deductibles. There were more treatments and procedures reimbursed at .00% in the 3rd quarter than there was in the first six months of the year!  And as a condition of accepting health care coverage reimbursements the healthcare providers cannot require the patient to pay more than their plan’s deductibles, or other charges their healthcare provider dictates (like the $912 example noted above). They are also requiring so much “red tape” that many healthcare providers cannot comply. Even if you consider some healthcare providers may be overbilling for certain services, no healthcare provider can stay in business with this level of reimbursement.  Especially when you consider the patients who cannot pay their upfront deductibles (I have witnessed this repeatedly while sitting in waiting rooms).
    • > My primary care Doctor sold his practice to the local hospital chain and left the profession.
    • > My eye Doctor stopped treating patients with any combination of Medicare insurance coverage so I have to pay him cash for my annual checkups.

As noted above I am now absolutely certain that the liberal Left is executing their carefully calculated plan to destroy America’s Healthcare system and replace it with their “dream single payer healthcare system”! It is also undeniable that a single payer healthcare system is the centerpiece for Socialism!

Note, the liberal Left referred to here is the Obama Administration since day 1 of his presidency and the Democrats in Congress since January 20, 2006 (when they had a veto proof majority during the last two years of President (43) Bush’s administration.

This election is our last chance to save our Republic!  I am repeating what I said last week. If you voted for Obama and still support Hillary, please look at history! No form of Communism/Socialism (no matter what it was called) has been successful since mankind began recording our history!

Obamacare, Just One of Many Reasons Why this Election is Critical

As we get closer to the end of this election more information about the Left’s lies and corruption becomes public every day. These reports include details about rampant voter fraud and intimidation in many areas of the country with the Department of Injustice and Federal Election Commission ignoring the fraud, and actually facilitating it in some instances. Plus there is an endless stream of reports about incompetence, fraud and mismanagement throughout the government including the corruption in the FBI in its deliberate mishandling of Emailgate. With all that is happening and being reported by FOX and other select media, and then being shared on Face Book and twitter, it seems like Obamacare problems and issues are somewhat old news. However, with all that just became public about Obamacare it is obvious that this election will determine if Obamacare is replaced with something better or something worse. “Something worse” is a single payer system, which is government run healthcare like the VA for everyone!

The arrogant indifference to the truth and the rule of law displayed by the Obama Administration and the Democrats in Congress regarding the “Affordable Care Act” inception, approval, implementation and administration has been inconceivable from the beginning. To use an old quote, you would “have to be living under a rock” to have missed hearing the lies and insults to the “average American” made by Obama, Democrats and people like Johnathan Gruber. You would also have to be “living under a rock” to NOT be aware of the stream of illegal Executive Orders that Obama issued during the implementation of Obamacare. Some of the most notable lies/insults were:

  • We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it.
  • If you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor.
  • If you like your health care plan you can keep you health care plan.
  • We are going to bend the cost of health care curve down.
  • Jonathan Gruber said at a conference about Obamacare, “the law was written to hide crucial details from an American public too dumb to understand.…..” (Gruber is the MIT professor who was involved in drafting the original Obamacare plan).

Of course none of these lies, or any of the other lies told over the years are even remotely true. What I and my wife have experienced since the implementation of Obamacare (and we are not even on Obamacare) is the absolute opposite of what was promised, and our experience has been mild compared to what many Americans have experienced. Our Doctor sold his private practice to the local hospital chain and left the profession, we lost our $1,000 annual preventative care allowance, our deductibles have increased, I have had to wait for approvals for certain treatments, it is harder to get appointments with our new primary care Doctor, our premiums have increased, we have been forced to change carriers every year except this year and our Eye Doctor stopped accepting our current coverage so I have to pay him in cash for my annual checkups (I am over 65  so I am Medicare/United Health Care). Regarding my Medicare coverage, my private medical care coverage provider required me to change to it as my primary coverage when I turned 65. My monthly premium for Medicare has been “means tested” (based on our joint annual income) since I signed up for the plan. What that means is that my monthly Medicare premium, which is deducted from my Social Security check, is $66 more than the normal base cost, and it will increase another $40 on January 1. My wife will be forced into the same situation when she turns 65 next Month.

Regarding premium increases, the Obama Administration now acknowledges that in January there will be a “double digit increase” in monthly premiums. When pressed by some members of the media, the Administration said the increases would “average 25 percent”. According to some reports I saw yesterday and this morning, in some states it will be well over 100 per cent, which basically makes it unaffordable for people and families who are not eligible for Government assistance with their premiums.

In addition to the illegal Executive Orders issued by Obama during the implementation of Obamacare let’s not forget the billions of dollars wasted on the development of state exchanges intended to manage Obamacare in each state, which have already failed or are now failing.

Regarding Insurance carriers who are participating in Obamacare and offering coverage in some states as a secondary partner with Medicare, the numbers are steadily declining and choices are constantly changing. As noted above, the insurance carrier that offered coverage for me as a partner with Medicare has changed every year since Obamacare was implemented except this year. This is another thing the Obama Administration continues to lie about.  The Obama Administration recently bragged about thirteen new insurance providers joining Obamacare in January in various states, but did not mention the 83 carriers that are dropping out of the program on January 1.In some states that will leave only one insurance provider in the program.

And one more new lie is that over 20 million people who did not have insurance before Obamacare was implemented now have insurance coverage. The truth is that the number is actually only 13 million and the majority of those are on Medicaid, which is totally Government (tax payer) funded, and many medical care providers will not accept patients who are covered by Medicaid.

And last but not least, does anyone really know how many people are forced to work part time because their employer will not provide health care coverage or cannot afford to provide it?  Or how many people refuse to work overtime or earn extra income because if they do they will lose their Obamacare subsidy? Obamacare is not only destroying our healthcare system it is hurting our economy badly and limiting some working people’s professional growth!

As I have written in past articles, the choice is clear in this election! Like him or not Trump is clearly the only choice if we want to save our Republic. Note to those of you who are supporting Hillary, look at history. No form of “Communism/Socialism” has been successful since the beginning of recorded history….

p.s. The new Democratic talking point is, “The current Obamacare problems are the Republicans fault because they blocked proposed plan fixes” ! Really?


The left Stream Media Bias, Complicity, and Corruption

It has been obvious for many years that most of the media is liberal and left leaning. However it was not until Obama’s first campaign for President that much of the media stopped even pretending that it was actually trying to be unbiased in its “reporting”. This past weekend I saw the most blatant example of media bias I have ever seen. The mass media was so obsessed with the eleven year old Trump tape that I had to turn off my TV and leave it off most of the time from Friday night until Sunday night. It was so bad that even Fox was hard to watch since most of their programming features a split screen with people from the Left and Right “debating”. Over the weekend most of what I heard when I did watch Fox was the people on the Left loudly expressing their fake outrage over the Trump tape.

There were two different things that clearly made the media’s obsession with this ONE tape be undeniable proof that they are seriously biased to the point of being unethical if not criminal. First, obviously the tape is distasteful but what about when you compare it to everything the Clintons have done over the last 40 years! And second it is even more astonishing that while the mass media was frantic in its obsession with the Trump tape, WikiLeaks was steadily releasing hacked emails with some of the most damning information released to date about Hillary, Hillary’s Campaign staff, the Obama Administration, and the Democratic National Committee Regarding the Clinton’s history, I have written a number of detailed articles about their lies, scandals, corruption, and now treason and posted them here on my website.

It was not just the broadcast media that was obsessing about the Trump tape. My internet home page is Yahoo. I use it because the news articles featured on it are from a broad mix of publications which allows me a quick look at what is being, or has been published about current events from a variety of print media sources. Every time I went on line during the time frame noted above the main article that popped up was about Trump and the tape, and several of the articles featured below the main article were also about Trump and the tape. The WikiLeaks releases were being totally ignored here too.

Beginning on Monday some media outlets began to report on the information in the WikiLeaks documents while some continue to ignore them. I strongly suspect that if it was not for FOX, twitter, Facebook and a few public forums like iPatriot we still would know very little about the damning information in the continuing WikiLeaks documents release.

When you add the information in the current WikiLeaks documents about the Clinton’s, the Obama Administration, and their staff and supporters’ corruption to the information in previous documents released by WikiLeaks, Gufficer 2.0, and another anonymous hacker group in Washington, it is undeniable that the “Left Stream Media” has been complicit in the corruption.

Regarding the words “complicit” and “corruption”, I choose to use them here because, by definition that is exactly what has been, and is happening.

Some of the Information in the documents in the current WikiLeaks releases detail:

> How the Clinton campaign, The Democratic National Committee, the Obama Administration, and staff and their supporters (including some in the media) conspired against Bernie Sanders to assure that Hillary was the “anointed one”.

> That Hillary had at least some of the debate questions in advance. Members of the media and journalist (I use the term loosely here) were regularly sharing other confidential information with the Clinton campaign and accepting proposed articles and news report from the Clinton campaign to use as their own! And no one has been fired or even suspended!

> The Obama administration, including Hillary’s State Department was illegally arming rebel groups in Libya working through two allies, Saudi Arabia and Qartar, with the arms winding up being used against us and even going to ISIS and other established terrorist groups (details about this are in an email from Hillary) .This confirms why that CIA safe house was in Benghazi and staffed with ex-Special Forces “contractors”. They were sent there to try and regain control of the arms.

> The Clinton campaign staff constantly strategized about how to make Emailgate disappear. When it became obvious that it was not going to disappear, even with help from the “Left Stream Media” who ignored it or minimized it, they turned to the Department of Injustice to bury it.

> The Clinton campaign staff constantly strategized about how to make Hillary look like a warm and likable people person and to hide her obsession with secrecy and her dislike and disdain for people in general.

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg of information contained in the continuing WikiLeaks document release, and the previous releases noted above, yet it continues to be ignored and/or minimized by the Clinton campaign with help from the “Left Stream Media”. The typical Clinton response to any of it is to deny, deflect, ignore and then lie and lie some more, which works only because they have the support of a compliant and complicit “Left Stream Media”.

Whether or not you like or support Trump, he is our last chance to save our Republic on November 8!


Voter Fraud, Voter Intimidation and Vote Manipulation

The Liberals on the Left loudly insist that voter fraud does not exist and if it does the number of instances is so miniscule that it cannot influence elections in anyway. That claim by the Left is simply not true. In fact there are so many ways that the voting process can be manipulated that the potential to influence elections is significant. This is especially true when, under the Obama Administration the FEC, IRS, DOJ and every other Federal agency, and some state and local governments and departments actually have an open ”Mission Statement” to influence elections in every way that they can. The DOJ, known as the Department of Injustice during the Obama Administration, not only refuses to prevent voter fraud and vote manipulation, it facilitates it when it benefits the Left. In fact under Eric Holder the Department of Injustice ”policy” regarding voter fraud and voter intimidation became, “there is no such thing as voter intimidation or voter fraud if it is against white people”.  A former DOJ career attorney, J Christian Adams documents this in his book, “Injustice”. Here is one quote from the book, “Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of many DOJ attorneys, DOJ officials have repeatedly chosen not to enforce the law faithfully – and often deliberately take the side of the wrongdoers –in corrupt displays of racial and political favoritism”. A perfect example of this was Eric Holder throwing out the voter intimidation convictions of the Black Panthers in Philadelphia during the 2008 election. They stood outside the door of a polling place in full Black Panther uniform and banged “night sticks” on the side walk while yelling, ‘you ain’t voting here today if you are not voting for Obama”. Their actions were videotaped and a career civil rights attorney who witnessed it said it was the most blatant case of voter intimidation he had ever seen. As I watched the video replayed on the news I saw elderly black people reduced to tears it upset them so much. The results of  Eric Holder throwing out the Black Panther convictions was an increase in the number of open voter intimidation activities being  reported in a number of states in the 2010, 2012, and 2014 state and national elections, with no follow up by the Department of Injustice.

The IRS illegal targeting of conservative groups prior to the 2012 election was so massive that it clearly influenced the election in Obama’s favor. Over three hundred conservative groups (that we know about) were prevented from operating. No organizing, no fund raising, no activity at all. In fact some of the individuals trying to organize a group were harassed individually. One person had their personal tax returns and their business tax returns audited (Federal and state), their business was “inspected” by OSHA, and the BATF audited their business (they had a patent to make a part of a gun but never made one). The woman working to organize the group somehow got a copy of a letter Elijah Cummings sent to the IRS urging them to take action against these groups and filed an Abuse of Power complaint against him, which went NOWHERE!

Unfortunately, as with Fast and Furious and Emailgate, IRS records were openly and illegally destroyed, people lied under oath, people refused to testify before Congress, people refused to produce records, and Obama issued illegal executive orders and then  the Department of Injustice ruled that no one should be prosecuted.

Regarding the illegal IRS targeting of conservative groups, one of the key individuals involved, Lois Lerner originally worked at the Federal Election Commission where it has been documented that she actively worked to illegally influence tight elections between Republicans and Democrats.

Another way the Department of Injustice works to influence elections is its constant efforts to prevent states from requiring ID to register to vote or vote. The Department of Injustice also works constantly to prevent states from purging their voter rolls. As a result some voting precincts have more registered voters than actual eligible voters living in the precinct. It has also been documented that many people are actively registered to vote in more than one precinct. I am absolutely convinced that the only reason to be opposed to voter ID and allowing states to maintain current and accurate voter rolls is a desire to allow voter fraud.

Regarding Voter ID, only 31 states require some form of voter ID. That leaves 19 states and Washington, DC that do not require voter ID. In some of these states you can register and vote the same day! When you can register to vote on line or by mail, and then vote without ID there is clearly a potential for voter fraud.  Recently there were three cases of documented voter fraud. One was in Richmond Virginia where a voter registration office employee noticed a new registration for a dead person that she knew personally. After further investigation it was discovered that 21 fraudulent voter registrations were submitted by a local college voter registration group.  Another was the Washington mall shooter, who was a legal resident but not a U.S citizen. He voted in the last three elections. Washington State uses the honor system to register and vote. Another was the Indiana police raiding the offices of a voter registration group and finding hundreds of fraudulent voter registrations in nine counties.

Another way the Obama Administration influences elections is through legal (?) immigration. People who meet certain requirements such as investing a minimum amount of money in a U.S business that creates or maintains a minimum number of jobs are given a pathway to citizenship for themselves, their spouse and children under 18. The Obama administration has been very aggressive and “loose” with this program Want to guess who these people vote for?

And we also recently saw how the Department of Homeland Security “erroneously” gave over 1900 immigrants (that we know about) citizenship when they were tagged to be deported! Want to guess who they will vote for?

Terry McAuliffe, a Clinton insider and current Governor of Virginia  signed an executive order restoring the voting rights to over 200,000 convicted felons but a federal judge ruled the order illegal. Terry quickly issued a new order. Want to guess who the majority of these people will vote for?

And then we have the Supreme Court’s “Citizens United” decision, which is now the Left’s favorite thing to be furious about.  This decision allowed both sides equal access to certain forms of campaign money. Before this ruling the Left had the support of corrupt union money and happily accepted money from anyone including people like George Soros’ unlimited money. Now they are furious that the Supreme Court ruled that it was free speech for corporations to have  the same ability to be involved in elections as corrupt unions do and an opportunity to legally compete with illegal dollars being poured into elections for the Left (George Soros, etc.).

All you have to do is a goggle search to see what I just wrote about and to see that the Left is absolutely lying to us about illegally influencing elections. Some people believe, and I am one of them, that Romney would have been elected if the IRS had not illegally targeted the conservative groups before the 2012 election. The numbers do not lie.

I firmly believe this Presidential election is our last chance to save America!




!st 2016 Presidential Debate (Also Known as Candy Crowley Times Four)

If you are not familiar with the “Candy Crowley” controversy she was the CNN moderator during the second 2012 Presidential debate between Mitt Romney and Obama. During the debate it was obvious that she was part of a preplanned effort to make Mitt Romney look bad regarding one of his statements about Obama refusing to refer to the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans as a terrorist attack. When Romney brought this up during the debate Obama, with a smirk on his face asked Candy to read back what he said after the attack in a white House press conference. She “just happened” to have a piece of paper on her moderator desk that was supposed to be a copy of exactly what Obama said at that press conference about Benghazi. It was not exactly what Obama said but was so carefully altered that you really had to be paying attention to notice it. Consequently it did accomplish their goal of making Mitt Romney look stupid. I was actually watching the debate and when that happened two things instantly came to mind. One was that I wondered how Candy just happened to have that piece of paper on her moderator desk and the other was that what she read was not exactly what Obama said about the Benghazi attack in that press conference (I watched that press conference too). Unfortunately for Candy some people in the media saw the same things I did and began to publicly ask questions after the debate, which resulted in Candy, a career CNN journalist being forced to resign ”to pursue other interest”. Please note that I use the term “journalist” loosely when referring to people who work at CNN.

Sharyl Attkisson is one of the journalists who exposed Candy Crowley’s involvement in the manipulation of the 2012 debate. She has also written about how the “main stream media” was involved in the cover up of Benghazi and a lot more corrupt and criminal activities committed by the Obama Administration in her book, “Stonewalled”. The book details how she went from being a nonpartisan, award winning journalist to being forced to walk away from her career at CBS under questionable circumstances. Prior to leaving CBS Sharyl  experienced attempts to set her up as a criminal with planted evidence on hacked computers, tapped phones and various other specifically orchestrated efforts to destroy her life because she “would not go along with the rest of the media” regarding reporting on the Obama Administration’s activities. Please note that CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes who is Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications. Ben is one of Obama’s inner circle and was a key player in the writing of the White House Benghazi “talking points” (it was a protest because of an internet video).

Candy Crowley’s actions while moderating the 2012 debate are why the recent Hilary Trump debate is being informally referred to as “Candy Crowley Times Four”. In addition to interrupting Trump repeatedly in a controversial tone, versus rarely interrupting Hillary, Lester Holt asked Trump questions and then interrupted, and literally debated him in a confrontational manner on four specific issues. It was obvious that Holt was following a preplanned agenda to make Trump look bad and Hillary look good:

  • Holt asked Trump about his previous position regarding the Obama birther issue. Trump has acknowledged this was no longer an issue in his mind. When Trump answered the question Holt made repeated efforts to demonize him on the issue.
  • Holt questioned Trump about the status of his tax returns and would not accept any of Trumps replies.
  • Holt argued with Trump about his support of the Iraq war and literally called him a liar repeatedly. Based on Sean Hannity’s , and other people’s public confirmations that Trump did not support the Iraq war Holt was incorrect
  • Holt questioned Trump’s position on “Stop and Frisk”, argued with Trump about it and insisted that “Stop and Frisk” is unconstitutional (it is NOT and has dramatically reduced murders and other crimes where it was used properly).

Holt also failed to ask Hillary any questions about Emailgate, Benghazi, or The Clinton Foundation. He compounded his favorable treatment of Hillary when he did not ask her any follow up questions when she repeated her original lie about using one devise for convenience when Trump brought up Emailgate.

When you consider the facts detailed above and the Obama Administration’s history of lies, manipulation of facts and corruption, with the support of the “main stream media”, it is pretty easy to see why so many people are questioning Holt’s moderation of this debate.

There was also the appearance that Hillary’s campaign had the debate questions well in advance. Both campaigns and the public knew what the debate topics would be in advance but not the specific questions. It seemed clear to me, and a lot of other people, who watched the debate that Hillary’s answers to every question were too quick and too perfect. Historically this has not been typical of her public responses to questions.

The unethical and maybe illegal moderation of this debate was actually not a surprise to me based on the Obama Administration’s history of corruption and the “main stream media’s” history of obsessively supporting the Obama Administration. I am so looking forward to the third and final debate, which is moderated by Chris Wallace and then Election Day!

The Clinton’s Treason

Treason is defined in Section 3 of Article 3 of our Constitution. It says, “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

Some people say using the word “treason” to describe the Clinton’s activities is too harsh. When you look at many of the things the Clintons have done, all for money and power, I do not think that it is inappropriate to use that word. It should also be noted that everything they have done was coldly calculated and in most cases deliberately hidden and lied about when necessary to keep it covered up.

Remember Hillary’s brief press conference at the U.N in 2015 when the fact that she had a secret, illegal server became public?  She said that she chose to use one devise for all her communications, work and personal for “convenience”! Let me repeat that, “one devise for convenience “. We now know that she used multiple private, illegal servers, and as many as 13 cell phones, Blackberrys and IPads (that we know about). There was also at least one note book PC, and thumb drive memory devises with her communications on them, plus various devises that some of her staff used.

To make matters worse all her servers and electronic devises were set up and maintained by a variety of people who did not have a security clearance at even the lowest level! To put it in the simplest of terms, she deliberately chose to expose State Department communications for four years for MONEY, lots of MONEY, all funneled through the Clinton Foundation and Clinton bank accounts. One example is the State Department, while she was Secretary of State, approved the sale of U.S. uranium stock to Frank Giustra, a Canadian billionaire, who resold it to a Russian business interest. While this was happening Bill Clinton traveled around the world with Giustra to give very highly paid speeches. At other times Bill was given the use of Giustra’s private jet to travel to other countries to give highly paid speeches. Giustra was also a huge contributor to the Clinton Foundation.

The Clintons, who supposedly left the White House “dead broke”, now have an estimated net worth of one to two hundred million dollars and the Clinton Foundation is estimated to have taken in around two billion dollars. No one knows for sure because of the “sloppy and incomplete” reporting of the Clinton Foundation.

Regarding the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work, no credible non-partisan charity rating organization will rate the foundation because of the “sloppy and inaccurate” reporting noted above and the minuscule amount of its income that actually goes to charity. One detailed analysis published recently indicated that in 2014 as little as six per cent of the Foundation’s income actually went to charitable organizations and most of that went to organizations the Clintons controlled. Most of the Clinton Foundation money goes to “administration” which means it goes to support the Clinton lifestyle and to their relatives and supporters in the form of bloated salaries, benefits and expenses.

While Hillary was Secretary of State she had two electronic devises destroyed, many others are not accounted for, and then she had tens of thousands of U.S. Government communications destroyed (after they were subpoenaed multiple times). Also I do not recall anyone saying what happened to her original, secret, illegal server? So how could she say that she “chose to use one devise for all her communications as a matter of convenience”?

It is absolutely undeniable that she coldly, deliberately and constantly put sensitive U.S information at risk of exposure to our enemies for FOUR YEARS for MONEY, LOTS of MONEY. When you consider the facts that no one really knows where all her State Department communications are today or who may have them, sensitive U.S information is still at risk today! And the corrupt Obama Administration continues to protect her!

And now we have Hillary openly accusing Trump of being the equivalent of an ISIS officer and giving “aid and comfort” to ISIS based on his rhetoric?

It is inconceivable to me that Hillary is not in Federal prison along with a lot of her staff, and even more inconceivable that she is one of the two top candidates for President of the United States of America! I ask again, how did we get to this place in America?

Emailgate is Now a Word

My last article was about Hillary’s lies, scandals, and crimes. It was my intent to write a simple factual case that could be used to ask Hillary supporters how they can continue to support her. The FBI “document dump” last Friday gave new meaning to the term Emailgate and provides a lot more facts that can be used to ask Hillary supporters, “why?”.

Unfortunately for Hillary the Washington habit of releasing potentially damaging information on a Friday before a holiday weekend did not have the desired effect this time. Questions about the FBI’s obviously deliberate mishandling of Hillary’s interview and the entire investigation have been in the news since the Friday afternoon document release and are getting louder by the hour. When you add the information in the recent WikiLeaks documents to the information released on Friday even some of the media that has been soft on Hillary and her supporters are beginning to ask more pointed questions.

When you look at everything that has happened with Emailgate it seems obvious to me that the Clintons and Department of Injustice were determined to make it look like the issue was a “non- event”. When it became obvious that was not possible then their fall back plan was to convince the American public that it was nothing more than a simple case of bad judgement. Remember when the news about her SERVER became public and how Hillary explained it? She gave a brief press conference at the U.N. and said she “chose to use one devise for all her communications as a matter of convenience”. We now know that she used thirteen different Blackberrys and cell phones, and five IPads (none were issued by the State Department and all are unaccounted for except for two that were supposedly destroyed with a hammer by an aide). All this is bad enough but it was not just multiple devises that she blatantly lied about publicly, the devises were being used to communicate through a private SERVER! Plus a notebook PC and thumb drive containing all of Hillary’s communications was “allegedly” mailed to the FBI but “disappeared” in transit.

The way the FBI handled this investigation has proven that the Department of Injustice, under Obama’s direct orders, made sure that no one would be prosecuted for anything related to Emailgate or the Clinton Foundation. No Grand Jury was convened to review the evidence, Hillary’s one interview was NOT recorded (only handwritten notes from the agents who interviewed her) and she was not under oath. Hillary’s attorneys told the FBI that she would not agree to be interviewed if she was sworn in or the interview was recorded, and the FBI apparently agreed to that! Every former FBI agent, former FBI manager, one former FBI Director and other legal experts (like Judge Nap) that I have seen interviewed about the FBI’s handling of this investigation said every aspect of it was in violation of standard FBI  investigative procedures.

Bleach Bit was used to destroy thousands of documents by a technician at the company maintaining her server(s) (with no security clearance) after a conference call with Hillary’s attorneys, after the records were subpoenaed! The excuse given was that the technician was supposed to have done it before the subpoena was issued but he forgot to do it.

At the Candidate Forum on Wednesday, August 7 with Matt Lauer, Hillary angrily replied to an Emailgate question from a retired Naval Intelligence Officer. Her reply was a combination of some of her previous blatant lies and some new ones. She said that all classified documents have a header that clearly identifies them as classified, she did not send or receive any classified documents on her private system, she used an entirely different system for classified documents, and lots of people in Washington used her system or one like it.

During Hillary’s FBI interview she told the agents conducting the interview a “variety” of lies indicating that she did not understand classified document markings and did not recall any classified document training. On at least two occasions since them, talking to the press on her new campaign jet and at the Forum on the 7th, she  clearly contradicted those lies.

One of the best analyses of Emailgate that I have heard was from a commentator who compared Emailgate to Watergate. He said that he was a teenager when Watergate happened but remembers it well and is amazed at how different Hillary is being treated. Watergate was about 18 and ½ minutes of tape recordings of a phone call with President Nixon in the Oval office that were erased. This caused the President to resign, be charged with a crime (he was pardoned by the new President) and put a man in the White House who had never run for the office of President or Vice president, Gerald Ford.

How can Hillary be one of the top two candidates to be the President of the United States of America? THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING IN AMERICA!


Hillary’s Lies, Scandals and Crimes, a Partial List

As noted above, this is just a partial list (in no particular order) of Hillary’s “documented” lies, scandals and crimes. The reason for compiling and posting this list is so I could have a basis for asking her supporters, “How can you, in good conscious support her”? I understand why people like John Podesto, her campaign chairman support her. He is as corrupt as the Clintons. With him, and everyone in the Clinton orbit, nothing matters but money and power, and none of them will ever have enough of either. None of these people possesses even a “grain” of ethics or integrity or give a “tinkers damn” about America as long as they keep getting more money and power. John Podesto is a prime example of “Clinton people”.  He has been a key Clinton associate since Bill first ran for President. He is a partner, with his brother in a very influential and expensive Washington lobbyist firm with international clients, like a giant Russian financial institution. The Clintons are masters at surrounding themselves with people like John.  As noted earlier I do understand how people like John so devoutly support Hillary, but I do not understand how so many people who do not appear to be like John support her?

Hillary became a disciple of Saul Alinsky during her college years.

Hillary was fired from her first job after law school, working for the Watergate Special Prosecutor, for lying and evidence tampering. She should have been charged with a federal crime and disbarred.

Hillary’s Rose law firm files that were critical to the White Water investigation disappeared.

While she was in Arkansas Hillary made an extraordinary profit on a one time cattle futures trade. $5,000 became $490,000 in a short period of time.

After coming to Washington as the First Lady the White House security staff quickly learned that Hillary had an irrational and explosive temper. For many years now getting assigned to her security detail has been considered a form of punishment.

Travelgate was an irrational and illegal Hillary disaster.

Hillary stole expensive artifacts and furniture when they moved out of the White House.

Hillary sought and got an eight million dollar book advance just prior to being sworn in as a Senator.

After losing to Obama, another Saul Alinsky disciple in 2008, Hillary cut a deal with Obama to be appointed Secretary of State for four years and then be his replacement in 2016. And then the lies, scandals and corruption suddenly soared to extraordinary new levels!

When she was appointed Secretary of State Hillary continued to surround herself with totally unethical sycophants at every level. Many with other approved jobs with questionable companies or organizations, while drawing State Department pay checks.

Hillary did NOT appoint an Inspector General for the State Department while she was Secretary of State.

After being sworn in Hillary signed all the required forms regarding State Department communication security requirements and allegedly attended the required training before being issued her required security clearances.

Hillary used State Department funds to buy, and used some state department staff to set up her illegal server(s). But the State department claims it would not approve such an arrangement and had no knowledge that it existed.

Hillary appointed an unqualified big donor to a sensitive committee. He had to resign immediately when this became public information.

Obama has been described by people qualified to make the declaration as a text book pathological narcissists.  I did not think it possible but Hillary is worse than Obama including when she was under oath! There are literally tens of thousands of photos and videos available on-line documenting this. For example, when it became public knowledge that Hilary was using a private server she held a brief press conference at the U.N. and said that she choose to use just one devise for all her communications for convenience. She actually used multiple devises and multiple servers with many different people and companies involved (many without the proper security clearance).

Hillary’s attorneys and their staff had (have?) possession of all of Hillary’s communications without the necessary security clearances or facility security (the State Department actually issued them an approved safe when this became public knowledge).

Hillary’s attorneys used software known as “bleach bit” to permanently destroy tens of thousands of Hillary’s State Department communications.

The same lawyers are representing all of Hillary’s staff that are being questioned about Hillary’s servers and State Department dealings. This is a very unusual and unorthodox arrangement that clearly implies that their answers to questions are being carefully choreographed.

Hillary claimed that they were “dead broke” when they left the White House but after she left the State Department they are worth over one hundred million dollars (no one knows for sure because of their lack of accurate reporting). Much of the money came from questionable business dealings and foreign governments.

The Clinton foundation has taken in over two billion dollars (no one knows for sure how much because of their lack of accurate reporting). Much of the money came from questionable business dealings and foreign governments.

Nonpartisan charitable rating organizations will not rate the Clinton Foundation due to their lack of accurate reporting but estimate only 10 percent of money taken in went to actual charitable work.

When Hillary was Secretary of State the Department worked with the Department of Homeland Security to close active investigations into Muslin groups here in America with possible ties to terror groups outside the U.S. Multiple retired Government agents have stated that these investigations could have possibly prevented  San Bernardino or Orlando. Remember that Hillary’s top aide since she was the First lady is Huma Abedin, a member of CAIR and other Muslin organizations.

Hillary’s State Department calendar is incomplete and missing information regarding meetings with big donors to the Clinton Foundation.

While Hillary was Secretary of State she sought secret information about the E.U planned bailout of Greece when her son-in-law’s hedge fund invested heavily in Greece.

During the Democratic primary election Hillary conspired with the DNC to rig the election against Bernie.

Hillary and the DNC staff coordinated anti-Trump protests.

Hillary obstructed Boko Haram’s designation as a terrorist group while Foundation donors cashed in on the situation

In 2010 Hillary outsourced 5 million dollars in new stemware purchases for the U.S. Embassies to a Swedish manufacturer using a small D.C. shop instead of using Stueben Glassworks in Corning N.Y.

Benghazi. What can anyone say that has not already been said by the survivors? If you have not watched the Benghazi movie yet you should! It is available at any retail store that sells DVDs and through most on-line movie streaming services.

If you have not watched the documentary “Clinton Cash” you should! .It is available free on

And, “I do not recall, I do not remember, I cannot remember, it is all because I had a concussion in 2012 causing me to lose my memory about all these things”.  This was the only way for her to avoid prosecution for literally thousands of Federal crimes, and she wants to be President!

I repeat this is only a partial list. I have written a number of detailed articles about the Clintons. They are posted on my website

As I have written in past articles, I firmly believe that America has been so weakened by the Obama Administration that we cannot survive four years with Hillary as President.

REMINDER! The next President could choose replacements for 3 to 5 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices!!!!!!!!!!!









Turmoil in the Democratic National Committee and the New American Revolition

Late in the week, before the Democratic National Convention, WikiLeaks released copies of hacked Democratic National Committee emails reconfirming that key Committee staff members actively worked to assure Hillary was the Democrat nominee (isn’t attempting to rig an election a Federal crime?). Due to the size of the document release analyst believe more damaging information will be discovered over the next few days.

The day before “day one” of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), disaster strikes as information about the Democratic National Committee’s activities become  “news” with some media. Turmoil erupts inside and outside the convention hall. The number of protesters increase and they become loud outside the convention hall and Debbie Wasserman Shultz is pressured to resign as Democratic National Committee chair. She agrees to resign after the convention and will only officially open and close the convention. Hillary blames the problems on Russian hackers, ignoring the criminal actions of the Democratic National Committee staff. Hillary also claims in a TV interview that she had no knowledge of the Committee staff’s efforts to rig the primary election for her. Hillary publicly announces her support for Shultz and then doubles down by announcing that she has hired Shultz to be co-chair of her national campaign.

Two new polls show Trump taking a noticeable lead over Hillary.

Day one, before the convention opens, the protests get bigger and louder outside the convention hall and Shultz is booed off the stage at a breakfast meeting with her home state delegation! Shultz is forced to totally withdraw from any role in the convention. Clinton campaign spokesman attempts to ”spin” the committee staffers actions in TV interviews by only talking about the alleged source of the released emails being Russian. WikiLeaks announces it will release more hacked emails before the general election, including some from Hillary’s PRIVATE SERVER! The protest outside the convention hall get bigger and louder by the hour and the Democrats doing interviews inside the convention hall continue to “foolishly” ignore the turmoil all around them while trying to “spin” what a great convention theirs will be, as opposed to how bad the Republican convention was. Classic example was Juan Williams on the “Five” loudly declaring how “disastrous” the RNC was. For many years now I have been constantly amazed at how resolute the people speaking for the Democrats are at sticking to the Democratic talking points for the day. It does not appear that everyone is buying the “spin”, including some of the media that usually goes out of their way to support Hillary. The Democratic National Committee is totally silent. The DNC attempts to officially open with loud shouting matches happening between various factions. Some speakers, like Senator Warren were booed and heckled as they spoke. It looks like it is going to be a rough week for Hillary and the Democrats, especially the Democrats supporting Hillary.

Day two of the DNC starts off like day one. Bernie and Hillary supporters engage in another shouting match at a breakfast meeting and the protestors outside are still active and loud. The fence around the convention center has to be reinforced due to protestors climbing it. Bernie supporters still refuse to endorse Hillary and are still trying to replace her. Even though Hillary gave BLM representatives speaking slots at the DNC a BLM protest march is happening outside the convention hall with a “Hillary Delete Yourself” banner carried in the front row of marchers. Newly released emails show that Shultz’s replacement, Donna Brazile  (one of the most racially divisive women to ever sit before a TV camera, for years on the Sunday morning show “Georgia Gang”)  was also critical of Bernie. Hillary is officially “coronated”. A large number of Bernie supporters leave the convention hall and join the protestors outside the hall. BLM protest outside the convention hall are also getting bigger and louder. A BLM protest leader orders all white people to the back of the group and says, “This is a black and brown movement”. Bernie supporters burn an American flag outside the convention hall. Geraldo Rivera is surrounded, verbally abused, doused with water from behind and physically removed from a BLM protest by a very large black man. I still do not see any American flags in the convention hall? The Democrats and main stream media still claim that the “RNC was a disaster”.

Day 3 at the DNC. Trump holds a morning press conference ,no prepared notes, no questions off limits in Miami. During the press conference he challenges the media to get Hillary to do a press conference. She has not held a press conference since December 2015, and that one was scripted and controlled. He also made a joke about Russia finding Hillary’s missing 30,000 emails. To quote Charles Krauthammer this was a neat trap that the Hillary campaign immediately fell into, followed immediately by most of the “main stream” media. They foolishly continued to try and “spin” the allegation that it was the Russians who hacked the systems, while trying to ignore what was in the released documents. And then they really “took the Trump bait” and began to accuse Trump of creating a national security issue by encouraging a foreign power to hack into systems that had sensitive documents in them (confirming that Hillary improperly stored and transmitted sensitive national security documents?).

Apparently the DNC has now been publicly called out enough on the internet to force them to put two American flags in the convention hall. New reports say that the Democratic National Committee staff that tried to rig the election for Hillary violated campaign finance laws. Jill Stein visits the DNC and talks to Bernie supporters (Her party will influence the General Election). More leaked emails and voice mail recordings confirm that the DNC controlled access to Obama, Hillary and other top Democrats based on how much money donors raised/donated. Pepper spray is used on protestors trying to scale the convention hall fence. Protestors use bolt cutters to force access to a secure area inside the fence with some being arrested by the Secret Service. A protestor stomping on a burning U.S. flag catches their clothes on fire and is burned bad enough to require hospitalization. There is still no mention of ISIS. Complaints from residents in the convention hall area about, noise, trash, vandalism, illegal camping, nudity and other crud behavior by the protestors are increasing daily.

Nancy Pelosi makes her ridiculous “GGG” (God Guns and Gays) statement on live TV and repeats it again later that afternoon. She said that the reason Hillary has a problem with the white male vote is because, “uneducated white males in America vote against their own economic good because of their feelings about “God, Guns and Gays”.

Leon Pennetta’s speech backfires while he tries to promote Hillary’s ability to handle all the problems in the world. As he goes through a long list of war torn countries and unstable governments it becomes obvious that Obama’s foreign policies have created a very unstable world, with Hillary’s help for four of his eight years. At one point some state delegations interrupted him with loud chants, “no more wars”.

Bill Clinton almost frantically tried to portray Hillary as the most qualified, successful and accomplished person in history, plus being on a level of care and giving to people that is above and beyond Mother Teresa’s. I wondered what he would do if anyone ask him the simple question that no one else has been able to answer yet, “can you name one positive thing she actually accomplished during her four years as Secretary of State?’.

Bloomberg’s speech is a total Trump attack.

Joe Biden’s entire speech was a Trump attack that should have been beneath the office of Vice President of the United States of America.

When Tim Kaine opened his VP acceptance speech with a “shout out” to his son who just deployed with the Maries the audience was shockingly unresponsive. He used most of the rest of his speech to attack Trump.

Obama repeated what Bill said about Hillary’s extraordinary qualifications and accomplishments, then repeatedly patted himself on the back as he listed each of his administrations remarkable accomplishments (which were not true)  and then spent the rest of his speech making ridiculous claims about Trump.

Day 4 of the DNC begins with Rudy Giuliani reporting that uniformed police officers were not allowed inside the convention hall during the convention. This was so unbelievable to him that he spent the last two days investigating and confirming that it was indeed a convention rule. This is textbook Hillary. Just ask any Secret Service agent and they will tell you that getting assigned to Hillary’s detail is actually a form of punishment.

Regarding the uniformed officer ban inside  the convention hall, I wrote in one of my articles recently about Hillary changing her position on major issues more often than she changes her pants suits. The night after Giuliani and Fox made the uniformed officer convention hall ban public a woman uniformed officer came to the podium to call for a moment of silence for slain officers. Immediately, during the moment of silence people in the audience began to yell “black lives matter”.

Jesse Waters attempted to interview Convention attendees about their position on “Sanctuary Cites” and “Kate’s Law”.  Their behavior and responses were despicable, even though they knew they were on camera.

The high point of day 4 seemed to be Lanny Davis popping up in front of any TV camera or microphone he could find to tell anyone who would listen about how he has known Hillary since law school and what a great, warm, kind, loving, giving person she really is. With all the attack Trump speeches (some of which were actually sophomoric) and Lanny’s last minute efforts to humanize Hillary, it appears that they are worried about her electability.

Clearly the final analysis of this DNC shows that it was undeniably un-patriotic, anti-military, anti-police, with an attack Trump and Republicans theme. It can only be described as unethical and worse, un-American! This convention did not bring the Democratic Party together, much less America.

As noted above Hillary changes her positions on issues more often than she changes her pants suits. “Presto” on the last night of the convention, just before Hillary’s acceptance speech, U.S. Flags, chants of U.S.A., a hero soldiers Muslin parents and a retired Four Star General endorsing Hillary appear at the convention (some in the audience attempted to shout down the General and the veterans on stage with him by chanting, “no more wars”).

Based on what is happening in the Democratic Party, the continued existence of some “never Trump” Republicans, the disenchanted Independents and the surprising number of “New” voters all confirm a rising level of anger in America and a willingness to express it. Turmoil in the U.S. electorate is definitely growing.

History has proven repeatedly that when the level of anger in a population reaches a certain point the population “revolts”. It appears that the “revolution” we are beginning to see will not be a “quiet” one. For many months now, everywhere I go I hear people talk, at times loudly and angrily, about politics. Places like the Gym, Dr. and hospital waiting rooms, the place where the locals stop in the morning for a cup of coffee and a biscuit and at other retail businesses. There has always been some level of political discussion in public places but I have never seen it at this level and certainly not as polarized. Many of these people are unshakable in their beliefs and a surprising number, of all ages insist they are going to vote for the first time in their lives (the blue collar males in this group and their spouse/family members are overwhelmingly Trump supporters). Hopefully this “Revolution” will not involve guns, but I am not sure that will be the case based on the level of anger and volatility I am seeing and hearing every day.

Regarding polls, for many years I have noticed that they have not been accurate. I believe there are two reasons for this. One is that some pollsters deliberately skew the results in an effort to influence an election. The second and main reason they are not accurate is the increasing lack of a reliable list of people to be polled who accurately reflect the voters. This is the result of the rapidly increasing number of voters who no longer have a telephone land line. They use cell phones and many of them use the phones to screen their calls to avoid telemarketers (and pollsters). An increasing number of these people also refuse to join groups like political parties or give out their phone number. There is also an increasing number of people who will not acknowledge who they are supporting politically, or will lie about it to avoid controversy, a risk of being ridiculed by family or friends or possibly being black listed at work. Consequently polls today are a good indicator of trends but they do not accurately predict results. Trump is a good example of this. He got more votes in the Republican primary than any Republican candidate in history, even with 16 qualified opponents initially, some of them staying in the race until late in the primary process, yet the polls have consistently shown him to be losing to Hillary.

When I look at everything that happened this week I am even more convinced that Trump will be President, maybe by a vote in the U.S. House like I wrote about last week. Regardless of what Bernie, Gary Johnson, or Jill Stein do the election will come down to Hillary or Trump and Hillary cannot be President! America is on its last step into Socialism/Communism and there is no doubt that Hillary will take us there. I wrote about this here: In November vote and, like him or not, vote for Trump!

Together Obama, Hillary, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are going to put Trump in the Whitehouse

As with most Democratic societies America basically has a two party political system. Other parties have participated in our national elections from time to time with minimal effect in most cases. Ross Perot was a rare exception to this situation when he took more votes from President Bush (41) than he did from Clinton.

All indications now are that candidates for parties other than the Democrat and Republican parties will have an even bigger effect on this election than Ross Perot did in his run for President in 1992. The current levels of divisiveness, turmoil and anger in America are so high that we will probably see Presidential candidates from the Libertarian and Green Party prevent the Democrat and Republican party candidates from getting 270 Electoral College votes, so the President will not be chosen during the general election. The Obama Administration has deliberately brought us to this place in America with his “Divide and Destroy” strategy for “fundamentally changing America”. I covered the Obama “divide and destroy” strategy in detail in my article last week.

Since Hillary became the pre-ordained Democratic Party candidate the levels of divisiveness, turmoil, and anger in America have increased. She is one of the most divisive candidates in history. On an almost daily basis I hear or read reports of her saying things that are simply not true, and in some instances are irrational. As an example a recent video she made to be played at a meeting of hard Left Progressives. In the video Hillary said that in her first 30 days in office she will issue executive orders and use Government agencies to limit money in politics, which is unconstitutional.  She will also propose a Constitutional Amendment to limit money in politics (apparently she does not even understand how you amend our Constitution). I have followed her political career over the years and I have been amazed every time I heard someone say something like, “yes I know she cannot be trusted” or, “yes I know she is a bad person”, “but I am still going to vote for her”. Or even worse when I hear people angrily deny that she is a liar or cannot be trusted. I detailed how Hillary’s behavior has been questionable during her entire adult life in a recent article.

I am even more amazed that the two leading candidates for President of the United States of America, Hillary and Trump both have unbelievably high ”unfavorable” ratings.   This simply does not make sense on the Republican side since we started with a field of 17 candidates with many of them being highly qualified Presidential candidates. Like Hillary, many people see Trump as a divisive candidate. His emergence as the Republican Party nominee has also fueled an increase in the levels of divisiveness, turmoil and anger in America. However, as I watched Trump in recent weeks and now at the RNC, I am getting much more comfortable with him being president, especially as I see the people he seems to be relying on for advice and support. Recently I heard someone say, “Trump cannot be a micro-manager when you consider how large and widespread his business interests are”. That made a lot of sense to me and reinforced my interest in seeing who he appoints to key positons in his administration. I am especially interested in seeing who he appoints as Attorney General! I am sure it will be someone like Chris Christy and I am so looking forward to seeing the criminal ideologues that have turned the DOJ into the “Department of Injustice” leave the Department like rats deserting a sinking ship. The DOJ and the Supreme Court are key reasons why Hilary cannot be President!

Regarding the RNC, the choice of speakers, and their passion on the first day was outstanding! There were several times when the camera scanned the audience and I saw a lot of people with tears in their eyes, and I must admit there was a time or two when I felt emotional, especially when Sean Smith’s mother was at the podium.

The second night of the RNC carried the convention theme to the next level. Trump sailed to an easy victory in the final nominating process, Chris Christy reinforced my hope that he is the next Attorney General and Donald Trump Jr. sounded a lot like a successful future President. As I have watched all of Trump’s adult children during the campaign I have been very impressed at the poise and grace they all have in public and what a close knit family they are. That tells me a lot about the real and private Donald Trump.

Night 3 at the RNC. Patriotism is alive and well in America!  Laura Ingram NAILED IT!  Single mother of three adopted kids and successful. Her story is working class blue collar to success in America if you are willing to be ethical and work for it. Attempted flag burner (communist party member) arrested for attempting to “incite a riot”! Yea for the Cleveland police and all the law enforcement agencies that are helping them!!!!!!!! What an amazing job they have done!

Great closing night! Great convention!  This convention was a perfect example of how professional business people do things. Great job by the city of Cleveland, especially their Law Enforcement people! Let’s see if the DNC and Philadelphia can match it?

With Hillary and Trump being the Democrat and Republican nominees, and Bernie (an avowed Socialist) almost being the Democrat nominee, it opens up the possibility for Gary Johnson and Jill Stein to have an impact on the Presidential election process. Note: Johnson publicly acknowledges that he regularly smokes pot and Stein is even more “deranged” than Bernie

Gary Johnson’s record as Governor of New Mexico is mixed. He had some success and some failure over his 8 years in office. He has been totally unsuccessful in his past presidential efforts. However he is a favorite of many Millennials. Millennials are loosely defined as being between the ages of 18 and 34 and are now the largest segment of the U.S. population. I recently had a conversation with a young man who is intelligent, highly educated and has a good job and work history. He does not advocate “free stuff” and he strongly supports Gary Johnson. He even went so far as to say that if Johnson is not elected he is going to give up on politics! I think he is one example of how diverse Millennials can be. This diversity is one of the reasons that I believe Johnson and Stein will have a major effect on this election. Johnson is currently polling high enough to almost earn a spot in the Presidential debates and is slowly moving up. Getting a spot in the debates would dramatically increase his strength in the general election.

Jill Stein is the “Green Party” candidate. As noted earlier she is even more “deranged” than Bernie. Here is the opening statement of her “Power to the People Plan”, which is posted on the party website. The details of this plan are posted on that website below the opening statement. They are frightening and irrational.

“My Power to the People Plan creates deep system change, moving from the greed and exploitation of corporate capitalism to a human-centered economy that puts people, planet and peace over profit.

It offers direct answers to the economic, social, and ecological crises brought on by both corporate political parties. And it empowers the American people to fix our broken political system and make real the promise of democracy.

This plan will end unemployment and poverty; avert climate catastrophe; build a sustainable, just economy; and recognize the dignity and human rights of everyone in our society and our world. The power to create this new world is not in our hopes, it’s not in our dreams – it’s in our hands.”

Her plan reminds me of the “UN Agenda 21” plan for “One World Order” (recently renamed “New world Order”). Unfortunately it looks like many of the “free stuff Bernie” voters will move over to support her. She even issued a statement saying that she would step aside if Bernie would take her place on the Green Party ticket, which he declined, I expect grudgingly. If enough Bernie supporters and Hollywood environmentalist move over to support her she also could earn a spot on the Presidential debate stage, which would dramatically increase her standing in the general election.

If the diverse Millennials split their votes among the four candidates, like it appears they will, it will prevent Hillary and Trump from getting 270 Electoral College votes, which will send the Presidential and Vice Presidential election to the U.S.Congress.

We just got two more reasons why most Bernie supporters will support candidates other than Hillary or simply not vote. The reasons are her selection of Kaine as her running mate and the latest wikileaks document release. Kaine is an “establishment” Democrat with strong ties to Wall Street and the new wikileaks documents reconfirm that the DNC  rigged the Democrat primary for Hillary. Bernie supporters are planning to protest at the DNC this week.

This brings us to the Electoral College, what it is and why we have it. It is a process, not a place. The Founding Fathers were faced with an unworkable situation regarding electing a President and Vice President. At the time of the Constitutional Convention America had 13 large and small states spread over an area from the top of the Eastern sea coast to the bottom, with an estimated population of 4,000,000. There were very little means of transportation or communication between the states. There were also no national political parties and political campaigning on a national level was not even in anyone’s thought process at the time. The Electoral College was created during the Constitutional Convention in 1787 to overcome these problems. The electoral votes were also “weighted” so the smaller state’s desires were not constantly overwhelmed by the larger states. The Electoral College process was amended by the 12th Amendment in 1804 to make it more workable with the rise of national political parties. Many people question why the Electoral College exist today and would prefer a simple popular vote process for electing our President and Vice President. It would take another Constitutional Amendment to make this change, which will not happen in today’s political environment. So to be elected President in America a candidate must earn enough popular votes, especially in  key states, to earn 270 Electoral College votes.

If no Candidate earns 270 Electoral College votes, the U. S. House of Representatives will elect the President and the U.S. Senate elects the Vice president.

The US House of Representatives chooses the President with each state having only one vote (the representatives do not get an individual vote). The House will consider only the three candidates who got the most votes in the general election.

The US Senate chooses the Vice President with each Senator casting a single vote for one of the two candidates who got the most votes.

Regardless of what happens to the House and Senate in this General Election the Constitutionally required time period for them to choose the President and Vice President means it will be the current Republican House and Senate that elect the President and Vice President. Trump will be President and Pence will be Vice President.

Remember, the next President will choose replacements for 3 to 5 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices! That will determine what America will be like for future generations.