836,000 New Manufacturing Jobs Have Been Created in America Since President Trump Was Sworn In!

Facts like 836,000 new manufacturing jobs being created in America in 19 months are why the Democrats, RINO Republicans and MSM are so frantically trying to destroy the Trump Presidency. No matter how hard they try they cannot continue to hide or twist the truth about all the good things happening in America since Trump won the Presidential election in November 2016! Their new strategy appears to be an attempt to literally flood the internet and the air waves with half-truths and outright lies to the point that voters do not know what to believe. Add this to the astonishing level of criminal activity the Clinton and Obama holdovers in every Federal agency are still allowed to get away with and you have a political environment where it appears that it is impossible for the Trump Administration to survive, much less be successful in his commitment to “Make America Great Again”. However, the Democrats, RINO Republicans and MSM have never had to try and deal with a total “non-politician” like President Trump who has an absolutely inflexible strategy, “WHEN THEY HIT ME I IMMEDIATELY HIT BACK HARDER”.

I have been following politics and current events for over 40 years and I have never seen a time where so many people hated the President, his staff and supporters so vehemently!  Merriam Webster definition of vehement: marked by forceful energy, intensely emotional, deeply felt, forcibly expressed, bitterly antagonistic

I believe that what President Trump calls “fake news” is really that and worse in many instances. It is half-truths, out-right lies and even open criminal behavior. Unfortunately it appears that half-truths,  out-right lies and open criminal behavior became the norm in the “Washington Cesspool” a long time ago and is so deeply entrenched that it looks like it cannot be rooted out, EXCEPT WITH SOMEONE LIKE PRESIDENT TRUMP, THE AMAZING PEOPLE HE CONTINUALLY SURROUNDS HIMSELF WITH, AND HIS LOYAL SUPPORTERS. The Trump Presidency is the “Washington Cesspool’s worst nightmare!

Here are just two examples of how the truth is being twisted. Nancy Pelosi said, “For every dollar paid in unemployment two are added to the economy” and Salon.com published an article titled, “U.S. Housing Sales are Slowing Down Which is a Bad Sign for the U.S. Economy”.

If you want to read facts about how corrupt the “Washington Cesspool” is and has been, there are two new books that were released recently. One is “The Russia Hoax” by FOX NEWS legal analysist Gregg Jarett. It is a long and detailed book that documents the thousands of times Hillary and her staff flippantly violated Federal Laws and the dozens of top level government agency people who repeatedly broke federal laws to cover up her blatant criminality. He also documents in detail how many laws some of these same people broke to create the fake Russia Trump campaign Investigation. Some of these people are still in top government jobs (Rod Rosenstein). Others are making a lot of money off of book sales or high paying jobs in the MSM or other liberal organizations. None of them are in jail, or even being charged with crimes! The second book is, “Liars, Leakers and Liberals” by Judge Jeanine Pirro. In it she also documents an inconceivable level of long running corruption and cover ups in the “Washington Cesspool”. One fascinating bit of information that she documents is that a number of honest professionals that specialize in internet security in several of the intelligence agencies SEPARATELY came to the same conclusion. It was that the DNC hack was an inside job based on the speed at which the hack was completed. According to these honest professionals the hack was a download to another devise, not an internet hack. I remember the rumor (that was quickly buried by the MSM) that the hack was the work of a young Bernie Sanders supporter who was furious that the DNC openly rigged the primary for Hillary. As I recall there was another brief story about a young man who was a Bernie Sanders supporter and an IT specialist who was shot in the back of the head in a convenience store parking lot late one night with no signs of it being a robbery attempt? The crime is still unsolved to this day.

Every day it becomes more obvious that the occupants of the “Washington Cesspool” will say or do anything in their desperate attempts to save themselves.

I firmly believe that the difference in “America Becoming Great Again” or being destroyed and forced into “The One World Order” the Left is so obsessed with creating, will be decided at the ballot box on November 6, 2018! Stand up, stay active and support our Constitution, our freedom and our conservative values on that day!

The Democratic Party is Not Democratic!

Recently I noticed an alarming trend happening in American current events. The only way I know to describe it is that the better things get in America economically, the more Un-American the Democrats become.

Some of the good news:

  • We are seeing a significant improvement in the U.S. GDP growth rate. We need a steady 3% annual GDP growth rate for America to be sound financially. The Obama Administration did not achieve this any year during his eight years in office. Our GDP growth rate has steadily improved since President Trump was sworn in. It is now approaching 4% and some well-known economist are predicting that we may actually see an unheard of 5%!
  • Our unemployment rate is less than 4%, with record levels of employment in our minority populations. And this is without the Trump Administration “cooking the books” like the Obama Administration did. The Obama Administration actually declared that the unemployment rate dropped during a month when there were virtually no new jobs created. In fact the growth in our economy is so strong now that many companies have jobs that they cannot fill. Many of these companies are running radio ads on major market radio stations announcing job fairs at their company locations with “on the spot job offers” and signing bonuses.

The Democrats all claim that good news like this is in spite of Trump Administration policies and actions. They claim that this is a result of “Obama’s sound economic policies during his eight years in office”. And they do this while staring into the camera with a look of angry indignation. They clearly want America to fail so they can push their openly Un-American agenda.

Instead of working to make things better in America the Democrats are increasing their efforts to “fundamentally change America”. Here are some recent examples of Democratic anti-American actions:

  • A senior member of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives, Joe Crowly lost his primary bid, by a wide margin, to an unknown 28 year old Latina activist who is a “Democratic Socialist”. Her work history is a bartender, waitress, and community organizer. She also worked on the Bernie Sanders campaign and ran on a platform that includes guaranteed jobs for everyone, housing is a human right, single payer (government) healthcare, abolish ICE, and open borders.
  • The New York Times ran a long op-ed column that declared that President Trump is a “professional racist who is waging war on our cosmopolitan culture”. I do not recall ever reading anything that was so vile, nasty, and totally disgusting, especially on any major media!
  • The Department of Homeland Security had to inform all its personnel to take special precautions anytime they are outside their workplace. They were told to make sure the windows and doors in their homes are locked and not to let anyone know where they work. This was the result of several senior staff members being harassed in public by angry mobs and in some instances at their homes. One even found the burnt and decapitated body of an animal on his front porch! This is part of the written warning the Department issued to all its employees: “This assessment is based on specific and credible threats that have been made against certain DHS employees – although the veracity of each threat varies,” Clare M. Grady said, “In addition, over the last few days, thousands of employees have had their personally identifiable information publically released on social media”.
  • Representative Maxine Waters held a rally in California screaming that all Trump Administration officials be harassed and verbally assaulted anywhere they go. As a result of this, and an increase in the level of public anger being demonstrated by other Democrats toward Republicans, the number of Republicans who are being verbally assaulted publicly by angry mobs has suddenly increased dramatically. Sarah Sanders and her family, including her small children, were asked to leave a restaurant on Friday night and then the owner of the restaurant followed them across the street and yelled for a mob to form to verbally harass them when they entered another restaurant. Pam Bondi, the AG in Florida and a Republican who campaigned for President Trump, was verbally assaulted by a mob when she tried to enter a movie theater. These are just two of the many organized public verbal assaults of known Republicans that have happened in recent days.
  • Supreme Court Justices Kagan and Sotomayer were literally furious about the two 5 to 4 decisions by the court this week that upheld the Trump travel ban and prevented unions from forcing non-union members to pay “fees” to the unions that were used for political purposes that the non-members did not agree with. This type of hatred for everything “conservative” is really going to ramp up now with another Supreme Court Justice announcing his retirement, which means President Trump gets to name another conservative Judge. Of course the Democrats will do everything imaginable to stop this.
  • Two more FBI officials were identified in the recent IG report that had open hatred for the Trump campaign and bias for the Hillary campaign. One was part of the team that “interviewed” Hillary! They also had numerous damning text messages on their FBI issued cell phones! But no bias was found regarding the Hillary investigation or the Muller investigation?

Clearly the Democrats are inciting “mob rule” tactics.

The only way for us to combat this frightening trend toward “mob rule” is to stand up and support conservative Republicans in every election where we are eligible to vote!

The Left Has Shifted Into “Desperation Mode” as it Frantically Tries to Save Itself

The “Desperation Mode” is obvious every time I turn on the TV or open up my internet. Everything that I see and hear convinces me that the Democrats, RINO Republicans and the MSM are willing to say and do anything as they desperately try to destroy the Trump Presidency. They are obviously aware that the November 6, 2018 elections could be THE ELECTIONS that will determine the future of America, and the rest of the world!

Here are a few examples of how irrational and openly dishonest the “Washington Cesspool” and their supporters have become:

  • A 79 year old man who said he was a Holocaust survivor made a public statement that “America under Trump feels like Berlin in 1929 and 1930”. When I did the math I noted that this man was not born until nine or ten years after 1929 or 1930? I wonder how this man could describe how Berlin felt in those years as if he had personally experienced it. In spite of this obvious “discrepancy” three different media outlets published articles quoting this man! In addition to the “discrepancy” the quote itself was not only reprehensible, it could not be more WRONG! The Trump Administration is reducing regulations at a record pace, which is the opposite of what a Communist/Socialist administration would be doing.
  • The Democrats, with the eager assistance of the MSM and the “Obamaites” still embedded in every government agency, are determined to convince everyone in America that the recent tax cuts will bankrupt America by the end of 2019. They are using this message to try to convince voters to come to the polls on November 6 and vote them into control of Congress so they can repeal the tax cuts. Again they are WRONG! The American economy is getting stronger every month which means more companies and people will be paying more taxes, which will increase federal revenue even with lower tax rates.
  • The Democrats and the MSM are literally flooding the air waves and internet with “expert analysis” of how many seats the Republicans are going to lose on November 6 in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. The obvious goal of this effort is to totally drown out anyone who does not believe that is going to happen.
  • When I opened my internet browser this morning one of the top articles in my feed was about the “Republicans have given up on keeping a majority in the House on November 6 and are focusing all their money and efforts on trying to keep control of the Senate”. This is way out there even for the MSM. This is obviously another desperate effort to try and influence voter turnout on November 6.
  • The Democrats, with the help of the MSM are loudly talking about their plans to impeach President Trump as soon as they take over Congress in January. This is in spite of the fact that there has NOT been a single shred of evidence produced by anyone to confirm any Trump campaign Russia collusion. If there was any actual collusion I am certain there would have been some evidence of it made public by now!

If you look at and listen to what is actually happening in America the “Washington Cesspool” has good reason to be worried about its future. Here is what is really happening:

  • The American economy is getting better every month as a result of the Trump Administration’s actions.
  • Other countries are responding positively to President Trump’s effort to make America stronger. North Korea is willing to at least talk about its nukes, South Korea agreed to a new trade agreement that is more favorable to America and even China and Mexico have indicated they will work with America on some better trade deals, just to name a few.
  • The Democratic Party is tearing itself apart from within! There is a four day conference in Washington this week. The attendees call themselves the “Resistance Warriors”. They are all hard left, devoted Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren supporters. Their platform calls for single payer (government) healthcare, $15 minimum wage, Tuition free college, national Pre K for all children and other total Socialist programs.

If the Democrats do get control of Congress on November 6 America as we have known it will cease to exist. We must not sit down and be quite. We must make our voices heard and vote in every election, especially on November 6, 2018!

Will the Left’s “Blind Obsession” With Power Destroy Them, Or All of Us?

People having a ”blind obsession” with power is not a new phenomenon. This obsession has existed as long as mankind has existed, and will continue to exist as long as mankind does. It also exists in nature in the form of survival of the fittest. In nature it is a good thing. In mankind it can be a good thing but the majority of the time it is not.

In the “Washington Cesspool” we have two different and very visible “blind obsessions” with power. One is all the people who are obsessed with becoming President of the United States of America. The other is all the people who are obsessed with amassing personal power in positions other than being President of The United States of America. All these people will say or do anything to achieve their goals even if it is the opposite of what they said or did in the past, at times in front of TV cameras. Unfortunately all these people are being fully supported by the RINO Republicans and the MSM. The Democrats, RINO Republicans and the MSM all have one thing in common. They see President Trump and his supporters as the primary obstacle to achieving their personal goals and are united in their obsession with destroying the Trump Presidency, at any cost.

Here are a few examples:

  • Senator Schumer has never expressed any interest in being President but he is clearly obsessed with having total control of the Senate.
  • Senator Booker is obsessed with being President. He sees himself as the next Obama and his position in the Senate as a temporary next step to becoming President.
  • RINO Kasich had a great resume for being President, until he ran for President and his true “colors” were revealed. He is a self-possessed ego manic who cannot be trusted in any way. He is still attacking President Trump and talking about a third party run in 2020 which could easily turn the election over to the Democrats.
  • Senator Kamala Harris sees herself as the first female Obama and her position in the Senate as a temporary next step to becoming President.
  • Congresswoman Pelosi has shown no interest in running for President but is obsessed with having absolute power over the U.S. House of Representatives again. This would put her in line to becoming President. Remember Gerald Ford.
  • Assistant A.G. Rosenstein, an Obama holdover, appointed Mueller to head up the “Russia investigation” and is in charge of the investigation. He is also the person who called the White House recently to inform them that the DOJ was not ready to approve the security clearances necessary for White House staff like Jared Kushner to do their jobs! Trump has been President for over thirteen months, plus the transition time from his election in November until he was sworn in. Based on past administrations, especially Obama’s, these delays in approving security clearances are inconceivable!
  • Rahm Emanuel, the Mayor of Chicago and former Obama Chief of Staff, has begun issuing I.D. cards to illegals that can also be used to register to vote!
  • Oakland California Mayor, Libby Schaaf publicly warned Illegals about planned ICE raids. She said that she “was protecting local residents”. The planned raids were targeting Illegals who had committed crimes other than being here illegally! REMEMBER KATE STEINLE! California issues drivers licenses to illegals, which allows them to vote. This adds millions to the voter rolls, with almost all of them voting Democrat. That is the real reason she and other people like her do what they do. Remember Hillary’s popular vote margin in California. It was more than her total national popular vote margin!

History has proven that people having a “blind obsession” with power will ultimately destroy many people’s lives. Look at the ancient Greeks and Romans! I see frightening similarities to what happened to them happening in America today!

As noted above the Left will say and do anything for power and are obsessed with gaining more on November 6, 2018. WE CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN!  I am absolutely convinced that if they do gain power like they had during the Obama Administration they will never give it up again.



The Left is so Afraid of President Trump’s Success, That They Have Become Completely “Unhinged”!

During the Obama Administration it became obvious that the Left had developed an open disdain, and in some instances open hatred for anything Conservative or Patriotic American. The Left also made it clear that they thought they were invincible  and would never be held accountable regardless of what they did. And then November 8, 2016 happened and their fantasy world began to collapse! And on January 20, 2017 their worst nightmare happened!

Over the last eleven months the Left has gone from public displays of utter disbelief, to refusal to accept the facts, to working at destroying the Trump Presidency and even trying to get the election results decertified, all to no avail. Now it seems that all they can actually do is get on social media or in front of any TV camera they can find and make fools of themselves openly lying to the American public. This is happening because the  Main Stream Media is equally obsessed with the Left’s desires to destroy America and make America be part of some mythical “One World Order”

Every time I turn on the news, even FOX, I see Democrats who are part of the Washington Cesspool loudly and angrily arguing that they are right and everything Trump, including his supporters are saying and doing is absolutely wrong. They appear to be completely convinced that everything they say is true, even though in many instances what they are saying does not even make sense. .And, thanks to the MSM they are also completely convinced that they have a large base of supporters who totally believe them.

Over the last few weeks the MSM and the Democrats in Washington have been perfect examples of how “”unhinged “the Left has become. There has been a constant stream of angry Democrats in Washington getting TV camera time to loudly insist that they will take back the Federal Government with huge majorities on November 6, 2018, and will immediately Impeach President Trump. The MSM is only too happy to help spread this “pipe dream”

Based on everything I see happening in America today I am increasingly confident that the opposite of the Democrat’s dream is going to happen. America is going to be GREAT AGAIN and the Democratic Party is going to go deeper down into its death spiral. It is amazing how many things can change in eleven months!

The Democrat’s, RINO Republican’s, and MSM’s Obsession with the Alleged Trump Russia, Collusion, is “Backfiring” Loudly Against Them!

After almost two years of intense scrutiny not a single bit of evidence has been found that proves there was any collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign regarding our 2016 Presidential election. In fact the opposite is true!  More evidence is being uncovered that it was the Democrats and “Never Trumpers” who “meddled” in the election with the enthusiastic support of the Main Stream Media. There is also more evidence emerging that indicates that the Clintons openly engaged in criminal activity (probably actually treason) when she was Obama’s Secretary of State, in exchange for huge amounts of illegal money from Russians! Her actions were approved by Eric Holder and the Obama White House and even “buried” to keep the American people from knowing about it.

Here are a few examples of the “Backfiring”:

  • It was recently revealed that Samantha Powers, Obama’s U.N. Ambassador, requested the “unmasking” of an extraordinary number of Trump campaign and transition staff members. During an extended period of time she averaged more than one request per day! This is not just unethical it is ILLEGAL! When questioned about it recently before a Congressional committee she denied making that many request and at one point in her testimony she even suggested someone else must have done a lot of those request using her name. She is the wife of Ezekiel Emanuel, who is the brother of Rahm Emanuel. Ezekiel was a co-author of Obamacare. He is a strong advocate of “Single Payer” (Government healthcare) with “death panels”.
  • Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Advisor also requested the “unmasking” of an unprecedented number of Trump campaign and transition staff members. When originally asked about this on camera she loudly denied it, which proved to be an outright lie. She is scheduled to testify about this before Congress in the near future. She was also the “public face” of the Obama and Clinton Benghazi cover up, which ultimately prevented Obama from appointing her to the U.N. Ambassador position that went to Samantha Powers.  .
  • A “consulting firm”, Fusion GPS, whose primary partner is a former British MI6 agent, was hired to build a file that would prove that president Trump has deep Russia connections and colluded with the Russians to get elected President. To date Fusion GPS has not produced any actual evidence of President Trump, his campaign or transition staff colluding with the Russians. As of last week Fusion GPS was refusing to testify before Congressional committees or provide any information regarding who funded their activities!
  • The FBI suddenly found that documents about the infamous Clinton and Lynch tarmac meeting do actually exist and has agreed to turn them over to Judicial Watch in response to a FOIA request.
  • The Podesta Group, an international consulting company with extensive ties to Russian companies dating back several years, is now part of Special Prosecutor Muller’s “Russia Meddling” investigation. Initial indications are that the Podesta Group was not properly registered with the Federal Government, which was required for them to legally represent foreign entities in the U.S. John Podesta, Hillary’s Presidential campaign chairman was an active partner in the Podesta Group until he became Hillary’s campaign Chairman. At that time he “removed himself” from his “position”: with the organization.
  • The Clinton Uranium deal while she was Secretary of State is also the focus of new Congressional investigation. I am sure the investigation will become, if it is not already, a significant part of Special Prosecutor Muller’s “Russia Meddling” investigation. There has been a lot written about this over the last few months, including in several of the articles I have published. Hillary has loudly denied it happened including in an on camera interview on October. However the evidence is over whelming that it happened in exchange for huge sums of money being directed to the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton from Russian companies with direct connections to the Russian government. New information ties Eric Holder into the deal and now Loretta Lynch who helped silence a whistle blower with first-hand knowledge of the deal. And now even the ultraliberal New York Times is reporting that the deal happened and the uranium is illegally leaving the U.S. It has also come to light that Muller, who was the Director of the FBI at the time, had an open investigation into the deal that was ultimately buried by the Obama Administration. I am confident that more of the Main Stream Media will be treating this as “front page” news soon!


As noted earlier, after almost two years no one has been able to produce any credible evidence against the Trump campaign or transition staff indicating any collusion with Russia involving the Presidential election. However the evidence indicating Democratic Russia connections is starting to PILE UP!

President Trump is Decisively Dealing With America’s Problems!

Pesident Trump is taking bold and LEGAL action to solve many of America’s long running problems in spite of a worthless Congress. Trump’s actions are forcing our self-centered and “do nothing” Congress to take legal action to deal with these things like they were supposed to do originally. In addition to Congress President Trump is also working against a totally dishonest Main Stream Media that is obsessed with helping destroy the Trump Presidency.

He rescinded Obama’s illegal DACA order that Congress has not bothered to fix.  The recension gives Congress six months to solve the problem legally. With the clear understanding that Congress is going to have to negotiate with him or he will veto whatever they send to his desk.

He rescinded Obama’s illegal Obamacare subsidies, which Congress did not agree to or do legally. Congress still has a short window to repeal and replace Obamacare with something that could actually work for the American people.

He signed an Executive Order directing the insurance regulatory agencies to remove any regulations that prevented people or groups from buying insurance across state lines. The order also directed the regulatory agencies to allow individuals to form groups, or join existing groups so they could buy insurance at lower group rates and to allow individuals to buy lower priced insurance plans that did not require people to buy coverage they did not need, like single males being required to buy coverage that had maternity benefits.

He refused to re-certify the ridiculous Iran Nuclear Deal. This effectively throws it back into Congress’ lap to try and make it better for America and the rest of the free world.

He and his Administration have dealt quickly and decisively with multiple disastrous hurricanes, multiple disastrous California wild fires and the worse mass murder in modern U.S. history.

He has met, and positively influenced, more world leaders in his first few months in office than Obama did in his eight years in office. Many world leaders are beginning to respect America again, and in many cases actually work with us to solve some of the world’s problems. This is happening in spite of the Democrat’s and RINO Republican’s rants to the contrary, the Main Stream Media’s obsession with dishonest reporting and fake news, and Obama “holdover’s” who are continuing their efforts to sabotage the Trump Presidency.

Nine months after President Trump was sworn in the ISIS capital of Raqqa was taken by a U.S. backed coalition of fighting forces!  It is amazing what is being accomplished with a change in the Commander in Chief, new battle tested military Commanders with the authority to make the decisions necessary to accomplish their objectives, and a change in the “Rules of Engagement”!

President Trump is accomplishing all this and more in spite of the fact that many of his chosen appointees, to various top positions in his administration, are being deliberately delayed by the Senate. This is another way that President Trump has exhibited his Senior Executive and Manager skills. He simply appointed qualified people to “acting positions” and watched the results to assure that they are doing the jobs well.

This is only a sample of what an amazing job President Trump is doing in spite of an unbelievable number of road blocks being constantly thrown out in front of him by the America hating “Never Trumpers”. This is a classic example of the difference between a highly qualified, skilled and successful MANAGER (President Trump) compared to an incompetent loser who constantly surrounds himself with incompetent sycophants and fails at everything (Obama). I wrote a detailed article about this in April and posted it here:  http://www.onlymakessense.com/business-management-101-trump-versus-obama-what-is-the-difference-between-successful-business-managers-and-incompetent-looser-managers/



The Washington Cesspool is Now Totally Dysfunctional and Combative!

How I defined the “Washington Cesspool”:

The “Washington Cesspool” is huge! It includes the Democrats, RINO Republicans, Main Stream Media, self-appointed members of the “Washington Elite”, most of the Washington career bureaucrats, and many federal employees. In fact the “Cesspool” has become so big it literally drowns out any one outside the cesspool who attempts to “call out” any of its members for anything they do or question anything any of its members says.

Tom Fitton, President of “Judicial Watch” calls it the “Deep State” and describes it as “legions of political appointees, career civil servants, and powerful private contractors who run the government no matter who is in the Oval Office. No matter which political party controls Congress. And, no matter what is the will of the American people. No matter who is in power they exert control. Oftentimes the liberal media effectively operates as the propaganda arm for the “Deep State”.

Regardless of what you call it, the “Swamp”, “Washington Cesspool”, or “Deep State” it is obvious that its inhabitants are becoming more obsessed with destroying the Trump Presidency by any means necessary!

Here are just a few recent examples:

  • Nancy Pelosi publicly threatened to shut the Federal government down if President Trump continues to insist that a border wall be part of immigration reform. Senator Schumer immediately agreed with her.
  • During a speech about U.S. foreign policy at a New York think tank “Crazy Uncle” Joe Biden praised members of the audience as being leaders of U.S. foreign policy in the past, while bashing the Trump Presidency’s foreign policy decisions and actions, and even called the Trump foreign policy
  • Practically all of Obama’s political appointees were “rubber stamped” immediately by the Democrats and RINO Republicans in the senate. But after nine months in office President Trump still has many unfilled positions, even with a Republican majority in the senate!
  • Republican Senator Bob Corker made very demeaning public statements about President Trump.
  • Congress is spending millions of dollars and thousands of hours keeping the alleged Russian Trump campaign collusion investigation going, with the Main Stream Media’s eager assistance. Democrats and RINO Republicans continue to hold hearings and press conferences about this even though there has not been any actual evidence of Russian meddling in the election uncovered. This continues to happen while they have much more pressing issues like tax reform, the Federal budget, immigration reform, and Obamacare that really need to be worked on.
  • Congressman Al Green is planning to introduce legislation, with co-sponsors, to impeach President Trump.
  • Clinton and Obama “holdovers” in every government agency continue to violate laws, including acts of treason, on a daily basis in an organized effort to sabotage the Trump Presidency. Tom Fitton calls these people the “Obama Shadow Government”. Many of these people were actively involved in ILLEGALLY spying on the Trump Campaign and illegally releasing selected bits of information. INITIALLY THIS WAS A CAREFULLY COORDINATED EFFORT TO TRY AND INFLUENCE THE ELECTION. After the election they continued to spy on the Trump Transition Team and then the new Trump Presidency and illegally release bits of information in an ongoing effort to destroy the Trump Presidency.

As noted these are just a few examples of how far the “Never Trumpers” are willing to go to destroy the Trump Presidency. These people must be “called out” as the traitors that they are, and where ever possible replaced with patriotic Americans!

The “Cesspool” has been growing steadily for decades so draining it is going to be a long slow process. However, I am confident that President Trump, Attorney General Sessions and the President’s Cabinet Secretaries will steadily chip away at it over time.



Is Congress so Broken That It Cannot Be Fixed?

All indications are that the answer to that question is YES, but we are about to find out for sure.

Here are just a few of the things Congress must get done, many of them this month:

  • Hurricane Harvey relief
  • Probably hurricane Irma relief
  • Re-approve the FAA
  • Raise the federal debt ceiling
  • Renew CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program)
  • Approve a Federal budget.
  • Solve the DACA issue/Immigration Reform.
  • Fix or replace Obamacare
  • Pass comprehensive tax reform
  • Pass an infrastructure bill
  • Fix the budget cuts forced on the military, homeland security, and the VA by the 2011 Budget Control Bill (Sequestration)

When the Democrats held the majority position in both Houses of Congress and had Obama in the White House for two years, all they accomplished was to pass a badly flawed healthcare bill. In fact Obamacare was so flawed that Obama had to illegally modify it repeatedly with executive orders. When the Democrats lost the majority position in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010 Harry Reid used his leadership position in the Senate to block practically every bill the House passed for the next four years. When the Republicans got a Senate majority position in 2014 Obama vetoed any bills that got to his desk that he or the Democrats did not like, which was just about all bills passed by the Republican controlled Congress. While Harry Reid blocked and Obama vetoed, Obama continued to “rule” America by executive order.

From 2010 through 2016 the Democrats and the Main Stream Media (MSM) constantly blamed a totally dysfunctional Federal Government on “Republican obstruction” when most Republicans were just refusing to support Congressional, Federal agency, and White House actions that they truly believed were not good for America. Now that the Republicans hold a majority in both Houses of Congress and a Republican is President many Democrats are publicly saying that they will refuse to support any Republican proposals regardless of what they are, but I am not hearing the MSM calling them “obstructionist”?

With some Republicans being RINOs (Republican in name only), especially in the Senate, I do not believe the level of dysfunction that exist in Washington today will change until 2019 (after the November 2018 elections). The “Washington Cesspool” has become too self-serving and too “tone deaf” to recognize what is happening in Middle America now. It is going to take another Conservative Patriotic turnout at the ballot boxes in Middle America in November 2018 to begin to empty the “Cesspool”.



Obama and the Democrat’s Legacy After Obama’s Eight Years in the White House!

This is obviously not a complete list of America’s current problems but it is indicative of the depth of problems America is facing after eight years of Democratic control of the White House:

The absolute destruction of the American healthcare system, to the point it may be unsalvageable. The new Democratic proposal to fix it is to replace it with a “single payer” healthcare system. If you want to know how a “single payer” healthcare system works take a look our VA healthcare system and the recent baby Gard case in England. Instituting a “single payer” healthcare system would require a huge expansion of our Federal Government bureaucracy, which would create another massive “transfer of power” to the “Washington Cesspool”.

The final transition of the Democratic Party to an anti-American Socialist party being led by self-centered ego maniacs who refuse to acknowledge what happened to their party in recent elections (they now have less Democrats in elected state and national positions than they have had in almost 100 years). And they continue to obsess with overturning the November 2016 election and putting Hillary and Kaine in the White House!

A totally corrupt, anti-American and dysfunctional Democratic National Committee.

The final death throes of American media that actually reported news. We now have a Main Stream Media (MSM) that loudly obsesses with “fake news” based on un-named sources or obviously fabricated lies. These are recent examples of what we get from the MSM:

  • A widely circulated article that claimed General Kelly called Comey and threatened to resign his position as head of Homeland Security because of Comey’s firing. If you look at any of General Kelly’s long career you will see that he would NEVER take any action like this. This “article” was allegedly based on two un-named sources.
  • CNN host Fareed Zakaria did an on camera analysis of the 2016 Presidential election that can only be described as arrogant and elitist. He actually said that Trump was elected by angry, white, blue collar men who were opposed to the growing influence of women and people of color in American politics!
  • A report that Donald Jr’s written description of his meeting with the Russians last year was dictated by President Trump, while he was on Air Force One returning from one of his international trips, and was fabricated to take attention off of the “Russian Investigations”. This report was allegedly based on a leak from inside Air Force One.
  • Maxine Waters’ endless media exposure to demand that President Trump be impeached.
  • Barbara Lee gets national media coverage of her claim that, “Trump is militarizing the White House with his appointment of General Kelly as White House Chief of Staff and this is putting America at risk”.

International threats to America are at the highest point in American history:

  • More countries are becoming nuclear powers and some are openly threatening to attack America. The most notable are Iran and North Korea.
  • Putin is openly obsessed with restoring the Soviet Union and becoming the most powerful and influential head of state in the world, by any means necessary.
  • The entire Middle East continues to become more unstable with no reasonable solution to improve the situation.
  • Venezuela is descending into total chaos and many Central and South American countries appear to be poised to have their own internal problems due to government corruption and growing gang and drug cartel violence. This will cause total chaos on our southern border.

Several states and many major cities in America are openly defying the rule of law regarding illegal immigrants in exchange for votes and cheap labor.

The US legal immigration system is an engine for graft (dirty money) and corruption.

Various Federal judges are openly defying the rule of law in America and “legislating from the bench”.

We have what can only be described as an unsolvable US debt crisis.

The biggest expansion of entitlement programs in US history.

A dramatic increase in the number of children growing up in broken homes in America.

A dramatic increase in the number of people in America who are unemployable.

A population that is so fragmented that practically no level of Government can function properly.

A dramatic increase in the number of young people in America who feel “entitled” and have no respect for authority.

Opioid addiction crisis in many states.

A dramatic increase in violent gangs in America, including MS13.

A Washington bureaucracy that prefers to destroy America rather than have the “Cesspool” they live in drained!

“Washington Cesspool” – Democrats, RINO Republicans, self-appointed    members of the “Washington Elite”, Washington career bureaucrats,          Federal Government employees, Lobbyist.

17 US intelligence agencies that are increasingly self-serving rather than putting America’s best interest first. Obama made this dramatically worse during his final months in office by unilaterally changing various government rules relating to agency sharing of information (unmasking of Americans).

A Pentagon immigrant recruitment program that had to be suspended when it became obvious that it had been “infiltrated” with immigrants that had been poorly vetted and did not meet the program’s requirements. Some of the immigrants working in the program have “disappeared” (are unaccounted for and are assumed to be somewhere in America).

An overall level of arrogance, incompetence, corruption, and in many cases treason in every Obama Administration agency and department. This level of arrogance, incompetence, corruption, and treason never existed in any previous President’s Administration. This was especially true in the IRS, FEC, BATF and DOJ. Some examples of this are Benghazi, ”Fast and Furious”, “Operation Choke Point”, the illegal withholding, destruction of and altering of subpoenaed records, contempt of Congress, an endless stream of new Government regulations issued by bureaucrats and Presidential executive orders without Congressional input……  And many “Obama holdovers” are still in their government positions today doing everything they can to bring down the Trump Presidency!

You can find detailed articles about everything I have listed here and more similar topics here on my website.




Have Washington D.C. and the Main Stream Media Reached a “Point of NO Return”?

Every day I become more horrified and furious as I watch Democrats and RINO Republicans literally flaunt the fact that honesty, ethics, and patriotism DO NOT HAVE A PLACE IN THEIR WORLD! The only thing that matters to them is “self-gratification”. They literally stumble over each other to get in front of TV cameras or microphones and will say anything to get attention. Their only objective is to be re-elected, or if they are not in elected positions they are obsessed with being a part of what they believe is the “Washington Elite”. And the Main Stream Media (MSM) has fully signed on to their agenda (agenda: an underlying often ideological plan or program)!

With the MSM’s eager assistance, the open dishonesty in politics has reached a level that is so bad that I have to turn off the TV on a periodic basis. Even FOX NEWS now has so many loud Liberals and RINO’s on their programs that I have to turn it off periodically.  I do want FOX to give people who represent both sides of any issue, an opportunity to explain their view but I also want blatant lies to be called out and not allowed to go unquestioned, which gives the lies some form of credibility.

I even have to drop off the internet on a regular basis due to the overwhelming volume of obviously dishonest “articles” that come up on my home page. I use yahoo as my home page because I want to see what everyone on both sides of any issue have to say, but recently I noticed that none of the dozens of “articles” that were visible at any given time were conservative or honest.

I have also noticed that due to the growth of the internet and cable TV any organization, group of people, or individual can find a way to make their views public. Now publications like “VOX”, “Entertainment” and even “Esquire” are publishing “articles” with hard left views. In addition to being openly dishonest, some of these “articles” are poorly written.

Here are a few examples of the dishonesty and hysteria I saw on various media outlets over the last few days:

The alleged Comey memo was read to a “New York Times” reporter over the phone by an “unidentified source” and instantly became a major “news article” that consumed everyone’s news feed!

A CNN host shouted down a guest when he pointed out that “unidentified sources” were being quoted too often in the MSM. She actually yelled at him for, “Daring to question CNN’s honest reporting”!

RINO McCain has been going on as many talk shows as he could and referring to President Trump as “Trump”, with an obvious disdainful tone in his voice, while saying Trump’s actions are worse than “Watergate”.  What makes RINO McCain’s comments even worse is that in the past he referred to Obama as President Obama and publicly supported whatever Obama wanted, including saying that the then President Obama deserved to have his appointments approved on a timely basis.

Megan McCain emotionally questioned General McMaster’s integrity regarding his statements that the “Washington Post” article was not correct. She did this after saying how much she respected General McMaster before he made that public statement? On the same “Outnumbered” program Steve Hays openly questioned General McMaster’s public statement from the night before, and his repeat of the statement at the just completed press conference because General McMaster appeared to have changed A WORD the second time he publicly made the statement. Hays then came to the conclusion that this somehow made General McMaster’s statement untrue and the General dishonest?  After Hays’ comments on air John Roberts, FOX NEWS’ White House Chief Correspondent called into the show and agreed with Hayes!

Both times General McMaster stepped up to the microphones to issue the statement that the “article” was not true, and then walked away from the microphones the press screamed questions at his back! Like anyone else who has been following the media reports on this I saw General McMaster’s public statements when he made them and repeated replays of it, and I did not have any questions regarding the statement or see any reason for the General to attempt to engage in any debate with the Media?

Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the architects of “Obamacare” and a hard core Liberal, was one of the guests on the new FOX show “The Specialist”. During the show he loudly and repeatedly said that nothing was wrong with “Obamacare”, it was working exactly as it was intended to work and that it had actually “driven the cost of healthcare in America down”. When Eric Bolling questioned Emanuel about that and read off a list of the huge premium increases people insured under “Obamacare” are experiencing and the insurance providers that are pulling out of the program at year end, Emanuel somewhat angrily informed Bolling that he was not referring to premiums, he was referring to the actual cost of healthcare! That is an ABSOLUTE LIE and a stupid one!  Note to Emanuel: Never play poker for actual money!

Democrats, RINO’s and the MSM loudly circulated a “report” that the new Deputy Attorney General, Rosenstein was furious and threatening to resign because, “Trump publicly blamed him for Comey’s firing”. The lie was spreading so fast that Rosenstein had to make a public statement that it was a lie.

Democrats, RINO’s and the MSM loudly circulated a “report” that the FBI had requested more funds to continue the “Russia investigation”. The acting FBI Director was asked about this during his Senate committee testimony. He stated under oath that this was absolutely NOT TRUE. He went on to say that the FBI had all the funding and staff it needed to take the investigation wherever it needed to go.

As indicated by these examples the one thing the Democrats, RINO’s and MSM all have in common is a total disdain for the TRUTH. They all cite “unidentified sources” on a regular basis with it obvious that they did not make any effort to verify the accuracy of the information the “unidentified sources” gave them.

What can do we about this shocking collusion between the Democrats, RINO’s and the MSM?

Like we did in November 2016, we must stand up and make our voices heard. Insist on term limits and refuse to support politicians, organizations or media outlets that are dishonest and Un-American. Let President Trump know we support his Administration ANY WAY HE NEEDS US TO!

I have written a number of detailed articles about everything I have touched on here and a variety of other similar topics. You can find them all here on this website.


During the Next 50 Days We May See America Torn Apart

Over the last few days it has become clear that there is absolutely NO chance that we can take a cautious step back and breathe a little easier between now and inauguration day! The Left is still determined to “anoint” Hillary regardless of the cost or resulting damage to America. In fact it now seems obvious to me that Trump’s win actually fits right in with the Left’s plan to “fundamentally change America”, even if it has to be done with violence. There are just too many things happening now to deny it.

To begin with we had “instant” protest that became riots immediately after the election results were announced. These protests were organized by paid protestors who for the most part did not live where they were protesting and did not vote in the election. I saw a protest leader in Chicago being interviewed on camera last week. When asked if he voted he said, “No, there is nothing to vote for in this country”. REALLY? According to some of the protest organizers the protests will continue and grow in size, and violence with the intent of disrupting the Presidential inauguration (unless they can succeed with their plans to “anoint” Hillary). However, the protests are nothing compared to everything else that the Left is doing.

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, with lots of help recently began to demand a recount in key states. However since no one could point to any evidence of voter machine tampering there is no justification for a recount. Consequently anyone who asks for a recount in a specific state will have to fill out the necessary paperwork, before that states deadline, and pay for the recount. Jill Stein actually held a press conference and acknowledged that “experts” could not find any evidence of voter machine tampering but insisted they wanted recounts to assure future elections were fair. Remarkably her group suddenly got $6 million in “donations” so she could formerly request recounts and pay for them. Amazing that $6 million just appeared in her group’s bank account!  And now the Clintons have publicly announced that they will join this recount effort.

Unfortunately the recount effort is by no means the biggest threat to the election results. There is another organized and well-funded effort to change enough Electoral College votes to keep Trump out of the Whitehouse. These people have two websites up and running and are actively working to get Electors that are committed to Trump to change their votes to Hillary. Two have already publicly announced that they are changing their votes and are making the rounds on TV shows, including FOX trying to convince other Electors to do the same. I am having more than a little trouble understanding how anyone could seek a slot as an Elector, take an oath to carry out their duties as the voters in their state desired, and then publicly violate that oath and work to encourage others to do the same thing. Unfortunately only 25 states and the District of Columbia legally require that their Electors vote like they were committed to do by the voters. Unfortunately the penalty for violating that law is a small fine, which I am sure Clinton supporters will be happy to pay for anyone who changes their vote to Hillary!

We also have Liberal members of Congress doing everything they can to cast doubt on the Trump transition team’s work and throw “road blocks“ out in front of the transition team’s work. Elijah Cummings was one of the first to actively start this effort by writing a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) demanding they audit the transition team because” it is in such disarray that it is probably misspending tax payer money”. And then Elizabeth Warren loudly and publicly joined in the efforts to demand that the GAO audit the Trump transition team’s work. These people want the GAO to waste taxpayer money and interfere with the Trump transition team’s work at a critical time because they think the team is in disarray?

In case you do not know their history these letters to the GAO and their public statements about the Trump transition team are typical behavior for Elijah Cummings and Elizabeth Warren. For example Cummings has a long history of “Abuse of Power” activity. He was one of the original members of Congress to demand, in writing that the IRS do something about the conservative groups that were applying for tax free group status during Obama’s first term. When an organizer of one of the targeted groups got a copy of his letter she filed formal “Abuse of Power” charges against him, which went NOWHERE with the current criminal Department of Injustice in power. Elizabeth Warren changed her personnel records at Harvard Law school to indicate that she was 1/32nd “Native American” so she could claim minority status. When a genealogist traced her history and could not find any Native American linkage and Warren was questioned about it, her only response was that she remembered her Grandmother talking about her Great Grandmother talking about their Indian ancestors. She also publicly blasted Trump for making money during the housing market crash. No surprise there, but she did the same thing! These are just two of the people actively working to destroy America and the next 50 days are their last best chance to do that.

We are also seeing and hearing loud complaints about Trump “conflicts of interest” because some of his family is involved in his transition team and because of his worldwide business interest, and he has not even been sworn in yet .On a legal note the President and Vice President are legally exempt from conflict of interest regulations. If they were not they would not be able to function due to constantly being attacked with “conflict of interest” complaints. It is ethical and desirable for the President and Vice President to try and avoid what could appear to be conflict of interest activities, but they have much bigger things to be concerned about in America and the world today. Publicly making these accusations now is not in America’s best interest.

Obama just wasted many millions of dollars doing a world tour where he spoke publicly in every country he visited about all his accomplishments, and said he would not remain silent after leaving the Whitehouse when there is a threat to his accomplishments!  And we thought Jimmy Carter was a really bad past President!

About two days after the election it seemed to me like a majority of the people in America collectively “breathed a sign of relief” and said, “OK we can get on with our lives now”.  Maybe not……

Note to those of you who are still in “mourning” over the election results, I suggest you read this article http://www.onlymakessense.com/updated-november-28-the-collapse-of-obamacare-was-planned/,  especially the update I added at the bottom.


Updated December 1, 2016 – The Collapse of Obamacare Was Planned

I have heard people say that the collapse of Obamacare was pre-planned ever since its inception and implementation. However it was only in recent months that I became convinced that this is absolutely true! It is common knowledge that a long time dream of the liberal Left is to replace ALL healthcare in America with a single payer, Government run VA style healthcare program. When a “single payer healthcare system” is established there will NOT be any private healthcare providers or institutions left operating in America. That means that everybody in America will be forced into that single payer plan, including people currently enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, private insurance, and people who are currently uninsured.

However the Liberals knew that the increase in healthcare premiums and deductibles, for everybody every year since Obamacare was implemented, would not be enough to force everyone into a single payer healthcare system. So at the same time that Obamacare was implemented they implemented the second part of their carefully planned effort to take over healthcare in America. The second part of their plan is to increasingly deny healthcare to patients and increasingly reduce reimbursement to health care providers for services rendered (which will eventually force them out of business).

My conclusion that there is a twofold plan being executed to take over healthcare in America is based on my personal healthcare experiences in recent years, especially this year, plus conversations with friends and health care providers about their healthcare experiences since Obamacare was implemented, and now recent reports that Obamacare premiums will increase as much as 116% in some states January 1. Here are a few examples:

  • I was forced into Medicare when I turned 65 by my private healthcare coverage provider.
  • My Medicare premium, which is deducted from my Social Security check is being “means tested” What that means is that I am charged more than the basic monthly premium each month based on my and my wife’s annual income and it is going up another $40 each month on January 1 (our income has not increased?).
  • I chose to also pay for a second healthcare provider in addition to Medicare to assure I had full coverage. This second coverage provider has changed every year since I signed up for Medicare except this year. I am currently Medicare/United Health Care (UHC) with UHC being the secondary coverage and administrator for my coverage for both plans.
  • My wife’s health care provider has changed every year since Obamacare was implemented except one. She will be forced into Medicare with UHC as a secondary carrier when she turns 65 this month. She got a letter from Medicare yesterday informing her that both of our Medicare premiums will go up $12 a month this month because we file a joint tax return?
  • My wife and I lost our individual, $1,000, preventive care budget on January1 the year after Obamacare was implemented and our deductibles increased (we were not on Obamacare).
  • In September one of my healthcare providers tried to get approval for a critical back procedure for me over the phone. My insurance providers refused to approve it over the phone so I had to wait two weeks, in pain, for the procedure.
  • My health care coverage providers required me to have an extensive evaluation before they would approve any more treatments for my accelerating back problems. I say again, it was a required evaluation. Last week I got a letter from UHC informing me that they were declining to pay for the required extensive evaluation and I was responsible for the total cost of $912.
  • I was scheduled for a new MRI to evaluate my treatment options for my increasing levels of back and hip pain. My health care provider approved the procedure and it was scheduled. Two days after the MRI I got a letter from UHC informing me that the procedure was approved however “ This approval did not guarantee that the plan will pay for the service(s).”
  • Out of my total medical expenses this year (YTD June end) that were billed by my medical care providers (which have been considerable), my combined healthcare coverage paid a total reimbursement of 08% and I had to pay 01% including my up-front deductibles. Some charges were reimbursed at a slightly higher percent, others at a lower percent and some were reimbursed at “.00” %! Note, I just received my September YTD medical care summary and the total reimbursement for medical services billed dropped to .06% with my combined healthcare coverage providers only paying .05% with me being responsible for the other .01% including my upfront deductibles. There were more treatments and procedures reimbursed at .00% in the 3rd quarter than there was in the first six months of the year! Update, just got a notice that one of my healthcare providers filed an appeal and received additional reimbursement for some of my medical care but the total reimbursement is still significantly below what was billed. And as a condition of accepting health care coverage reimbursements the healthcare providers cannot require the patient to pay more than their plan’s deductibles, or other charges their healthcare provider dictates (like the $912 example noted above). They are also requiring so much “red tape” that many healthcare providers cannot comply. Even if you consider some healthcare providers may be overbilling for certain services, no healthcare provider can stay in business with this level of reimbursement.  Especially when you consider the patients who cannot pay their upfront deductibles (I have witnessed this repeatedly while sitting in waiting rooms).
    • > My primary care Doctor sold his practice to the local hospital chain and left the profession.
    • > My eye Doctor stopped treating patients with any combination of Medicare insurance coverage so I have to pay him cash for my annual checkups.

As noted above I am now absolutely certain that the liberal Left is executing their carefully calculated plan to destroy America’s Healthcare system and replace it with their “dream single payer healthcare system”! It is also undeniable that a single payer healthcare system is the centerpiece for Socialism!

Note, the liberal Left referred to here is the Obama Administration since day 1 of his presidency and the Democrats in Congress since January 20, 2006 (when they had a veto proof majority during the last two years of President (43) Bush’s administration.

This election is our last chance to save our Republic!  I am repeating what I said last week. If you voted for Obama and still support Hillary, please look at history! No form of Communism/Socialism (no matter what it was called) has been successful since mankind began recording our history!


As noted above I have been “means tested” since I was forced into the Medicare program when I turned 65 in 2012. My Medicare premium has increased several times over the years even though my income has not increased? According to the Social Security Administration (SSA) the $40 increase noted above on January 1, 2017 is the result of the IRS notifying the SSA that I had TAX FREE income from tax free municipal bonds (I originally invested in them while I was still working years ago). My wife was forced into Medicare when she turned 65 this month (November).

In addition to the two recent SSA letters noted above regarding increases in our Medicare premiums since my wife was forced into the program, on November 25 we both got identical 4 page (printed on both sides) letters from the SSA explaining our Medicare monthly premium status and how it is calculated. The calculation process is referred to as “IRMAA” (income-related monthly adjustment amount).

According to these letters, based on our current joint IRMAA calculations both of our premiums will increase an additional $112.70 on January 1, 2017!

On January 1, 2017 we will be paying more for Medicare than we were paying for a family healthcare plan, that we were very satisfied with prior to me being forced into Medicare in 2012. That coverage was available to us through my wife’s employer provided group coverage plan (she was and still is working). Unfortunately the plan requires people on the plan to sign up for Medicare as their primary coverage when they turn 65.

For those of you who are still “in mourning” over the election, do you really want our healthcare system to continue down this path of destruction!


On November 21 I had an appointment at the spine center for a reevaluation of my options for treatment for my back problems. I had to pay a $95 co-pay since I was seeing a specialist. Based on my latest MRI and recommendation by my orthopedic surgeons (I have permanent, inoperable back problems that are accelerating), I was scheduled for a pain block injection procedure this morning, December 1. Tuesday afternoon the center called to confirm my appointment and that I was fully aware of the pre-procedure prep requirements, “nothing by mouth after midnight, etc”. Yesterday at 3:45 the center called again and informed me that my insurance, UHC/Medicare had informed then that the procedure was not approved and that I needed to come in this morning for another evaluation and  to provide more personal information! The additional information that was needed was information I have provided literally dozens of times already this year to all my medical care providers, including the Spine center every time I have been there this year, including during my appointment on November 21 (so it was already in my current and past records).

I paid another co-pay, answered the same questions again, watched the Doctor’s assistant verify that the information was already in my files (with a somewhat perplexed look on her face) and  was rescheduled for another procedure on December 19th.  So I will spend the next 18 days with Tens unit pads on my hips and lower back for 12 hours a day!

I am beginning to think I am being personally targeted……