Will Anyone in the “Deep State” Ever be Prosecuted for Their Treason?

Merriam Webster definition of Treason: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family.

In the past I have tried to avoid using the word “TREASON” to describe what is happening in America, but what the occupants of the “Deep State” are doing leaves me no choice! And they are not even trying to hide the fact that they hate America and have a special deep down hatred for our Constitution! It is obvious that they are confident that no one will be prosecuted regardless of what they say or do. Hillary is the perfect example. Where is America’s system of justice?

The Mueller investigation is just one glaring example of the “Deep State’s” TREASON IN A NUMBER OF WAYS:

A list of 49 questions that Mueller wants to ask President Trump was recently leaked to the New York Times. All of the questions are absolutely ridiculous. They have little to nothing to do with the alleged Trump campaign Russia collusion. The questions were obviously crafted to deliberately trick President Trump into doing what would appear to be “lying under oath” so he can be impeached. Regarding the alleged collusion, there has not been a single shred of evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in any way. There has been a LOT of evidence made public that the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign did collude with Russia, spent millions of dollars to do so, and then illegally covered up the payments. Yet Mueller has not even asked for any DNC or Clinton campaign records, asked for access to the DNC or Clinton campaign servers, or asked to interview the Russian lawyer that arranged the meeting with President Trump’s sons to allegedly give them “dirt” on Hillary. Clearly Muller and his supporters only have one goal, to destroy the Trump Presidency at any cost! TREASON!

Mueller has also threatened to subpoena President Trump and force him to testify before a Grand Jury. This would be an absolutely unwinnable situation for President Trump, and would guarantee that Mueller would craft a way to charge him with “lying under oath”, and get him impeached! This is in stark contrast to the “interview” that Hillary got for her open TREASON where she and all her staff and associates deliberately and openly mishandled State Department communications so they could cover up the Clinton’s money laundering efforts involving hundreds of millions of dollars while recklessly putting America’s security at risk. Hillary was “interviewed” on a Sunday afternoon by FRIENDLY FBI agents without being under oath, with no recording of the interview, no notes taken and with some of her staff and legal counsel present, staff members who were given immunity! The “interview” was actually conducted AFTER Comey had drafted his memo declaring that Hillary did not break any laws, and then allowed FBI agents that were openly supportive of Hillary’s campaign for President to edit the memo to be absolutely sure she could not be charged with any crimes. To this day the Assistant A.G. Rod Rosenstein is refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena to the DOJ for  Hillary’s e-mail closed case records. And to make matters worse, Rosenstein just held a press conference and arrogantly bragged about his refusal to comply with the subpoena! The subpoena is from the Congressional Oversight Committee whose specific mandate is to oversee the DOJ!

Since Mueller’s questions were published in the New York Times there has been a constant stream of well-known and respected legal experts going public to discuss how absurd the questions are and how illegal they are based on Article II of our Constitution. Some of these legal experts are non-partisan and some were not Trump supporters. One example they all point to is the questions about what the President “was feeling” when he made the decision to fire Comey. Alan Dershowitz, a well know legal scholar and Constitutional expert said in a FOX NEWS interview shortly after the questions were published that the President has full authority to fire anyone in his administration that he wants to and he cannot be “indicted, prosecuted or tried” while he is the President of the United States. He must be impeached and removed from office before he can be charged with a crime. THIS IS WHY THE “DEEP STATE” IS SO OBSESSED WITH IMPEACHING PRESIDENT TRUMP AND WILL GO TO ANY LENGTHS TO ACCOMPLISH THAT!

I am absolutely certain that the future of America will be decided at the ballot box on November 6, 2018. If the Democrats win control of either House of Congress America will cease to exist at some point after they are sworn in! If the Democrats win control of both Houses of Congress America will cease to exist shortly after they are sworn in!




Have Washington D.C. and the Main Stream Media Reached a “Point of NO Return”?

Every day I become more horrified and furious as I watch Democrats and RINO Republicans literally flaunt the fact that honesty, ethics, and patriotism DO NOT HAVE A PLACE IN THEIR WORLD! The only thing that matters to them is “self-gratification”. They literally stumble over each other to get in front of TV cameras or microphones and will say anything to get attention. Their only objective is to be re-elected, or if they are not in elected positions they are obsessed with being a part of what they believe is the “Washington Elite”. And the Main Stream Media (MSM) has fully signed on to their agenda (agenda: an underlying often ideological plan or program)!

With the MSM’s eager assistance, the open dishonesty in politics has reached a level that is so bad that I have to turn off the TV on a periodic basis. Even FOX NEWS now has so many loud Liberals and RINO’s on their programs that I have to turn it off periodically.  I do want FOX to give people who represent both sides of any issue, an opportunity to explain their view but I also want blatant lies to be called out and not allowed to go unquestioned, which gives the lies some form of credibility.

I even have to drop off the internet on a regular basis due to the overwhelming volume of obviously dishonest “articles” that come up on my home page. I use yahoo as my home page because I want to see what everyone on both sides of any issue have to say, but recently I noticed that none of the dozens of “articles” that were visible at any given time were conservative or honest.

I have also noticed that due to the growth of the internet and cable TV any organization, group of people, or individual can find a way to make their views public. Now publications like “VOX”, “Entertainment” and even “Esquire” are publishing “articles” with hard left views. In addition to being openly dishonest, some of these “articles” are poorly written.

Here are a few examples of the dishonesty and hysteria I saw on various media outlets over the last few days:

The alleged Comey memo was read to a “New York Times” reporter over the phone by an “unidentified source” and instantly became a major “news article” that consumed everyone’s news feed!

A CNN host shouted down a guest when he pointed out that “unidentified sources” were being quoted too often in the MSM. She actually yelled at him for, “Daring to question CNN’s honest reporting”!

RINO McCain has been going on as many talk shows as he could and referring to President Trump as “Trump”, with an obvious disdainful tone in his voice, while saying Trump’s actions are worse than “Watergate”.  What makes RINO McCain’s comments even worse is that in the past he referred to Obama as President Obama and publicly supported whatever Obama wanted, including saying that the then President Obama deserved to have his appointments approved on a timely basis.

Megan McCain emotionally questioned General McMaster’s integrity regarding his statements that the “Washington Post” article was not correct. She did this after saying how much she respected General McMaster before he made that public statement? On the same “Outnumbered” program Steve Hays openly questioned General McMaster’s public statement from the night before, and his repeat of the statement at the just completed press conference because General McMaster appeared to have changed A WORD the second time he publicly made the statement. Hays then came to the conclusion that this somehow made General McMaster’s statement untrue and the General dishonest?  After Hays’ comments on air John Roberts, FOX NEWS’ White House Chief Correspondent called into the show and agreed with Hayes!

Both times General McMaster stepped up to the microphones to issue the statement that the “article” was not true, and then walked away from the microphones the press screamed questions at his back! Like anyone else who has been following the media reports on this I saw General McMaster’s public statements when he made them and repeated replays of it, and I did not have any questions regarding the statement or see any reason for the General to attempt to engage in any debate with the Media?

Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the architects of “Obamacare” and a hard core Liberal, was one of the guests on the new FOX show “The Specialist”. During the show he loudly and repeatedly said that nothing was wrong with “Obamacare”, it was working exactly as it was intended to work and that it had actually “driven the cost of healthcare in America down”. When Eric Bolling questioned Emanuel about that and read off a list of the huge premium increases people insured under “Obamacare” are experiencing and the insurance providers that are pulling out of the program at year end, Emanuel somewhat angrily informed Bolling that he was not referring to premiums, he was referring to the actual cost of healthcare! That is an ABSOLUTE LIE and a stupid one!  Note to Emanuel: Never play poker for actual money!

Democrats, RINO’s and the MSM loudly circulated a “report” that the new Deputy Attorney General, Rosenstein was furious and threatening to resign because, “Trump publicly blamed him for Comey’s firing”. The lie was spreading so fast that Rosenstein had to make a public statement that it was a lie.

Democrats, RINO’s and the MSM loudly circulated a “report” that the FBI had requested more funds to continue the “Russia investigation”. The acting FBI Director was asked about this during his Senate committee testimony. He stated under oath that this was absolutely NOT TRUE. He went on to say that the FBI had all the funding and staff it needed to take the investigation wherever it needed to go.

As indicated by these examples the one thing the Democrats, RINO’s and MSM all have in common is a total disdain for the TRUTH. They all cite “unidentified sources” on a regular basis with it obvious that they did not make any effort to verify the accuracy of the information the “unidentified sources” gave them.

What can do we about this shocking collusion between the Democrats, RINO’s and the MSM?

Like we did in November 2016, we must stand up and make our voices heard. Insist on term limits and refuse to support politicians, organizations or media outlets that are dishonest and Un-American. Let President Trump know we support his Administration ANY WAY HE NEEDS US TO!

I have written a number of detailed articles about everything I have touched on here and a variety of other similar topics. You can find them all here on this website.