When Did the Left Transition From Partisan Politics to Treason?

As I wrote last week, I have been reluctant to use the word “Treason” to describe the Left’s behavior in the “Washington Cesspool” and some of the state governments. But after much thought, I am now convinced that what the Left (Democrats, RINO Republicans and the MSM) is saying and doing clearly meets the first part of the Merriam Webster definition of “Treason”.

Merriam Webster definition of Treason: “the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war; specifically: the act of levying war against the United States or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance”.

When the new Congress was sworn in on January 3, 2019 a handpicked by Pelosi, hard Left, America hating, power mad Democrat became the chairperson of every committee, and sub-committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. These people apparently have unlimited power and unlimited budgets (it is not supposed to be this way in America, but it is now)! All of these people are openly using their unlimited power and unlimited budget to accomplish the same thing. That one thing is to destroy the Trump Presidency. Over the last few days these people have also made it clear that now they will not be satisfied with destroying the Trump Presidency (“attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country”)! Now they are making it crystal clear that they are also going to destroy members of President Trump’s family and as many of his close associates and supporters as they can! It is not supposed to be this way in America! This is what happens in third world countries when one group of people forcibly takes power over another group of people and immediately takes everything of value from every member of the former ruling family, and in some instances imprisons or kills them.

Here are a few examples of the Left’s current actions aimed at accomplishing their one goal:

  • Jerrold Nadler, chairperson of the House Judiciary Committee made the rounds on the Sunday MSM shows to announce that his committee, “would seek documents from more than 80 people and entities as part of a probe into possible obstruction of justice and abuse of power by President Trump. Some of the entities and people he named as examples were the DOJ, Donald Trump Jr, and the CFO of the Trump organization, Allen Weisselberg. Nadler also said, “we are going to initiate investigations into abuses of power, into corruption and into obstruction of justice. It’s our job to protect the rule of law (really?). It is very clear that the president obstructed justice”.
  • The first day of Michael Cohen’s (one of Trump’s former personal lawyers) testimony before Congress this week was a closed-door hearing before a House Committee. He was allowed to give a lengthy opening statement, that was leaked to the NY Times immediately by someone in the hearing and published by the Times while the hearing was in progress!
  • Cohen’s second day of hearings was public and broadcast by many of the networks. I had the privilege of watching and listening to most of this hearing while working on projects in my shop. It was truly “epic”.

Some of the things that were revealed during that hearing, that was sworn testimony and recorded were:

  • Cohen’s lawyer is lifelong Clinton “fixer” Lanny Davis who is allegedly representing Cohen FREE! 
    • Cohen did not volunteer to testify before Congress again just before going to prison for lying to Congress under oath and income tax fraud, among other things. Lanny Davis and other “powerful Democrats”, including current committee chairs collaborated and then “invited him” to testify again before selected committees just before reporting to prison.
    • Cohen is hopping for “re-consideration” for his pending prison sentence in exchange for his co-operating with Congress and the attorneys in the Southern District of N.Y. who are investigating President Trump’s alleged obstruction of justice.
    • Cohen’s statements and the documents and evidence he shared with the committee could not have been put together solely by him in the short period of time between when he was asked to testify again and his testimony. He obviously had “assistance” from knowledgeable people with a lot of resources. The documents were probably prepared by Lanny Davis and an experienced team of Democrats, lawyers and staff, and Cohen was well coached to say what they wanted him to say. Unfortunately, the results of the day of public hearing was that Cohen lied under oath again a number of times and will get more time in prison, not less.
  • Adam Schiff, one of the most unethical partisan Democrats in the “Washington Cesspool” chaired the committee that Cohen testified before, in private the third day. When the hearing ended Schiff, Cohen and every Democrat that was on the committee was “all smiles” for the TV cameras as they proclaimed it was a very productive hearing and Cohen was coming back for an additional day of testimony behind closed doors next week.
  • The hearings were deliberately scheduled to “compete” with President Trump’s meeting with North Korea’s dictator in Vietnam regarding the possible de-nuclearization of North Korea. This is unprecedented in American politics! What happened to the unbreakable rule that “politics stop at the water’s edge”?
  • Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law is another member of the Trump family that the Democrats are lazar focused on destroying (he is Jewish). The Democrats, with the eager assistance of the MSM, are leaking that, “members of the intelligence community” were strongly opposed to him getting a White House security clearance. None of the “officials” have been named and none of the reasons for their opposition have been made public?
  • Brietbart reported that, “Left -wing HBO host Bill Maher mocked voters in middle America on Friday’s (Feb 22) edition of “Real Time” explaining that less “affluent and educated” people in red states are jealous of those living in more prosperous states that tend to vote Democrat”. That was just part of his disgusting monologue. If you have not seen it the entire tirade of demeaning insults against Conservatives is available on the internet.

These are just a small sample of the Left’s OPEN EFFORTS to “overthrow” a Constitutionally elected President and destroy him, his family and as many of his supporters as they can, while making themselves and their party invincible! However, I still believe that they are all grossly underestimating President Trump and Middle America!

The Left Cannot Wait Until the New Congress is Sworn In on the 5th of January to Make Fools of Themselves

Thanks to the Democrats, RINO Republicans and MSM America is in a growing state of chaos ten days after the mid-term elections were supposed to be over!

It has been ten days since the mid-term election polls closed and we still have undecided federal and state elections, with numerous deadlines being missed and many FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS BEING OPENLY VIOLATED! In a number of these elections the loser does not have a valid path to victory, but they refuse to concede and continue to have lawyers pile up lawsuit after lawsuit trying to change the election results. We also had elections, like Arizona where the Conservative candidate had a comfortable lead when the polls closed but days later the hard-Left candidate was declared the winner by a comfortable margin. It is interesting to me that in every one of the contested elections the majority of the ballots that were “found” were Democrat! Some ballots are still being “found”!

The Democrats in the House of Representatives are in a verbal battle over who will be “Speaker of the House”.

The Democrats in the House of Representatives are running in every direction to get in front of TV cameras to talk about what they are going to do in their new role as the majority party in the House of Representatives.

The Democrats in the Senate are running in every direction to get in front of TV cameras to talk about what they are going to do as they work with the Democrat majority in the House of Representatives to “defeat everything Trump”. The Democrats in the Senate seem to have forgotten that the Senate is known as the “upper chamber” for a reason. The Senate can override practically everything the House may try to do, like trying to impeach the President or Judge Kavanaugh.

RINO Republican Jeff Flake, who is “retiring”, joined with a Senate Democrat to hold a press conference to announce that he will join with the Democrats to block every judge that is waiting on Senate approval unless Congress passes a bill to “protect” Mueller from President Trump. This is beyond comprehension! Flake is “retiring” because it was obvious to everyone that it was doubtful that he could get re-elected because of his anti-Trump activity during the 2016 elections.

RINO Republican Jeff Flake is also getting in front of every TV camera he can find to denigrate the President’s decision to send troops to help the Border Patrol secure our southern border. He is using some of the Democrat’s and MSM’s favorite terms like calling it a “stunt” that is “preventing those troops from spending the holidays with their families” and saying the caravans are not a “threat”. Note to Flake: One part of one caravan is already in Tijuana Mexico trying to get into California to take advantage of the states pro-immigrant policies. If they succeed it will be like the “opening of the flood gates” on a large damn that will rush in the tens of thousands of people in the additional caravans following the illegals already at our border.

Representative Adam Schiff is getting in front of every TV camera he can find to talk about all the subpoenas the Democrats are going to issue to “investigate everything Trump”. The phrase that is being used to describe this plan by the MSM is, “the Democrats are loading their subpoena cannon”.

Representative Maxine Waters, who does not live in her district, made a public statement that as Chairperson of the House Financial Services Committee, “the days of being easy on banks are over” (whatever that means?). Does she want to recreate the housing market crash that Bill Clinton created by forcing banks to make loans to people who were not eligible for them and could not pay them back? This is the Congress Woman who illegally funneled bank bail-out funds to a minority owned bank in California that she and her husband owned stock in and her husband was a member of the bank’s Board of Directors. Even though what she did was blatantly illegal the Congressional Ethics committee declined to censor her in any way. Note: The Congressional ethics Committee has an equal number of Democrat and Republican members virtually assuring that no one in Congress will be censored for anything. It was designed to protect all members of Congress, not to assure that they are ethical.

Practically everyone in the MSM loudly and happily talked about how “bitter and withdrawn Trump is over losing the House majority”. While they were doing this President Trump was holding a White House press conference announcing his support for bi-partisan legislation that would enact prison reform and criminal sentencing reform to correct some of the serious problems created in our justice system by Bill Clinton’s “three strikes and you are out” legislation. This bill will do a lot to reduce the number of people in our prison system and help many people who do go to jail become productive members of our communities when they get out of jail. President Trump was surrounded at the press conference by bi-partisan members of Congress and representatives of influential law enforcement and prison staff organizations. This bill has passed the House with bi-partisan support and President Trump promised to sign it when the Senate passes it and sends it to his desk.

Unfortunately, these examples are just a small sample of how obsessed the Left is with their plans to destroy the Trump Presidency (RESIST and OBSTRUCT) and make America be part of their dream of a “One World Order”. As I wrote last week, it is going to be really interesting to watch the “news” from now until the November 2020 elections!

“I Ain’t Got the Words’…Again!

Last week I wrote about why I did not feel capable of adequately describing what I was seeing and hearing the Democrats, MSM and RINO Republicans say and do. As I watched and listened to them this week I was literally overcome with the same thoughts and feelings. I also thought about something I wrote recently about how obsessed the Democrats, MSM and RINO Republicans are with their “Egos, Money and POWER”. I am absolutely certain that this is ultimately all they care about with the number one obsession being “Power”, and they will say and do anything to remain in “Power”! Their egos are insatiable and they need “POWER” to feed them. They all have money and with “POWER they can keep it and add to it. Consequently they will never give up their “Power” regardless of the damage their actions do to America and the world.

Here are a few examples of what the Democrats, MSM and RINO Republicans said and did publicly this week:

  • After the Democrats brutalized Judge Kavanaugh in his Senate committee confirmation hearings, which they lost badly, they went public with a political version of a nuclear weapon. They leaked an anonymous letter that a woman allegedly gave to Senator Feinstein alleging that Judge Kavanaugh physically assaulted her and attempted to sexually assault her 35 or 36 years ago at a drunken party attended by high school students. This story has changed hourly since Senator Feinstein went public with the accusation. According to Feinstein she had the information since July but the woman did not want to go public. Not much could be further from the truth! The initial contact was a two hour private interview with California Congresswoman Eshoo IN JULY! Obviously all the Democrats have known about this since Eshoo’s initial contact and carefully coordinated their efforts (with the MSM’s eager assistance) to destroy Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, AND ULTIMATELY PREVENT PRESIDENT TRUMP FROM EVER APPOINTING ANOTHER SUPREME COURT JUSTICE. With the help of the RINO Republicans this might actually happen! During his long career in public service Judge Kavanaugh has been heavily vetted six times by the FBI without the vetting’s ever producing a single blemish on his record. Meanwhile the accuser decided to go public while represented by a lawyer who is a Democratic activist (according to the lawyer’s public statements). Then the accuser immediately changed her position through a second Democrat activist lawyer, who is an active member of a George Soros funded anti-democracy group. This lawyer announced that the accuser would not testify before the Senate committee or anyone else until her allegations were fully investigated by the FBI! Every credible expert that I have seen interviewed publicly about this demand said it is not a reasonable request by any stretch of the imagination. For instance the statute of limitations has long since expired and even it had not this complaint must be filed with the local authorities as an attempted assault. Other legal experts pointed out that no one has the right to demand an FBI investigation when no formal complaint has been filed anywhere and the due process requirements in our system of justice have not been fulfilled. Obviously the accuser is being manipulated and used by the America hating Democrats and the MSM and she is now a victim herself. Whatever happens as a result of her unsubstantiated allegations she and her family will never get their lives back.
  • There is so much information about the Kavanaugh nomination “carefully coordinated political hit job” that I cannot begin to properly detail it all here. The fact that the Democrats immediately put Anita Hill before the MSM cameras to loudly denounce how badly she was treated in the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings proves that they have been planning this for months and left ”no stone unturned”. Meanwhile the physical assault complaint that has been filed against Keith Ellison (AKA Keith Hakim) the current Illinois Congressman, number two person in the Democratic National Committee and soon to be the Illinois Attorney General has been buried. It has been totally buried in spite of the facts that the complaint was filed by his former girlfriend with graphic details about the assault and two different Doctor’s reports that confirm that she sustained physical injuries during the assault. Ellison’s “Keith Hakim” name was the Muslim name he used when he was active in the radical “Nation of Islam” organization prior to entering public life. As usual he always gets a pass on this and the recent assault charge whenever he is speaking to the public or the MSM asks him questions about anything.
  • Remember Mary Jo Kopechne? In 1969 she drowned in Senator Ted Kennedy’s car when he was drunk driving and ran off the Chappaquiddick bridge. He managed to get out of the car, walk home and went to sleep while she SLOWLY drowned! All because he did not want a DUI charge on his record or that it be made public that he was at private “parties’ with young women and alcohol. He was never charged with any crimes and was continually re-elected to the Senate until he died in office in 2009. He became known as “The Lion of the Senate” AND WAS EVEN GIVEN A STATE FUNERAL WHEN HE DIED. But now the Democrats, MSM and RINO Republicans are executing a perfectly coordinated political hit job on Judge Kavanaugh using a 35 or 36 year old unsubstantiated complaint. While this is happening no one in the MSM has asked any of the Kavanaugh attackers how the unsubstantiated claim against him compares to what Kennedy did?
  • And let’s not forget Bill Clinton’s endless sexual escapades over decades. In spite of this Hillary is going public again along with Obama and Biden attacking President Trump, his Administration and his supporters for ”destroying all the good the previous administration accomplished for America”. Hillary even published an op-ed in “The Atlantic” attacking President Trump and then went on the MSM talk show circuit to pontificate about how much damage Trump has done to America and what Trump is going to do immediately after the November 6 election, even if he loses the House or Senate. Among other ridiculous claims she said that he would immediately embark on a massive firing spree throughout the Federal Government, including in his Administration (I hope that he does). While all this is happening no one in the MSM has asked anyone on the Left how the alleged Kavanaugh complaint compares to Bill’s decades long history of sexual misconduct and assaults!
  • As I said earlier, everything the Democrats, MSM and RINO Republicans are saying and doing is part of a carefully planned and coordinated effort to take back the House and Senate on November 6 so they can totally take back control of America. If they do there will not be a Supreme Court Judge appointed as long as President Trump is in office. Also if they take back control of the House radical Democrats will become the chairperson of every House Committee. The same is true for the Senate! For example Maxine Waters will become Chairperson of the “House Banking and Finance Committee”, Congressman Nadler will become Chairperson of the “House Judiciary Committee” and Adam Schiff will become chairperson of the “House Intelligence Committee”. And these are only the tip of the ice berg! This is absolutely terrifying to me!

Those of us who want America to be “great again” must not be silent. We must continue to stand up and support President Trump’s tireless efforts to “make America great again”, especially at the ballot box!  When you consider the open dishonesty that is happening in politics in America now, I am firmly convinced that the November 6 mid-term elections is now tied with the November 2016 Presidential election as the most important election in my lifetime!   











Why is No One On the Left Being Charged with Crimes and Going to Jail?

President Trump, his family, members of his administration and other prominent conservatives are being attacked constantly by the MSM, people on the Left and even organized mobs in public places. Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are organizing violent protests again and other organized protests are happening in front of the White House and other public places. People who were briefly involved in the Trump campaign are being charged with a variety of crimes that have nothing to do with the Trump campaign, some dating back to 2005. Michael Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI when the agents who he spoke to said he did not lie and he was not under oath!

The Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the FBI paid huge sums of money to an organization named Fusion GPS to send a former British spy, Christopher Steele, to Russia to compile a dossier of damaging information on candidate Trump. The wife of Bruce Ohr, the fourth highest ranking official in the DOJ, worked at Fusion GPS.  When Christopher Steele testified under oath that nothing in the dossier was verified the FBI stopped paying him and interacting with him, but top officials at the FBI and DOJ continued to work with him and opened an investigation into alleged Trump campaign Russia collusion. THAT INVESTIGATION IS STILL ONGOING WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE THAT THERE WAS ANY CRIMINAL COLLUSION.

When Trump won the election top officials at the FBI and DOJ continued to try and find evidence of criminal collusion that could be used to impeach him. Rod Rosenstein, the number two person at the DOJ, who is effectively running the DOJ while AG Sessions is MIA, is still working frantically with current and former officials at the DOJ and FBI to find a way to bring charges against President Trump so he can be impeached. Documents have been discovered that prove that the FBI and DOJ continued to work with Fusion GPS after the election through Bruce Ohr and his wife. It was Rosenstein who appointed Mueller as a special prosecutor, at Jim Comey’s suggestion.

Jim Comey openly violated FBI rules and federal laws regarding FBI documents and public statements while he was Director of the FBI and after he was fired.

The DOJ, FBI and State Department continue to withhold and/or overly redact documents various Congressional committees and public watchdog groups have legally requested.

Video tape has been made public of Congressman Adam Schiff communicating with Russians in an open effort to get incriminating pictures or documents on President Trump. Schiff still races to get in front of any TV camera he can find to insist that there is evidence of Russia collusion with the Trump campaign, yet none has been produced.

Remember Obama’s open mike moment with Putin?  Obama said to Putin, “I can be more flexible after I am re-elected”!

The MSM and everyone on the Left vehemently argue that everything the Clinton campaign, the DNC and everyone who supported the Clinton campaign did was perfectly legitimate. However Donald Trump Jr.’s Trump Tower meeting with a Russian operative who claimed to have “dirt” on Hillary was a serious crime that should be used to destroy the Trump Presidency, and send people to jail! The hard left America hater, Richard Fowler is a perfect example of the people who take this ridiculous public position on a regular basis. I watched him do this again earlier this week when he was sitting in Juan Williams’ chair on “The Five”. I simply cannot understand how anyone could believe this totally irrational thought process!

It is increasingly clear to me that the Left is getting even more desperate as we approach the midterm elections. I believe that it is because they are not getting any closer to destroying the Trump Presidency and taking over the Federal Government.

Those of us who want America to be that “shining city on a hill” that President Regan talked about instead of becoming part of a “One World Order” must not be silent. We must continue to stand up and support President Trump’s tireless efforts to “make America great again”, especially at the ballot box!