The Left is Openly Executing its Detailed Plan to Replace President Trump With Pelosi!

If President Trump is forced out of office the V.P. becomes President. If Pence is forced out after he became President without a V.P. in office (Pence would never get a two thirds majority in both houses no matter who he wanted as V.P.) Pelosi would become President. In this situation Pelosi would name a V.P. of her choice, subject to majority approval by both houses of Congress. Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller are the only examples of this in our history.

I think that the Left knows it cannot defeat Donald Trump in November 2020. They will never admit this but everything they are doing is aimed at destroying his Administration and as many of his family and supporters they can, even if it happens after he is re-elected. Note: I consider the Left to be almost all Democrats, the RINO Republicans and the MSM. They are all eager participants in the detailed traitorous plan to take the White House away from those of us that elected Donald Trump. A look at some facts proves that this is happening, and the Left is no longer concerned about what they are doing being unethical, illegal and in some cases Treason. As noted in my article last week thefirst part of the Merriam Webster definition of Treason is: “the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country”.

I am not the only person who thinks that the Left knows it cannot defeat President Trump in November 2020 but will never admit it. Rush Limbaugh talked about this at length on his radio show one afternoon last week, and I have heard other people talk about this on Fox News.

Here are a few examples of the Left’s deliberate efforts to destroy the Trump Administration, and totally take over America:

  • California, including Los Angeles county is being forced to clean up their voter registration rolls as a result of the settlement agreement of a Judicial Watch law suit against them. California and many of its counties have refused to clean up their voter registration rolls even though it is required by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). The NVRA requires states and counties to remove voter registrations when the voter does not vote in two consecutive general federal elections. These are usually people who have moved to another county or state or have died. It is interesting to note that Los Angeles county has a total population that is larger than the total population of 41 of our states. Judicial Watch reported that Los Angeles county has more people on its voter registration rolls than it has citizens old enough to vote. These numbers are the reason the Left is so obsessed with getting rid of the Electoral College and letting illegals vote. Accomplishing either of these goals will guarantee that a Conservative Republican will probably never win a national election again and America will become a one-party Socialist country. The Democrats took the first step in getting illegals to vote recently when they passed legislation in the House that made it easier for people to commit voter fraud. After the bill passed Pelosi and other prominent Democrats went on record publicly encouraging illegals to vote whenever they could. The Democrat Party position is that everyone should be allowed to vote in local and state elections! NVRA prevents illegals from voting in national elections (for now) but state, county and municipal elections are not regulated by the NVRA!
  • Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass) proposed an amendment to HR1 that would change the legal voting age to 16! People who are 16 years old are usually less informed about politics than people who are 18 and more easily influenced. People who are 16 years old usually have two more years in school which makes them prime targets for liberal educator’s indoctrination.
  • Rep Schiff and his staff made four trips to N.Y. City to meet with Cohen and his “Clinton Fixer” lawyer, Lanny Davis to prepare Cohen for his testimony before Schiff’s committee. Schiff initially denied this but when it became public (thanks to Fox News) the Democrats issued a public statement insisting that this was perfectly OK and was “Standard Operating Procedure” in situations like this. I am now absolutely convinced that the Democrats are colluding with Cohen to get him to say what they want him to say in exchange for reconsideration of his pending prison sentence.
  • The recent release of the transcript of Bruce Ohr’s testimony before a congressional committee proves without any doubt that Rep Schiff, and other Democrats lied publicly and colluded with top FBI and DOJ officials to influence the election and later to try to impeach President Trump. Ohr was an associate Attorney General at the DOJ and is just one of the top FBI and DOJ officials who have been fired or forced out of office since President Trump was sworn in for inappropriate and\or illegal behavior while in office.
  • Tom Perez, the Chairman of the DNC publicly announced that Fox News would not be allowed to host any of the 12 scheduled Democratic Presidential Candidate debates, “because they are not a news organization”. I do not believe that any other media organization has a potential debate moderator team that is as honest, balanced, knowledgeable and professional as a Bret Bair, Martha McCallum and Chris Wallace team would be and has been in the past!
  • Every House committee and sub-committee chair is dramatically ramping up investigations of “everything Trump” and spending many millions of taxpayer dollars in the process. Rep. Nadler and Rep. Schiff are two of the most aggressive chairs. Schiff even hired a former federal prosecutor and recent MSNBC legal analyst to “lead his committee’s investigations into Trump’s Russia collusion”.  
  • Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, General Flynn and their family’s lives have been totally destroyed based on Mueller investigations that had nothing to do with the Trump campaign and were way outside Mueller’s special prosecutor mandate. Mueller and his staff covered this up by referring these prosecutions to state prosecutors. John Podesta, Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff and Hillary’s campaign chair, and his brother Tony did some of the same things Manafort has been convicted of but no one seems to be concerned about that? Manafort has been held in federal prison in solitary confinement pending sentencing for FINANCIAL CRIMES! His initial sentencing was earlier this week. He was sentenced to 4.7 years in federal prison. His health has deteriorated to the point that he will most certainly die in prison. When the sentence was announced the Democrats immediately began to loudly and publicly say that the length of the sentence was an, “outrageous miscarriage of justice”! They insisted that it should have been much longer!
  • Rep. Tlaib held a press conference this week to announce that she was going to introduce a resolution calling for Trump’s Impeachment.
  • The Democrats refused to say that anything Rep. Omar has said or done has been wrong or out of order. All you have to do to see that this is not right is log into the internet or turn on a TV! Instead of condemning Omar in any way the Democrats passed an “all encompassing” bill condemning all forms of hate speech or discriminating behavior by anyone. This was an absolute and unnecessary waste of legislative time and taxpayer dollars! 

As predicted the Left has succeeded in the first part of their plan to take over the White House. That was to prevent anything from getting done in Washington until they destroy the Trump Presidency. However, I still think that they are grossly underestimating President Trump and his patriotic supporters!

Post Script: In a press interview with The Washington Post on Monday, March 11, 2019 Pelosi said she would not pursue impeachment against Trump because he “was not worth it”. However, she left herself an “out” when she said, “unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan”. She is also letting all her House committee chairs continue to waste millions of taxpayer dollars and thousands of legislative hours digging for dirt on the Trump administration. It appears that she had to make this statement because Mueller is about to end his unethical and illegal investigation with nothing to show for it! The radical wing of her party is openly rebelling against this.

The Left Gets More Unhinged Every Day

Teachers brought “coached” students to confront Senator Feinstein in her California office about AOC’s “Green New Deal”. It was obvious that the students had been brain washed to the point of being frightened about what is going to happen to them in 12 years. One young girl holding a protest sign said to the Senator that, “scientist have said that we have 12 years to deal with this” When Senator Feinstein pushed back in a reasonable way the adults with the group, I assume they were teachers, became indignant. As expected the MSM has “selectively” released parts of the student’s visit to make the Senator look bad about her position on the “Green New Deal”. The trip was organized by the “Sunrise Movement Bay Area” and is being used by them to put pressure on elected officials like Feinstein. The students appeared to me to be elementary and middle school students, but the organizers claim that they are middle school and high school students. Either way this is an improper way to use students.

Kamala Harris’ family owned a large farm in Jamaica and used slaves to work it! Per a number of unrelated articles posted on the internet, “While Democratic 2020 hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif) is making calls for some form of reparations for slavery, her father revealed that their family has a history of being violent slave owners”. No surprise, I have not seen any of the MSM reporting on this?

Kamala Harris openly admitted in a live interview on a talk radio show to smoking marijuana in the past. When the host seemed surprised about this open admission by a sitting Senator and active Presidential candidate, she laughed it off and said, “I am Jamaican”. Her father did not respond well to her “I am Jamaican” comment. When the, still surprised, show host asked if she supported the legalization of recreational marijuana, she did not hesitate to say that she did. The MSM is burying this one too.

Recently the MSM began to obsess about how much time the President spends on “twitter”. One major station, I believe it was CBS, announced that they had assigned staff to monitor President Trump’s time on twitter and keep detailed records of how much time he spent on twitter every day.

With Washington grinding to a halt Nancy Pelosi got rock star treatment at Clive Davis’ pre-Grammy’s party. She got a standing ovation and a long line of “stars” stood in line to get pictures with her recreating her “mocking Trump clap’ during his SOTU speech.

Disgraced and fired FBI Deputy Director, and Acting Director briefly, Andrew McCabe has been on a mind-boggling media tour promoting his new book and blaming everyone but himself for his firing. He has even named Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Director of the DOJ as being the person who suggested they use the 25th amendment to remove Trump from the White House, the person that said at least two cabinet members would support this and that he “would wear a wire to the White House to record President Trump”. When asked who the cabinet members were McCabe “could not remember”. He has repeatedly insisted that Trump “colluded” with the Russians to “fix the election”. Based on several articles posted on various internet sites, and reports on Fox News, McCabe is guilty of lying under oath on at least three occasions during recorded testimony.

McCabe failed to report a $700,000 campaign contribution from Terry McAuliffe, a high-ranking Clinton operative, to his wife for a failed run for political office in Virginia. He was required by law to report this on his financial disclosure forms at the time, but somehow this is not an issue for a career Democrat in the “Washington Cesspool”? Remember the “Washington Cesspool Double Standard of Justice” I wrote about last week?

Special Council Mueller continues to spend millions of taxpayer dollars and destroy families’ lives, General Flynn, Manafort, Stone, while he searches for “crimes that the Trump family may have committed”. This is how things are done in ruthless dictatorships, not in America. Stalin actually bragged about doing this. When Mueller could not find anything that he could prosecute Trump for he widened his investigation way beyond his original Justice Department mandate. Mueller did this with the full support of the leadership of the FBI and DOJ (who have all been forced to resign or were fired)!

Recently it was made public that in 1996 the IRS began issuing ITIN (Individual Tax Identification Numbers) to foreigners working in the U.S. who could not get Social Security numbers. This was intended for them to be able to legally file tax returns for money earned in the U.S. Somewhere along the way it became a way for illegals to file bogus tax returns with under reported incomes and inflated claims for child care credits. This has resulted in the IRS issuing huge tax refunds for bogus claims, and they are still doing it! In one case that was reported by a “whistle blower” in Detroit $28,000 was paid out in tax refunds to multiple illegals who were supposed to be living in a mobile home and claimed excessive child care credits for nieces and nephews. When reporters visited the mobile home only one couple with one child lived there. 

A number of people in the MSM have started monitoring President Trumps “Executive Time” and gleefully reporting it as excessive and unproductive. From what I have seen, and I am a news junky, this President works more and harder than any President in my memory and has accomplished more in two years than I believed possible. He has done this with more open opposition to everything he tries to do than any President that I am aware of. Who else in the White House had the leadership of the FBI and DOJ openly plotting to remove him from office using the 25th Amendment, with ranking members of the Left in Washington eagerly supporting them?

Schiff, Blumenthal, and a number of other hard Left Democrats are plotting with Mueller and State AG’s to make sure Manafort and Stone are charged with serious crimes at the state level. They are loudly bragging about this being done because the President cannot pardon people for crimes they are charged with in State Courts. 

Schiff, Nadler and other ranking Democrats are opening new and very expensive investigations into “everything Trump”. They are also issuing press releases and giving interviews to anyone in the MSM that will give them camera time insisting that they will subpoena Mueller if he does not immediately publicly release all the records from his investigations, as soon as he completes the investigations (which would be a serious violation of a number of Federal laws), and if he does not bring criminal charges against Trump. Various “Washington and New York insiders” are all saying that this is an indication that the Mueller investigations are winding down and no criminal collision has been found.

Obviously I could write a long book with examples like these, all easily documented, but I think the ones I listed here make it clear how bad things have gotten in Washington.

Up until now I have avoided using the word “treason” in any of my articles. I have tried to label everything the Left is doing as a new level of dishonest and nasty national politics. However, I am ending this article with the Merriam Webster definition of Treason: “the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war; specifically: the act of levying war against the United States or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance”. If the leadership of multiple Federal Government departments and ranking elected officials plotting to remove a sitting president simply because they do like him is not Treason, it is sure getting close to being!

Why Does the Left (Democrats, RINO Republicans and MSM) No Longer Feel the Need to Hide Its Anti-American Agenda?

I repeatedly asked myself this question over the last few months as I watched the Left (Democrats, RINO Republicans and MSM) publicly and loudly display their anti-American agenda. Every time I log into the internet or turn on the TV I see or hear someone on the Left ranting about how bad things are in America and insisting that their way is the only way to fix everything that is wrong in America. (Definition of rant: speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way). As the volume and intensity of the rants increased over the last few months I increasingly asked myself several questions:

  • Does the Left really believe what they are saying is true?
  • Does the Left really believe that the majority of the people in America are so uninformed, naive or self-centered that they believe that the Left’s rants are true?
  • And even more importantly, what is happening in America now that is so bad? As I look past the rants and the fake news I see more good things happening in America, and the world than I have seen for many years!

Here are a few examples of the most recent rants:

  • After being sworn in on her first day in Washington new Congress woman Rashida Tlaib spoke at a rally organized by moveon,org. While speaking she repeated a conversation she had with her young son after winning her congressional race in November. She said that she told her son that she was going to Washington to “impeach the mother f…..”! This was a conversation she had with her young son and she repeated it while speaking into a microphone at a public rally in front of cameras. And the crowd roared in approval! After publicly refusing to apologize she posted a picture of herself on social media with the Palestine flag!
  • Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the 29 year old new Congress woman from NY has been in front of ever TV camera and microphone that she can find ranting about her plans to dramatically raise taxes in America to help pay for her totally socialist agenda. Her agenda includes free health care and college tuition for everyone. She also wants to eliminate the use of fossil fuels in America. She has become so popular with the Left that the MSM has given her a special pet name, “AOC”.
  • When he was sworn in to his 3rd term as NY Governor, Andrew Coumo gave an impassioned speech about everything his administration plans to do in his new term in office. In the speech he took a direct shot at President Trump and his supporters when he said, “we are going to build infrastructure not walls” and that everyone was “welcome in America”
  • Tom Steyer, a Silicon Valley billionaire is continuing his 100-million-dollar TV advertising campaign demanding that President Trump be removed from office now, not voted out in 2020. He just announced that he is going on a fact-finding trip to Iowa indicating that he is considering running for president in 2020. At last count that brings the official number of people who are “considering running as a Democrat in 2020 to somewhere around 40, and they all have one thing in common. That is an obsessive hatred for President Trump and his supporters.
  • On his first official day back in Washington Al Green from Texas co-authored a new bill to impeach President Trump.
  • Congressman Nadler from NY, the new chairperson of the House Judiciary committee, held a press conference before Presidents Trump’s oval office address. During the press conference he ranted about Trump being such a liar that there should be a banner running across the screen while Trump was speaking warning everyone who watched that everything Trump was saying was a lie. He joined the MSM’s demand that President Trump’s planned speech be released prior to it being broadcast so it could be “vetted by the media prior to it being broadcast”.
  • The Left demanded that they be given equal time immediately after the oval office address so they could rebut Trump’s lies. The MSM quickly agreed and scheduled time for Pelosi and Schumer to speak live. In the speech they demanded that President Trump agree to reopen the government now without anything in the budget for border security, ”then we can talk about border security”. This is the new Democratic talking point intended to take the focus off their role in the shutdown.
  • NY mayor De Blasio held a press conference where he announced his plans to offer free Medicare for anyone in New York city that needed it.
  • When he was sworn in as the next governor of California Gavin Newsom announced that California was going to, “offer sanctuary for everyone”. He has been involved in politics in California his entire adult life. He is also Nancy Pelosi’s nephew. 
  • It is interesting to note that many of the people on the Left who are the most outspoken against any form of a physical “barrier” at the border live in private gated communities or condos with armed security controlling access to the property. A perfect example of this is Maxine Waters who lives in a multi-million dollar home in a private gated community that is not in her district. With the unemployment rate in her district at 22% it seems to me that is what she should be focusing on rather than open borders?

As noted above this is just a small sample of the Left’s recent rants about “everything Trump”. While all this is happening I have not seen or heard a single person on the Left acknowledge that there is anything good happening in America? The GOOD list is also very long, but just two things at the top of the list are all we need to see to prove that President Trump’s actions and policies are “Making America Great Again”. The two things are:

  • The Labor Participation Rate in America now is the best it has been for decades.
  • Annual income in America is up 3.2%, which is higher than our current inflation rate.

These two things together are undeniable proof that a larger percentage of our population is working in America now than has been for decades, and they are making more money.

In addition to these two key economic indicators, there is something else that proves President Trump’s policies and actions are “Making America Great Again”. America is now the world’s largest oil and gas producer! And what really makes this special is that while accomplishing this America met the goals set for it in the Paris Climate Accord! 

While all these good things are happening in America the Trump Administration also got new (much more favorable trade agreements) with Mexico and Canada.  And China is at the trade agreement negotiating table NOW, and all indications are that is going in our favor too! The new trade agreement with China will be part of the new trade agreements we will have in place of the disastrous planned TPP agreement that the Obama Administration had negotiated with that part of the world. Note: Regarding the Obama proposed TPP agreement I used the word “negotiating” very loosely.

As I sit here and look at the two extremely different world views I have described it is obvious to me that the Left has dramatically increased its “everything anti-Trump” rants. The more President Trump accomplishes, the more frantic the Left becomes in its efforts to destroy his Presidency! This is happening because the Left knows that every campaign promise that President Trump fulfills reduces their “POWER” and consequently reduces their ability to destroy our Constitution and make America be part of their dream of a “One World Order”.

This week I read Laura Ingraham’s book, “Billionaire at the Barricades” subtitled, “The Populist Revolution From Reagan to Trump”. It is a long and fascinating book that details the history of the Republican party and American politics from Reagan to Trump. She is an excellent writer, commentator and has a remarkable resume. In one of the last chapters there is one sentence that “jumped off my iPad” as I read it. It was, “The Left hates Trump and Republicans”. I am sure that in this case she was referring to real Republicans, not RINO Republicans. She is so right! I firmly believe that we are at a point in America where the Left has decided that the Trump Presidency cannot be allowed to survive! But, as I wrote last week, I am confident that President Trump will out work and out last all of his attackers and “Make America Great Again”!