The Left Gets More Unhinged Every Day

Teachers brought “coached” students to confront Senator Feinstein in her California office about AOC’s “Green New Deal”. It was obvious that the students had been brain washed to the point of being frightened about what is going to happen to them in 12 years. One young girl holding a protest sign said to the Senator that, “scientist have said that we have 12 years to deal with this” When Senator Feinstein pushed back in a reasonable way the adults with the group, I assume they were teachers, became indignant. As expected the MSM has “selectively” released parts of the student’s visit to make the Senator look bad about her position on the “Green New Deal”. The trip was organized by the “Sunrise Movement Bay Area” and is being used by them to put pressure on elected officials like Feinstein. The students appeared to me to be elementary and middle school students, but the organizers claim that they are middle school and high school students. Either way this is an improper way to use students.

Kamala Harris’ family owned a large farm in Jamaica and used slaves to work it! Per a number of unrelated articles posted on the internet, “While Democratic 2020 hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif) is making calls for some form of reparations for slavery, her father revealed that their family has a history of being violent slave owners”. No surprise, I have not seen any of the MSM reporting on this?

Kamala Harris openly admitted in a live interview on a talk radio show to smoking marijuana in the past. When the host seemed surprised about this open admission by a sitting Senator and active Presidential candidate, she laughed it off and said, “I am Jamaican”. Her father did not respond well to her “I am Jamaican” comment. When the, still surprised, show host asked if she supported the legalization of recreational marijuana, she did not hesitate to say that she did. The MSM is burying this one too.

Recently the MSM began to obsess about how much time the President spends on “twitter”. One major station, I believe it was CBS, announced that they had assigned staff to monitor President Trump’s time on twitter and keep detailed records of how much time he spent on twitter every day.

With Washington grinding to a halt Nancy Pelosi got rock star treatment at Clive Davis’ pre-Grammy’s party. She got a standing ovation and a long line of “stars” stood in line to get pictures with her recreating her “mocking Trump clap’ during his SOTU speech.

Disgraced and fired FBI Deputy Director, and Acting Director briefly, Andrew McCabe has been on a mind-boggling media tour promoting his new book and blaming everyone but himself for his firing. He has even named Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Director of the DOJ as being the person who suggested they use the 25th amendment to remove Trump from the White House, the person that said at least two cabinet members would support this and that he “would wear a wire to the White House to record President Trump”. When asked who the cabinet members were McCabe “could not remember”. He has repeatedly insisted that Trump “colluded” with the Russians to “fix the election”. Based on several articles posted on various internet sites, and reports on Fox News, McCabe is guilty of lying under oath on at least three occasions during recorded testimony.

McCabe failed to report a $700,000 campaign contribution from Terry McAuliffe, a high-ranking Clinton operative, to his wife for a failed run for political office in Virginia. He was required by law to report this on his financial disclosure forms at the time, but somehow this is not an issue for a career Democrat in the “Washington Cesspool”? Remember the “Washington Cesspool Double Standard of Justice” I wrote about last week?

Special Council Mueller continues to spend millions of taxpayer dollars and destroy families’ lives, General Flynn, Manafort, Stone, while he searches for “crimes that the Trump family may have committed”. This is how things are done in ruthless dictatorships, not in America. Stalin actually bragged about doing this. When Mueller could not find anything that he could prosecute Trump for he widened his investigation way beyond his original Justice Department mandate. Mueller did this with the full support of the leadership of the FBI and DOJ (who have all been forced to resign or were fired)!

Recently it was made public that in 1996 the IRS began issuing ITIN (Individual Tax Identification Numbers) to foreigners working in the U.S. who could not get Social Security numbers. This was intended for them to be able to legally file tax returns for money earned in the U.S. Somewhere along the way it became a way for illegals to file bogus tax returns with under reported incomes and inflated claims for child care credits. This has resulted in the IRS issuing huge tax refunds for bogus claims, and they are still doing it! In one case that was reported by a “whistle blower” in Detroit $28,000 was paid out in tax refunds to multiple illegals who were supposed to be living in a mobile home and claimed excessive child care credits for nieces and nephews. When reporters visited the mobile home only one couple with one child lived there. 

A number of people in the MSM have started monitoring President Trumps “Executive Time” and gleefully reporting it as excessive and unproductive. From what I have seen, and I am a news junky, this President works more and harder than any President in my memory and has accomplished more in two years than I believed possible. He has done this with more open opposition to everything he tries to do than any President that I am aware of. Who else in the White House had the leadership of the FBI and DOJ openly plotting to remove him from office using the 25th Amendment, with ranking members of the Left in Washington eagerly supporting them?

Schiff, Blumenthal, and a number of other hard Left Democrats are plotting with Mueller and State AG’s to make sure Manafort and Stone are charged with serious crimes at the state level. They are loudly bragging about this being done because the President cannot pardon people for crimes they are charged with in State Courts. 

Schiff, Nadler and other ranking Democrats are opening new and very expensive investigations into “everything Trump”. They are also issuing press releases and giving interviews to anyone in the MSM that will give them camera time insisting that they will subpoena Mueller if he does not immediately publicly release all the records from his investigations, as soon as he completes the investigations (which would be a serious violation of a number of Federal laws), and if he does not bring criminal charges against Trump. Various “Washington and New York insiders” are all saying that this is an indication that the Mueller investigations are winding down and no criminal collision has been found.

Obviously I could write a long book with examples like these, all easily documented, but I think the ones I listed here make it clear how bad things have gotten in Washington.

Up until now I have avoided using the word “treason” in any of my articles. I have tried to label everything the Left is doing as a new level of dishonest and nasty national politics. However, I am ending this article with the Merriam Webster definition of Treason: “the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war; specifically: the act of levying war against the United States or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance”. If the leadership of multiple Federal Government departments and ranking elected officials plotting to remove a sitting president simply because they do like him is not Treason, it is sure getting close to being!

The Left’s Efforts to Destroy the Trump Presidency Have Become Frantic!

In some of my recent articles I wrote that the Left was obsessed with destroying the Trump Presidency because he was a threat to their power. When the new Congress was sworn in on January 3, 2019 this became even more obvious than it had been. The Democrats in the “Washington Cesspool”, with the support of the RINO Republicans and the eager assistance of the MSM, are flaunting their disdain for everything Conservative. And now Democrat party leaders in a number of states are “pilling on”. Nothing is “off limits” and facts do not matter. The only thing that matters is destroying the Trump Presidency.

I am still convinced that the Left’s sole objective is keeping total control of the power in Washington in their hands. However, I now think that there is something else the Left fears more than losing the power. If they do not succeed in destroying the Trump Presidency he will weaken the Left’s strangle hold on America, and the “Double Standard of Justice” that exist in the “Washington Cesspool” will be dramatically weakened. The “Washington Cesspool” cannot exist without the “Double Standard of Justice”.  

There has been a “Double Standard of Justice” in Washington for a long time. The Clinton administration relied on it to do as it pleased, but Bill was deceptive about it. He did not flaunt it. However, during Obama’s eight years in the White House it became an integral part of the operations of every branch of our Federal government. It got so deeply rooted in every branch of our Federal Government that it became an accepted way of life for the Left. It became a “Double Standard of Justice” on steroids for the Left! 

Past examples of the “Double Standard of Justice” are well known:

  • The Clintons used the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Initiative, Bill’s fundraisers for the African Aids project and the Haiti Restoration project to become billionaires and enrich a wide circle of friends and supporters.
  • Hillary and her State Department staff’s blatant violation of Federal Government security regulations to cover up her endless stream of “Pay for Play” activities, with no one charged with a crime. When Hillary and her staff were questioned about this by the FBI they were not under oath, the meetings were brief and no one took notes.
  • The DNC fixed the primary to be sure Hillary won.
  • Hillary and the DNC colluded with the Obama Administration, the FBI and DOJ to try and destroy the Trump campaign.
  • The Obama Administration’s “Fast and Furious” debacle.
  • The IRS illegally targeted over 100 conservative groups (and individual members of these groups), while handing out tax exempt IRS approvals to every radical group they could find.
  • The Benghazi cover up.
  • The Obama Administration’s illegal surveillance and “unmasking” of American citizens.   
  • The leadership of the FBI and DOJ openly worked at destroying the Trump campaign while protecting Hillary, and then openly plotted to remove an elected President from office. They were so unconcerned about how illegal their actions were, and any chances they would be charged with crimes, they left a long trail of text messages and e-mails behind documenting their actions!

In spite of how blatant these examples of the “Double Standard of Justice” were, no one involved went to jail, Obama was re-elected and the Clintons and Obamas (and many of their friends and supporters) became rich beyond their wildest dreams. 

And now we are seeing glaring examples of the other end of the “Double Standard of Justice”:

  • People who were associated with the Trump campaign have been subjected to “no knock” predawn raids by large numbers of heavily armed FBI agents, they and their families’ lives are being destroyed and some are facing many years in prison and huge fines. Nothing they have been charged with had anything to do with the Trump campaign. People on the left who did the same things these people are being charged with have been totally ignored.
  • Every Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives is now chaired by a hard-Left Democrat. Every one of these committees is spending millions of dollars to open new investigations into “everything Trump”. As noted earlier many Democrats in state governments are joining in these endless investigations and/or opening their own endless investigations into “everything Trump”. In some of these “investigations” the Left is also going after members of President Trump’s family.

When you look at these examples of the “Double Standard of Justice” that exist in the “Washington Cesspool it is easy to conclude that the “Washington Cesspool” is so deep and corrupt that it cannot be fixed. But that is beginning to change! Donald Trump declared he was running to be President on the Republican Party ticket, and then he won the election and was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America!

In recent months every top official in the FBI and DOJ has been forced to resign or been fired. The only one left is Rod Rosenstein at the DOJ and his resignation was just made public. Some of these people have been investigated by independent IG’s and some are still being investigated. There are strong indications that some of them will be charged with crimes. Lying under oath, tampering with evidence in Federal investigations, illegally leaking confidential information, and illegally plotting to remove a sitting President are some of the crimes they will likely be charged with. Andrew McCabe is the best example that these people will be charged with Federal crimes. He is on a nonstop stream of appearances on various media outlets insisting that everything he did was approved by FBI and DOJ officials, including James Comey and Rod Rosenstein! As I watched parts of his interviews over the last few days I thought to myself that this is the first serious crack in the “Washington Cesspool’s” “Double Standard of Justice”! And Donald Trump is still in the White House!

I Really Hope the Democrats Keep Doing What They are doing Until November 3, 2020!

When President Trump won the 2016 election the Left (Democrats, RINO Republicans and MSM) became obsessed with hatred for him and destroying his presidency. This has been obvious to anyone who follows the news at any level. For at least a year many Conservatives have said publicly that the Democrat’s sole agenda was to destroy the Trump Presidency. It is obvious to me that they are correct, and that now the “destroy Trump agenda” is a carefully planned and organized three-part plan. They are aggressively executing all three parts simultaneously in case they fail to destroy his presidency before November 6, 2020. The three parts are:

  • Destroy the Trump Administration and force him out of office with the ultimate goal of putting him in jail.
  • Prevent the Federal Government from doing anything until November 6, 2020 so they (with the eager assistance of the MSM) can blame Trump for all the Federal Government’s failures until then. They believe that this will make conditions in America so bad it will cause him to lose that election. I overheard a person on Fox News one day last week say, “The Democrat’s agenda was no agenda”. As I thought about that it confirmed what I have been thinking for months. The Democrats, led by Pelosi and Schumer, are deliberately hurting America to defeat Trump!
  • Bury President Trump’s re-election campaign in the media with an avalanche of opposing candidates. As of this weekend there are already over 20 Democrats who have publicly declared they are running for President. There are over 20 more Democrats who have publicly said they are strongly considering running. There is at least one well known billionaire who has said publicly that he is researching running as an Independent and believes he can win by the numbers. Democrat party leadership is furious about this because they think he will take votes from Democrats. Several RINO Republicans have said they are considering running against President Trump on the Republican party ticket. Running against a sitting president on the same party ticket is something that is just not done! The Democrats love this idea and are encouraging it.

In addition to the Democrat’s three-part plan, various Democrats are taking (preapproved by party leadership) ridiculous public shots at President Trump and his supporters: Here a few of the most recent:

  • The Democrats on the Bicameral Congressional committee that is supposed to be putting together a compromise border security plan initially refused to discuss any budget for any form of border barriers. Last week it appeared that they might be willing to agree on a compromise bill that did budget some money for some border barriers. Last Friday, 2/08/19 the committee announced that the Democrats suddenly began to insist that any budget for any barriers would only be approved by the Democrats if the number of beds ICE has available to use to detain illegals was substantially reduced! This would effectively force ICE to release thousands of violent illegals if they could not immediately deport them! Many of these are illegals who committed crimes, here in America after they got in the country illegally! With a 2/15/19 deadline to have a compromise bill approved by Congress and signed by the President, an acceptable compromise bill had to be submitted to congress by the committee on 2/11/19. If the committee failed to submit an acceptable bill to congress by this deadline it would effectively kill the bill. This would be just one more carefully planned and orchestrated (poison pill) effort by the Democrats to hurt America and blame President Trump for it! Update: Thecommittee reached a compromise deal on Monday night, but it may not pass through congress and the President may not sign it. Complete details about what is in the bill have not been made public yet. What has been reported is that parts of the bill are BLANK, to be filled in after the bill is passed by congress and is signed by the President, if it passes and is signed by the President! Update: this morning, 2/14/19 the bill has not been placed before the House for a vote and people from both parties have referred to “poison pills” in the bill. Both parties are unhappy with the bill. President Trump said last night that he had not seen the bill yet, he was unhappy with what he knew about the bill, but liked the direction it was going in.
  • California governor Newsome and New Mexico governor Grisham both ordered the National Guard troops off their southern border! Yes, they can legally do this. Coincidence? Grisham also ordered the concertina wire that the troops had installed on the state’s border be removed.
  • Senator Warren joined a long list of prominent Democrats who are publicly saying that in November 2020 Trump may not still be the President, and in fact he may be in jail!
  • Cory Booker joined a growing list of prominent Democrats who are publicly declaring their support for AOC’s “Green New deal”. He said that denying that global warming (now called climate change) is an immediate threat to the world is the equivalent of denying the Nazis existed in World War 2!
  • The Democrats continue to angrily declare that “Trump is lying about a crisis on our southern border and the number of arrest and drug seizers on the border are actually declining”. According to what the Border Patrol publicly told President Trump on his recent trip to the border it is the Democrats who are blatantly lying about conditions on the Border. Over 200,000 illegals were apprehended on the border between October 1, 2018 and January 31, 2019! This is an 84% increase over the same time period a year ago! Border patrol agents cited two examples of recent apprehensions that highlighted how serious the crisis is. Border Patrol agents noticed smoke from a large camp fire along the border. When they approached the campfire they found 151 illegals waiting to be taken into custody. The second example was that in January they apprehended illegals from 17 different countries, including two from Pakistan! The media that was traveling with President Trump on this trip, and the MSM have made sure this information was buried.

It is clear to me that the “Washington Cesspool’s” survival depends on destroying President Trump any way they can, regardless of how much damage they do to America along the way. In addition to all the other positive things President Trump has accomplished in his first two years, his insistence on making our southern border secure is a key part of defeating the Left’s plan to ultimately take total control of our government. Without millions of illegals voting (almost all for Democrats) the Left cannot ever totally take over our government (at least until the millennials become the ruling class, but that is another problem on its own!).

The Left Believes So Strongly That They Are Invincible They Have Become Irrational and Un-American!

As I wrote last week, the Left (Democrats, RINO Republicans and the MSM) has become so obsessed with what they believe is their total power over America they think they are invincible. This is especially true as they display their open hatred for President Trump and his supporters. That is the only explanation for their irrational and un-American behavior. Everybody on the Left loudly insist that they know what is “wrong with America” and they know how to “fix it”. They are all mired so deep in this mindset that they stubbornly refuse to admit that anything good has happened in America since President Trump was elected. Anytime anyone tries to ask them a question they do not like they ignore the question, denigrate the question, or my favorite, they deflect the question by blaming Trump and his supporters for something else. The latest example of their puppet like deflection is the steady stream of people on the left being “talking heads” and somehow blaming President Trump and other prominent Republicans for “creating an environment” that caused so much negative focus on Virginia Governor Northam’s 34 year old racist picture, that he now denies was him. They clearly have a prepared script with specifics allegations against President Trump, Representative Scalise and Representative King to use to deflect any focus on the governor. The Left’s own attacks on the governor are also a deflection. The Left is using the racist claims to deflect attention away from their extreme stance on abortion. This is now their S.O.P. Deny, deflect, attack and then claim they are the only ones who can, “make America right again”. This is all they can do now because the Trump Administration has accomplished so much in his first two years!

Since President Trump was sworn in we have:

  • More Americans working than ever before. The highest labor participation rate we have had in decades.
  • Average increased income for working Americans of 3.3% in 2018. Working Americans also got bigger pay checks as a result of the Trump tax cuts.
  • America became the number one oil and gas producer in the world while meeting the goals set for it in the Paris Climate Agreement, even after President Trump withdrew us from the agreement. It is interesting to note that some of the other countries that are still part of the agreement did NOT meet their goals!
  • In recent trade talks between China and President Trump China committed to purchase a lot of American goods, including a large amount of soybeans, and to make Fentanyl be a controlled substance in China! Fentanyl overdoes in America has become a growing epidemic. There were 18,000 Fentanyl overdose deaths in America in 2018. Recently 254 lbs. of illegal Fentanyl were discovered in a load of cucumbers coming into the U.S. from Mexico. Experts say that a small amount no bigger than a few grains of salt can be a deadly overdose, so 254 lbs. would be enough to overdose millions of people.
  • GDP in America in 2018 was a record 3.2%. During Obama’s eight years GDP was dramatically below this every year he was in office.
  • 304,000 new jobs were created in January, in spite of the shutdown!  During President Trump’s two years in office American businesses have created an average of 250,000 new jobs per month. During Obama’s eight years in office there were times when you could add up the new jobs created in America for many months and it would not total 250,000. Obama even said that “those jobs are not coming back”.
  • There is a power generating plant in the county south of me. It had five towers working before the Obama Administration killed coal production. Four were shut down and one was converted to natural gas. The last one was shut down in 2015. For years there were miles of empty coal rail cars sitting idle, abandoned at the rail yard at the plant. Last Saturday as I passed by the plant I noticed all the rail cars were GONE. The railroad is using them to haul coal again! And there is a major construction project going on at the plant.

If the Left is not successful in destroying the Trump Administration before November 6, 2020, President Trump will be re-elected. The Left will never admit it but they know that is true. That is why they are so obsessed with attacking President Trump and his supporters. I am going to continue to support and bet on President Trump!

Postscript: I have been following politics my whole adult life, closely for over 40 years. During all this time I have never seen such disgusting un-American behavior like I witnessed from the Left before, during and after the 2/05/19 State of The Union address, especially during the address!