No matter what it is called, “The Deep State”, “The Swamp”, “The Washington Cesspool”, “The Establishment”, “The Washington Insiders”, “The Left”, it is all the same. It is the Democrats, RINO Republicans, the Main Stream Media, almost all the Federal employees, and the “self-appointed” Washington elite who support the “Deep State” status quo. They do not want anything to change in Washington, especially if it threatens their obsession with money and power and their ability to continually stroke their own egos. None of these people think that President Trump, the non- politician businessman, has a place anywhere in “their world”. Much to their horror President Trump won a large Electoral College victory and he did it without running what they all consider to be a “traditional” Presidential campaign. And then, according to the inhabitants of the “Deep State”, it got worse when Trump was sworn in as President of the United States. Immediately after taking the oath President Trump began to govern like he had campaigned. He began to work to “make America great again” regardless of what the “Deep State” said about him or did to him or his Administration.
The state of shock the “Deep State” descended into on election night, when they realized that Hillary lost the election, instantly began to morph into an irrational rage. Their rage got noticeable worse when President Trump was sworn in and then repeatedly used the word “we” in his inaugural address. A new President constantly referring to “we the people” was simply inconceivable to the occupants of the “Deep State”! The “Deep State” occupants much prefer that “I” be used, like Obama did constantly, rather than “we the people”. That simple change shows the world how different President Trump is from Obama, and the rest of the occupants of the “Deep State”.
President Trump has only been in office for fifteen months and every day has been an open battle field for him and his administration against the “Deep State”, and as I wrote last week, the “Deep State” is getting more frantic by the hour. There is clearly no limit to what the “Deep State” will say or do as it desperately tries to destroy the Trump Presidency. Here are just three current examples:
- Earlier this year it was reported that there were over 100 of President Trump’s appointees still being held up in the Senate. Laura Ingraham did a detailed report about this situation on her show one night last week. During the week of April 16, 2018 the number of Trump appointees that was still being held up in the Senate was NOT JUST OVER 100, it was 511! That is correct, it is OVER 500! This means that after 15 months in office President Trump still has vacancies at practically every upper level of every Federal Government agency and many unfilled Federal Judge positions. Just this week the President’s recent pick to take over the deeply troubled V.A, was personally destroyed in the Main Stream Media by various members of the “Deep State” with ridiculous and totally unsubstantiated attacks on his character and leadership skills. The “Deep State” is doing this to all of President Trump’s appointees, even after it literally tripped all over itself to immediately approve Obama’s. When Obama made his initial appointments RINO McCain publicly said that, “the President deserves to have the appointees he wants”. Now various Senators are using ridiculous Senate rules to deliberately delay all of President Trump’s appointees to the point that many simply withdraw their nomination from consideration. Where is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell?
- In addition to the Senate’s open RESISTANCE to approving President Trump’s appointees, the “Deep State” is systematically attacking any appointees that did manage to get approved. There is clearly an organized “Deep State” effort to personally destroy these people’s reputations and force them out of their positions.
- Tom Steyer, a billionaire hedge fund manager who was literally obsessed with supporting Obama has now dedicated his fortune and life to impeaching President Trump. He has organized and funded a national tour with protests, rallies, and major media advertising in many of the large cities across America. He has committed $40 million of his own money to fund this tour. Steyer is not alone in his organized and well-funded efforts to impeach President Trump. A simple goggle search provides a long list of other organized efforts.
These are just three examples of how far the “Deep State” is going to try and destroy the Trump Presidency, and our Constitution. They have clearly declared an all-out war on our Constitutional Republic which, in their minds, can only end one way. ”They win or we win”. They will not compromise on anything. The final decision will most likely be made at the ballot boxes on November 6, 2018! I am absolutely convinced that if the “Deep State” ever gets control of our Government again they will never give it up again, and our Constitutional Republic will die a quick death! Those of us that want our Constitution to remain in force must stand up and be heard between now and November 6, 2018, and especially on November 6, 2018.