The “Deep State” is Frantically Trying to Avoid Exposure of its Anti-American Agenda!

No matter what it is called, “The Deep State”, “The Swamp”, “The Washington Cesspool”, “The Establishment”, “The Washington Insiders”, “The Left”, it is all the same. It is the Democrats, RINO Republicans, the Main Stream Media, almost all the Federal employees, and the “self-appointed” Washington elite who support the “Deep State” status quo. They do not want anything to change in Washington, especially if it threatens their obsession with money and power and their ability to continually stroke their own egos. None of these people think that President Trump, the non- politician businessman, has a place anywhere in “their world”. Much to their horror President Trump won a large Electoral College victory and he did it without running what they all consider to be a “traditional” Presidential campaign. And then, according to the inhabitants of the “Deep State”, it got worse when Trump was sworn in as President of the United States. Immediately after taking the oath President Trump began to govern like he had campaigned. He began to work to “make America great again” regardless of what the “Deep State” said about him or did to him or his Administration.

The state of shock the “Deep State” descended into on election night, when they realized that Hillary lost the election, instantly began to morph into an irrational rage.  Their rage got noticeable worse when President Trump was sworn in and then repeatedly used the word “we” in his inaugural address. A new President constantly referring to “we the people” was simply inconceivable to the occupants of the “Deep State”! The “Deep State” occupants much prefer that “I” be used, like Obama did constantly, rather than “we the people”. That simple change shows the world how different President Trump is from Obama, and the rest of the occupants of the “Deep State”.

President Trump has only been in office for fifteen months and every day has been an open battle field for him and his administration against the “Deep State”, and as I wrote last week, the “Deep State” is getting more frantic by the hour. There is clearly no limit to what the “Deep State” will say or do as it desperately tries to destroy the Trump Presidency. Here are just three current examples:

  • Earlier this year it was reported that there were over 100 of President Trump’s appointees still being held up in the Senate. Laura Ingraham did a detailed report about this situation on her show one night last week. During the week of April 16, 2018 the number of Trump appointees that was still being held up in the Senate was NOT JUST OVER 100, it was 511! That is correct, it is OVER 500! This means that after 15 months in office President Trump still has vacancies at practically every upper level of every Federal Government agency and many unfilled Federal Judge positions. Just this week the President’s recent pick to take over the deeply troubled V.A, was personally destroyed in the Main Stream Media by various members of the “Deep State” with ridiculous and totally unsubstantiated attacks on his character and leadership skills. The “Deep State” is doing this to all of President Trump’s appointees, even after it literally tripped all over itself to immediately approve Obama’s. When Obama made his initial appointments RINO McCain publicly said that, “the President deserves to have the appointees he wants”. Now various Senators are using ridiculous Senate rules to deliberately delay all of President Trump’s appointees to the point that many simply withdraw their nomination from consideration. Where is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell?
  • In addition to the Senate’s open RESISTANCE to approving President Trump’s appointees, the “Deep State” is systematically attacking any appointees that did manage to get approved. There is clearly an organized “Deep State” effort to personally destroy these people’s reputations and force them out of their positions.
  • Tom Steyer, a billionaire hedge fund manager who was literally obsessed with supporting Obama has now dedicated his fortune and life to impeaching President Trump. He has organized and funded a national tour with protests, rallies, and major media advertising in many of the large cities across America. He has committed $40 million of his own money to fund this tour. Steyer is not alone in his organized and well-funded efforts to impeach President Trump. A simple goggle search provides a long list of other organized efforts.

These are just three examples of how far the “Deep State” is going to try and destroy the Trump Presidency, and our Constitution. They have clearly declared an all-out war on our Constitutional Republic which, in their minds, can only end one way. ”They win or we win”. They will not compromise on anything. The final decision will most likely be made at the ballot boxes on November 6, 2018! I am absolutely convinced that if the “Deep State” ever gets control of our Government again they will never give it up again, and our Constitutional Republic will die a quick death!  Those of us that want our Constitution to remain in force must stand up and be heard between now and November 6, 2018, and especially on November 6, 2018.




The Left is Getting Worse by the Hour!

The Left is, and has been obsessed with “money and power” forever. It is not just money and power for its party, movement, or whatever it claims to represent. It is for personal “money and power” and an obsession with feeding their individual insatiable EGOS!

The fact that many people who are part of the Left’s efforts to destroy America do not claim to be a Democrat or Liberal magnifies how close we are to having our Constitution shredded! We have Democrats, Liberals, RINO Republicans and the Main Stream Media (MSM) who have all stopped even pretending to hide their efforts to help destroy our Constitutional Republic and replace it with a Communist/Socialist state. They refuse to acknowledge that since the beginning of recorded history there has never been a case, of any form, of communist, socialist or dictatorial government that did not fail miserably! Look at Venezuela and Cuba right now. Venezuela has descended into utter chaos to the point that it cannot be saved. People are starving to the point that they are eating their pets and the situation is getting worse by the hour. I REPEAT, THIS ISLAND NATION CANNOT BE SAVED!  The Castro brothers just announced that they were stepping down and handing off power to a hand- picked successor who is at least as bad as them, and in some ways worse. Their hand- picked successor, and every person running for office in the new “elections” ran UNOPPOSED. Almost everyone in the nation works for the government in one form or another for the equivalent of $30 per month in worthless currency. Anyone who tries to run a small business is openly persecuted by government “officials”.  This nation will be the next Venezuela and it will not be long coming. Even liberal countries like Switzerland are descending into chaos. There are now sixty two “no go zones” in the country. In some instances grenades are being used in organized acts of violence or by the people who control these “no go zones” to protect “their turf”.

The Left is using its obsession with destroying the Trump Presidency to cover up its efforts to destroy America. And I totally believe that they see the November 6, 2018 elections as their last opportunity to accomplish their goal. This is why they are being so aggressive in their efforts to shred our Constitution and flaunt their open hatred for America, and everything it stands for and has stood for in the past.

Here are just two examples of how far the Left is going to display their hatred for America, their obsession with supporting the ongoing efforts to “fundamentally change America” and feeding their needs to stroke their EGOS:

  • On Wednesday, April 18, 2018 a Fresno State professor went on an extended twitter rant about First Lady Barbara Bush’s death. What she posted on-line about this extraordinary lady and the Bush family was beyond despicable. And then she even bragged about how much money see is paid as a professor and that she could not be fired no matter what she said or did.
  • On Wednesday April 18, 2018 a Federal judge in Kansas ruled that the Kansas Secretary of State was in contempt of court for failing to follow HER order to “register people to vote that had signed up to vote at the DMV”, even though they did not provide proof that they were U.S. citizens when they were issued the license.

These two examples also confirm that these people, and most of the people who are part of the “fundamentally change America” movement, believe that they can say or do anything they want to do WITH NO CONCERN  ABOUT ANY POSSIBLE NEGATIVE REPERCUSSIONS AS A RESULT OF THEIR ACTIONS! The reason they feel this way is because there have been little to no negative repercussions for anything that anyone on the Left said or did since Bill Clinton was sworn in, especially during the eight years  Obama was in office!  In fact the opposite of negative repercussions has been the norm for many “fundamentally change America” organizations and individuals during the Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama administrations. Note: President Bush 43 had 9/11 and the aftermath of that to deal with so his ability to deal with the Clinton “legacy” was extremely limited. When Obama became President, being rewarded for actively being involved in the “fundamentally change America” movement actually became the “norm”.

As I said, these are just two examples of the Left’s obsession with destroying America, but I know they are more than that. They are actual proof that we are seeing a “crescendo” of the Left’s efforts to make a final, all out push to destroy America on November 6, 2018. The destruction of the Trump Presidency prior to that election is a critical part of their plan. If they fail to destroy the Trump Presidency before that election their efforts to destroy America will be dramatically reduced. Consequently I fully expect this “crescendo” to get louder by the hour between now and November 6, 2018! If you have any doubt that this is happening all you have to do, to see and hear it, is to turn on any TV news program, turn on any talk radio station, open any internet browser, look at any print media or log into twitter or face book. Note: twitter and face book ARE suppressing conservative commentary. I KNOW BECAUSE THEY ARE BOTH DOING IT TO ME NOW!

Merriam Webster definition of “crescendo”: the peak of a gradual increase (climax)

There are a lot of good things happening in America and the world now, but the Left does not want you to hear this. Letting you hear good news will prevent them from achieving their goal on November 6, 2018. I am absolutely certain that the elections on November 6, 2018 will determine the future of America, and consequently the World. We must continue to stand up and make our voices heard or we will most likely lose our Constitutional Republic permanently!

The Left Has Shifted Into “Desperation Mode” as it Frantically Tries to Save Itself

The “Desperation Mode” is obvious every time I turn on the TV or open up my internet. Everything that I see and hear convinces me that the Democrats, RINO Republicans and the MSM are willing to say and do anything as they desperately try to destroy the Trump Presidency. They are obviously aware that the November 6, 2018 elections could be THE ELECTIONS that will determine the future of America, and the rest of the world!

Here are a few examples of how irrational and openly dishonest the “Washington Cesspool” and their supporters have become:

  • A 79 year old man who said he was a Holocaust survivor made a public statement that “America under Trump feels like Berlin in 1929 and 1930”. When I did the math I noted that this man was not born until nine or ten years after 1929 or 1930? I wonder how this man could describe how Berlin felt in those years as if he had personally experienced it. In spite of this obvious “discrepancy” three different media outlets published articles quoting this man! In addition to the “discrepancy” the quote itself was not only reprehensible, it could not be more WRONG! The Trump Administration is reducing regulations at a record pace, which is the opposite of what a Communist/Socialist administration would be doing.
  • The Democrats, with the eager assistance of the MSM and the “Obamaites” still embedded in every government agency, are determined to convince everyone in America that the recent tax cuts will bankrupt America by the end of 2019. They are using this message to try to convince voters to come to the polls on November 6 and vote them into control of Congress so they can repeal the tax cuts. Again they are WRONG! The American economy is getting stronger every month which means more companies and people will be paying more taxes, which will increase federal revenue even with lower tax rates.
  • The Democrats and the MSM are literally flooding the air waves and internet with “expert analysis” of how many seats the Republicans are going to lose on November 6 in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. The obvious goal of this effort is to totally drown out anyone who does not believe that is going to happen.
  • When I opened my internet browser this morning one of the top articles in my feed was about the “Republicans have given up on keeping a majority in the House on November 6 and are focusing all their money and efforts on trying to keep control of the Senate”. This is way out there even for the MSM. This is obviously another desperate effort to try and influence voter turnout on November 6.
  • The Democrats, with the help of the MSM are loudly talking about their plans to impeach President Trump as soon as they take over Congress in January. This is in spite of the fact that there has NOT been a single shred of evidence produced by anyone to confirm any Trump campaign Russia collusion. If there was any actual collusion I am certain there would have been some evidence of it made public by now!

If you look at and listen to what is actually happening in America the “Washington Cesspool” has good reason to be worried about its future. Here is what is really happening:

  • The American economy is getting better every month as a result of the Trump Administration’s actions.
  • Other countries are responding positively to President Trump’s effort to make America stronger. North Korea is willing to at least talk about its nukes, South Korea agreed to a new trade agreement that is more favorable to America and even China and Mexico have indicated they will work with America on some better trade deals, just to name a few.
  • The Democratic Party is tearing itself apart from within! There is a four day conference in Washington this week. The attendees call themselves the “Resistance Warriors”. They are all hard left, devoted Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren supporters. Their platform calls for single payer (government) healthcare, $15 minimum wage, Tuition free college, national Pre K for all children and other total Socialist programs.

If the Democrats do get control of Congress on November 6 America as we have known it will cease to exist. We must not sit down and be quite. We must make our voices heard and vote in every election, especially on November 6, 2018!

The Washington Cesspool is Developing Some Serious Cracks

The Trump Administration’s efforts to drain the “Washington Cesspool” are beginning to take effect! The Washington Cesspool inhabitants, and their supporters in other parts of America, obviously know this and are becoming unhinged as they try to save themselves. More information that confirms this is being made public every day.

Here are some examples:

  • The Trump Administration’s decision to put the question, “ARE YOU A U.S. CITIZEN” on the 2020 census form was immediately met with a media “firestorm” to try and stop this from happening. The census data is used to determine how the 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives are assigned. After each census some states lose seats and some gain seats. The data is also used to determine if any voting district lines need to be changed, which obviously can have a major effect on future elections. The data is also used to determine how federal funds are allocated to various state entities. All three of these actions can have a significant effect on various states and major cities. When you consider how an accurate count of U.S. citizens will affect the makeup of, and how our federal and state governments will work in the future, there is absolutely no reason why this question should not be on the form! There is absolutely no reason why non- citizens, especially people who are here illegally, should have any effect on the composition of our federal and state governments or how they function! This simple question on the census will have a major negative impact on every liberal state and city in America, which will be another significant step toward “making America great again”.
  • The “Obamaites” in every federal agency are steadily being exposed. More of them are going to be fired, and hopefully prosecuted for their corruption. One of them is the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein. A secret memo he wrote and actions he took appointing Special Prosecutor Mueller will almost certainly result in the Mueller investigation being totally shut down and Rosenstein being fired. He may even be prosecuted for violating Federal statutes covering the appointment of special prosecutors, fraudulent request for FICA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and the request for renewal of these warrants. Recently fired Deputy FBI Director, Andrew McCabe is another “Obamaite” who is being tied to the fraudulent request for FISA warrants and other illegal actions he did to try and prevent President Trump from being elected. In addition to being fired, hopefully he will also be prosecuted for his corruption.
  • The Main Stream Media (MSM) is absolutely frantic in their efforts to convince everyone in America that the Democrats will take control of our federal government, with huge margins, in the elections on November 6, 2018. Their obvious objective is to influence who goes to the polls that day.

I am absolutely convinced that the November 6, 2018 elections will determine if the “Washington Cesspool” survives, and consequently the future of America!  As I said last week, “We cannot sit down and be quiet. If we do we will lose America, as we have known it. If the Washington Cesspool gets control of our government again they will never give it up again, and America will become one big “cesspool” like they have in Chicago, Baltimore and the rapidly growing homeless camps in every major city in California”.