Merriam Webster definition of arrogance: an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims and assumptions
Merriam Webster definition of incomprehensible: having or subject to no limits
As I watched FOX NEWS and the Yahoo news feed on my internet home page over the last few days I noticed that the Democrats and RINO Republicans in the “Washington Cesspool” have totally lost touch with America and reality. Either that or they simply do not believe that they are accountable to voters, or they believe the majority of voters are too stupid or uninformed to understand what is really happening in Washington, D.C.
Instead of working on bi-partisan immigration reform and a reasonable U.S. government budget while the Government was shut down, there was a three day battle to see which of the “Washington Cesspool” occupants could get the most TV camera time. They spent their TV time saying the most ridiculous and irrational things about why the Government shut down. While this was happening I asked myself several times if these people are aware that there is always TV tape and audio recordings of everything they say and do publicly. These recordings clearly prove they are constantly contradicting themselves, and they have no concern what so ever that anything they say or do will have any consequences for them in future elections. Arrogance is the only word I could think of to describe this mindset.
After our Government reopened with a ridiculous short window, open only to February 8, the Democrats and RINO Republicans continued to publicly demonstrate an incomprehensible level of arrogance toward the American voters.
- When the Democrats and RINO Republicans choose illegals over our SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN, AND THEIR FAMILIES, and brag about it in front of TV cameras, that is the “height of arrogance”!
- When the mayors of major sanctuary cities boycott a meeting at the White House with President Trump to talk about the country’s infrastructure needs over the rights of illegals in their cities, and brag about it in front of TV cameras, that is the “height of arrogance”!
- When top ranking FBI personnel exchange thousands of text messages, on Government issued phones, about how to prevent President Trump from being elected, or a ‘back up plan‘ if he is, and then a month’s long block of those text disappear, that is the “height of arrogance”!
- When a long list of Democrats go to great lengths to get in front of TV cameras to insist that President Trump’s new tax plan did NOT help the middle class, that is the height of arrogance”!
- When a long list of Democrats go to great lengths to get in front of TV cameras to insist that everything good that happened in America during President Trump’s first year in office was a result of Obama’s eight years in office, that is the “height of arrogance”!
Obviously this list could run on for many pages, but the examples I have listed here confirm that there is an epidemic of arrogance in the “Washington Cesspool”.
Those of us that truly care about the future of America must remain vigilant and active to assure we are victorious on November 6, 2018!