The Democrat’s, RINO Republican’s, and MSM’s Obsession with the Alleged Trump Russia, Collusion, is “Backfiring” Loudly Against Them!

After almost two years of intense scrutiny not a single bit of evidence has been found that proves there was any collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign regarding our 2016 Presidential election. In fact the opposite is true!  More evidence is being uncovered that it was the Democrats and “Never Trumpers” who “meddled” in the election with the enthusiastic support of the Main Stream Media. There is also more evidence emerging that indicates that the Clintons openly engaged in criminal activity (probably actually treason) when she was Obama’s Secretary of State, in exchange for huge amounts of illegal money from Russians! Her actions were approved by Eric Holder and the Obama White House and even “buried” to keep the American people from knowing about it.

Here are a few examples of the “Backfiring”:

  • It was recently revealed that Samantha Powers, Obama’s U.N. Ambassador, requested the “unmasking” of an extraordinary number of Trump campaign and transition staff members. During an extended period of time she averaged more than one request per day! This is not just unethical it is ILLEGAL! When questioned about it recently before a Congressional committee she denied making that many request and at one point in her testimony she even suggested someone else must have done a lot of those request using her name. She is the wife of Ezekiel Emanuel, who is the brother of Rahm Emanuel. Ezekiel was a co-author of Obamacare. He is a strong advocate of “Single Payer” (Government healthcare) with “death panels”.
  • Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Advisor also requested the “unmasking” of an unprecedented number of Trump campaign and transition staff members. When originally asked about this on camera she loudly denied it, which proved to be an outright lie. She is scheduled to testify about this before Congress in the near future. She was also the “public face” of the Obama and Clinton Benghazi cover up, which ultimately prevented Obama from appointing her to the U.N. Ambassador position that went to Samantha Powers.  .
  • A “consulting firm”, Fusion GPS, whose primary partner is a former British MI6 agent, was hired to build a file that would prove that president Trump has deep Russia connections and colluded with the Russians to get elected President. To date Fusion GPS has not produced any actual evidence of President Trump, his campaign or transition staff colluding with the Russians. As of last week Fusion GPS was refusing to testify before Congressional committees or provide any information regarding who funded their activities!
  • The FBI suddenly found that documents about the infamous Clinton and Lynch tarmac meeting do actually exist and has agreed to turn them over to Judicial Watch in response to a FOIA request.
  • The Podesta Group, an international consulting company with extensive ties to Russian companies dating back several years, is now part of Special Prosecutor Muller’s “Russia Meddling” investigation. Initial indications are that the Podesta Group was not properly registered with the Federal Government, which was required for them to legally represent foreign entities in the U.S. John Podesta, Hillary’s Presidential campaign chairman was an active partner in the Podesta Group until he became Hillary’s campaign Chairman. At that time he “removed himself” from his “position”: with the organization.
  • The Clinton Uranium deal while she was Secretary of State is also the focus of new Congressional investigation. I am sure the investigation will become, if it is not already, a significant part of Special Prosecutor Muller’s “Russia Meddling” investigation. There has been a lot written about this over the last few months, including in several of the articles I have published. Hillary has loudly denied it happened including in an on camera interview on October. However the evidence is over whelming that it happened in exchange for huge sums of money being directed to the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton from Russian companies with direct connections to the Russian government. New information ties Eric Holder into the deal and now Loretta Lynch who helped silence a whistle blower with first-hand knowledge of the deal. And now even the ultraliberal New York Times is reporting that the deal happened and the uranium is illegally leaving the U.S. It has also come to light that Muller, who was the Director of the FBI at the time, had an open investigation into the deal that was ultimately buried by the Obama Administration. I am confident that more of the Main Stream Media will be treating this as “front page” news soon!


As noted earlier, after almost two years no one has been able to produce any credible evidence against the Trump campaign or transition staff indicating any collusion with Russia involving the Presidential election. However the evidence indicating Democratic Russia connections is starting to PILE UP!

President Trump is Decisively Dealing With America’s Problems!

Pesident Trump is taking bold and LEGAL action to solve many of America’s long running problems in spite of a worthless Congress. Trump’s actions are forcing our self-centered and “do nothing” Congress to take legal action to deal with these things like they were supposed to do originally. In addition to Congress President Trump is also working against a totally dishonest Main Stream Media that is obsessed with helping destroy the Trump Presidency.

He rescinded Obama’s illegal DACA order that Congress has not bothered to fix.  The recension gives Congress six months to solve the problem legally. With the clear understanding that Congress is going to have to negotiate with him or he will veto whatever they send to his desk.

He rescinded Obama’s illegal Obamacare subsidies, which Congress did not agree to or do legally. Congress still has a short window to repeal and replace Obamacare with something that could actually work for the American people.

He signed an Executive Order directing the insurance regulatory agencies to remove any regulations that prevented people or groups from buying insurance across state lines. The order also directed the regulatory agencies to allow individuals to form groups, or join existing groups so they could buy insurance at lower group rates and to allow individuals to buy lower priced insurance plans that did not require people to buy coverage they did not need, like single males being required to buy coverage that had maternity benefits.

He refused to re-certify the ridiculous Iran Nuclear Deal. This effectively throws it back into Congress’ lap to try and make it better for America and the rest of the free world.

He and his Administration have dealt quickly and decisively with multiple disastrous hurricanes, multiple disastrous California wild fires and the worse mass murder in modern U.S. history.

He has met, and positively influenced, more world leaders in his first few months in office than Obama did in his eight years in office. Many world leaders are beginning to respect America again, and in many cases actually work with us to solve some of the world’s problems. This is happening in spite of the Democrat’s and RINO Republican’s rants to the contrary, the Main Stream Media’s obsession with dishonest reporting and fake news, and Obama “holdover’s” who are continuing their efforts to sabotage the Trump Presidency.

Nine months after President Trump was sworn in the ISIS capital of Raqqa was taken by a U.S. backed coalition of fighting forces!  It is amazing what is being accomplished with a change in the Commander in Chief, new battle tested military Commanders with the authority to make the decisions necessary to accomplish their objectives, and a change in the “Rules of Engagement”!

President Trump is accomplishing all this and more in spite of the fact that many of his chosen appointees, to various top positions in his administration, are being deliberately delayed by the Senate. This is another way that President Trump has exhibited his Senior Executive and Manager skills. He simply appointed qualified people to “acting positions” and watched the results to assure that they are doing the jobs well.

This is only a sample of what an amazing job President Trump is doing in spite of an unbelievable number of road blocks being constantly thrown out in front of him by the America hating “Never Trumpers”. This is a classic example of the difference between a highly qualified, skilled and successful MANAGER (President Trump) compared to an incompetent loser who constantly surrounds himself with incompetent sycophants and fails at everything (Obama). I wrote a detailed article about this in April and posted it here:



The Washington Cesspool is Now Totally Dysfunctional and Combative!

How I defined the “Washington Cesspool”:

The “Washington Cesspool” is huge! It includes the Democrats, RINO Republicans, Main Stream Media, self-appointed members of the “Washington Elite”, most of the Washington career bureaucrats, and many federal employees. In fact the “Cesspool” has become so big it literally drowns out any one outside the cesspool who attempts to “call out” any of its members for anything they do or question anything any of its members says.

Tom Fitton, President of “Judicial Watch” calls it the “Deep State” and describes it as “legions of political appointees, career civil servants, and powerful private contractors who run the government no matter who is in the Oval Office. No matter which political party controls Congress. And, no matter what is the will of the American people. No matter who is in power they exert control. Oftentimes the liberal media effectively operates as the propaganda arm for the “Deep State”.

Regardless of what you call it, the “Swamp”, “Washington Cesspool”, or “Deep State” it is obvious that its inhabitants are becoming more obsessed with destroying the Trump Presidency by any means necessary!

Here are just a few recent examples:

  • Nancy Pelosi publicly threatened to shut the Federal government down if President Trump continues to insist that a border wall be part of immigration reform. Senator Schumer immediately agreed with her.
  • During a speech about U.S. foreign policy at a New York think tank “Crazy Uncle” Joe Biden praised members of the audience as being leaders of U.S. foreign policy in the past, while bashing the Trump Presidency’s foreign policy decisions and actions, and even called the Trump foreign policy
  • Practically all of Obama’s political appointees were “rubber stamped” immediately by the Democrats and RINO Republicans in the senate. But after nine months in office President Trump still has many unfilled positions, even with a Republican majority in the senate!
  • Republican Senator Bob Corker made very demeaning public statements about President Trump.
  • Congress is spending millions of dollars and thousands of hours keeping the alleged Russian Trump campaign collusion investigation going, with the Main Stream Media’s eager assistance. Democrats and RINO Republicans continue to hold hearings and press conferences about this even though there has not been any actual evidence of Russian meddling in the election uncovered. This continues to happen while they have much more pressing issues like tax reform, the Federal budget, immigration reform, and Obamacare that really need to be worked on.
  • Congressman Al Green is planning to introduce legislation, with co-sponsors, to impeach President Trump.
  • Clinton and Obama “holdovers” in every government agency continue to violate laws, including acts of treason, on a daily basis in an organized effort to sabotage the Trump Presidency. Tom Fitton calls these people the “Obama Shadow Government”. Many of these people were actively involved in ILLEGALLY spying on the Trump Campaign and illegally releasing selected bits of information. INITIALLY THIS WAS A CAREFULLY COORDINATED EFFORT TO TRY AND INFLUENCE THE ELECTION. After the election they continued to spy on the Trump Transition Team and then the new Trump Presidency and illegally release bits of information in an ongoing effort to destroy the Trump Presidency.

As noted these are just a few examples of how far the “Never Trumpers” are willing to go to destroy the Trump Presidency. These people must be “called out” as the traitors that they are, and where ever possible replaced with patriotic Americans!

The “Cesspool” has been growing steadily for decades so draining it is going to be a long slow process. However, I am confident that President Trump, Attorney General Sessions and the President’s Cabinet Secretaries will steadily chip away at it over time.



A Total Disrespect for Authority and Open Hatred for America. How Did We Get to Such a Dark Place in America?

The Main Stream Media continues to “report” open displays of hatred for everything American. The most recent and visible examples of this were the over-paid professional athletes’ deliberate and disgusting disrespect for our flag and national anthem. One of the worst examples of this was the Baltimore Ravens refusing to stand up while our national anthem was playing before a game in England , and then they stood up to honor the playing of England’s national anthem, “God Save the Queen’!  This was a glaring example of how far the “America haters” are willing, and eager to go to show their hatred for everything American.

Based on my own life experiences I am really having a problem understanding how so many people in America openly hate America. From my earliest memories as a child I was taught that there were certain basic rules that I was expected to live by throughout my life. These basic rules were not complicated. They were:

  1. Respect the American flag and everything it stands for.
  2. Respect authority.

In addition to these two basic rules I was also taught that I was, “Blessed to be born in America”! Throughout my childhood and teen years I was reminded of this “blessing” on a periodic basis. The people that taught me this insisted that I understand that “being born in America” meant that I had unlimited opportunity to lead a happy and successful life and could overcome almost any obstacles that life placed in my path, if I really wanted to do that. Most over-paid professional athletics are perfect examples of being “blessed to be born in America”, but some of them are leading the anti-American protest?

Unfortunately there are a lot of people in America now who do not believe in the basic rules noted above, and do not believe that it is a “blessing to be born in America”. However, they do have a strong belief that they are somehow “entitled” to do as they please and be given anything they want with no negative consequences?

How did we did get to this “dark place in America” where so many people in America are willing, and in some cases eager to publicly display open hatred for everything American? It did not happen overnight. It has been building up for decades, became more visible during Obama’s eight years in office and then literally exploded onto the “national stage” during the last few months as “Trump Derangement Syndrome” reached epidemic proportions.

As I watched the “America haters” publicly attack everything American and flaunt it, it occurred to me that America is being viciously attacked from two directions. The primary attack is from the hard Left people who are obsessed with destroying America and making America become part of their “One World Order”. The second attack is coming from people in America who have become convinced that they are “entitled” and that “respect for authority” is an old and outdated principle that no longer has a place in America. The people in this second group are so obsessed with their belief that they are “entitled”, they are easily manipulated by the hard Left, ”new world order” America haters. That is why they are referred to by some people as “useful idiots”.

When Patriotic Americans stood up in November 2016 and elected Donald Trump as President of the United States of America the America haters and all the people in the “Washington Swamp” were literally shocked. They did not believe that anyone but their anointed one, Hillary could be elected. Clearly the “shock” has worn off now and the America haters have come together and are obsessed with one goal, destroy the Trump Presidency by ”any means necessary”. They are well aware that if the Trump Presidency survives their dreams of a “One world order” are finished or at least delayed indefinitely. Those of us who want America to survive must be vigilant and stand up for America as aggressively as the America haters are working to tear it down.

The America haters have good reason to be panicking. President Trump will never quit! He will drain the “Washington Cesspool” and “make America great again” if enough of us stand with him.