Definitions from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Derangement: Mental Illness
Subversion: A systemic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within.
Sedition: Sedition is the rebellious talk and encouragement that might lead a mutiny and can be charged as a crime.
Treason: The crime of trying to overthrow your government or of helping your country’s enemies
Evolution: A process of change in a certain direction.
The decision to use the words, “derangement”, “subversion, “sedition”, and “treason” to describe Democrats’ and the Democratic Party’s actions in America today was not a decision I made easily. If you really look at the actions of the people who claim to be Democrats today and the people and groups who support them, it is inarguable that those four words are the exact description of their actions and objectives. The Democratic Party has “evolved” into a party that can best be described as a coalition of individuals and groups who are obsessed with destroying America and ultimately replacing it with a “One World Order” government.
One of the most visible “groups” that is obsessively supporting the Democrat’s “final push” to “fundamentally change America” is the “Main Stream Media.” (MSM). A brief, objective look at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or NBC news, the front page and editorial page of the New York Times, and internet sites like Huffington Post or VOX will confirm this. Anytime I see anything from these, or dozens of other Liberal media, I cannot help but wonder how these people do what they do? You literally have to “suspend reality” to believe what they are saying.
Examples of “MSM” open dishonesty:
FOX and FRIENDS reported on 3/22/2017 that ABC, CBS and NBC have NOT reported on the brutal rape of the 14 year old girl in the Maryland high school bathroom by illegal immigrants. Bill O’Reilly reported the same thing that night and added CNN and MSNBC to the list. Obviously reporting news like this does not support the Democrat’s “open borders and sanctuary cities” agenda (which is a huge source of guaranteed votes and illegal votes for the Democrats).
The “MSM” is obsessing on a decade old story about a past Trump campaign manager, Manafort’s ties to a Russian businessman while ignoring the hundreds of millions of dollars Bill and Hillary took from foreign governments and individuals, including some with Russian ties, while she was Secretary of State and running for President. The “MSM” is also ignoring Clinton Campaign Chairman Podesta and other Clinton insiders’ “consulting work” with foreign Governments and business people, some of which was recent and some still happening.
The “MSM” is obsessing with completely unsubstantiated claims about Trump campaign and Administration connections with Russians, while ignoring FBI Director Comey’s testimony that the Russians did NOT give Podesta’s e-mails to WikiLeaks. The “MSM” is also ignoring the question, “did the same people who hacked Podesta’s e-mails and the DNC also hack Hillary’s illegal and unprotected server (which contained State Secrets)?” Some internet experts say YES, and this information would focus new interest on the Hillary server investigation!
Other “groups” that openly obsess with the Democrat Party’s agenda are the coalition of ”Black Lives Matter” groups and Obama’s “Organizing for Action”. These, and many other groups like them, were awarded “tax exempt” group status by the Obama Administration and received hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from Obama Administration “illegal slush funds”, George Soros, the Ford Family Foundation and other extreme Left leaning organizations.
Another group of obsessive Democratic Party agenda supporters is loosely referred to as the “shadow government” This is Obama and Bill/Hillary Clinton supporters that are still employed at various Federal Government agencies and are openly violating a number of federal laws. In addition to other acts of subversion they illegally access private information about President Trump and other prominent Republicans and “selectively” make that information public in ways intended to advance the Democrat Party agenda. One example of this is parts of President Trump’s tax return records being copied and released to the public. Another is ranking Republican Congressman Jason Cheffetz’s personnel file being illegally accessed over 40 times by Secret Service personnel and other Federal Government employees (there has not been any reporting of any disciplinary action against any of the people who illegally accessed his file). Another example is various members of Congress having their phone calls taped and the transcripts selectively released.
Here are a few specific examples of recent deranged, subversive, seditious, and treasonous Democrat and Democratic Party, anti-American and anti-Trump activities:
Employees at VA facilities and other Federal Government facilities refused to hang portraits of President Trump in the facilities. When veterans went to VA facilities to hang portraits of President Trump they were refused access to the facilities or the portraits were taken down by facility staff after the veterans left. When asked why the facility staff refused to allow the portraits to be hung they said that “Trump was not their president and that he was going to be impeached and removed from office”!
RINO Senator Lindsey Graham has spent the last few days getting in front of every TV camera he could find saying negative things about, or at least questioning everything President Trump is doing. One example was that if President Trump’s proposed budget had any cuts to the “State Department” budget it “was dead upon arrival at his desk”.
A Democratic Congressman on FOX news on 3/15/2017 insisted that Obamacare is working well and that all that is needed to fix it is to “empower states to regulate insurance premiums”! Really? Does anyone not know that would put ALL insurance companies out of business and force everyone in America into government run healthcare?
Right after she left office Loretta Lynch, former Obama Attorney General, recorded a video that was released by the Congressional Democrats where she looked into the camera and encouraged violent Anti-Trump protest. Here is one quote from the video, “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We can do this again.”
Senator Tim Kaine, and 2016 VP candidate said in a TV interview that, “Democrats must be willing to fight Republicans in the streets”.
Recent violent, and destructive (with no arrest) anti-conservative speaker riots at Berkley were led by a middle school teacher who gave TV interviews, including on FOX, where she loudly and angrily proclaimed it was her right to lead the protest and encourage violence to fight against “Fascism”. At last reporting she is still employed.
During the “Women’s March” on Washington Madonna (on camera wearing a vagina hat) said that she, “wanted to blow up the White House”.
During the “Woman’s March” on Washington Ashley Judd (on camera wearing a vagina hat) called President Trump, and all his supporters, all the negative names the Democrats like to use to describe Conservatives, and then added in Nazi and Hitler. She also included in her poorly delivered and somewhat disjointed monotone, various vulgar references to female body parts.
Federal Judges blocking President Trump’s recent travel bans saying in their official rulings that they blocked the bans implementation based on President Trump’s campaign rhetoric. One judge even declared that the ban violated potential immigrants’ Constitutional rights? I do not understand how people who have never been to America have rights under our Constitution? It is very clear under Federal law that our President has the undisputed authority to issue executive orders like this to keep America safe. Other Presidents have done this in the past, including Obama, with no issues or resistance. This is another good example of how the “shadow government’ described above operates.
The Democrats love to deliberately use false numbers to loudly support their position on every issue. The latest is their claim that “Obamacare” is doing well and has provided insurance coverage for over 20 million people who were not previously covered. The most credible numbers that I can find indicate the number is actually only 14 million and 11.1 MILLION OF THOSE ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN ADDED TO MEDICAID. SOME OF THESE PEOPLE ARE CHILDLESS, ABLE BODIED ADULTS. The remaining 2.9 million number is steadly declining due to huge premium increases and huge deductibles and co-pays
During a TV interview with Bret Baier Senator Schumer said that if President Trump’s proposed budget contained any funds for the border wall that he would force a government shut down and it would be the REPUBLICAN PARTY’S FAULT!.
Donna Brazile, former DNC Chair and lifelong Liberal spokesperson, repeatedly denied passing confidential debate information to the Clinton campaign team prior to a Presidential debate. One of those times was on FOX news where she denied it and then loudly said, “I am a Christian so I know what persecution is and I am being persecuted about this”. Now she has publicly admitted that she lied and did give the confidential information to the Clinton campaign. Based on my knowledge of Christianity, regardless of what Christian faith you choose to believe in, it is not OK to cheat/steal and then lie about it repeatedly to cover it up. Seems that the Democrats believe differently and live by a different standard?
Obviously this is only a tiny sample of the anti-Trump, anti-American activities that are openly happening in America today. It would be practically impossible to compose a complete list!
We must stand firm in our support of President Trump and the actual Conservatives in Washington!