During the Next 50 Days We May See America Torn Apart

Over the last few days it has become clear that there is absolutely NO chance that we can take a cautious step back and breathe a little easier between now and inauguration day! The Left is still determined to “anoint” Hillary regardless of the cost or resulting damage to America. In fact it now seems obvious to me that Trump’s win actually fits right in with the Left’s plan to “fundamentally change America”, even if it has to be done with violence. There are just too many things happening now to deny it.

To begin with we had “instant” protest that became riots immediately after the election results were announced. These protests were organized by paid protestors who for the most part did not live where they were protesting and did not vote in the election. I saw a protest leader in Chicago being interviewed on camera last week. When asked if he voted he said, “No, there is nothing to vote for in this country”. REALLY? According to some of the protest organizers the protests will continue and grow in size, and violence with the intent of disrupting the Presidential inauguration (unless they can succeed with their plans to “anoint” Hillary). However, the protests are nothing compared to everything else that the Left is doing.

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, with lots of help recently began to demand a recount in key states. However since no one could point to any evidence of voter machine tampering there is no justification for a recount. Consequently anyone who asks for a recount in a specific state will have to fill out the necessary paperwork, before that states deadline, and pay for the recount. Jill Stein actually held a press conference and acknowledged that “experts” could not find any evidence of voter machine tampering but insisted they wanted recounts to assure future elections were fair. Remarkably her group suddenly got $6 million in “donations” so she could formerly request recounts and pay for them. Amazing that $6 million just appeared in her group’s bank account!  And now the Clintons have publicly announced that they will join this recount effort.

Unfortunately the recount effort is by no means the biggest threat to the election results. There is another organized and well-funded effort to change enough Electoral College votes to keep Trump out of the Whitehouse. These people have two websites up and running and are actively working to get Electors that are committed to Trump to change their votes to Hillary. Two have already publicly announced that they are changing their votes and are making the rounds on TV shows, including FOX trying to convince other Electors to do the same. I am having more than a little trouble understanding how anyone could seek a slot as an Elector, take an oath to carry out their duties as the voters in their state desired, and then publicly violate that oath and work to encourage others to do the same thing. Unfortunately only 25 states and the District of Columbia legally require that their Electors vote like they were committed to do by the voters. Unfortunately the penalty for violating that law is a small fine, which I am sure Clinton supporters will be happy to pay for anyone who changes their vote to Hillary!

We also have Liberal members of Congress doing everything they can to cast doubt on the Trump transition team’s work and throw “road blocks“ out in front of the transition team’s work. Elijah Cummings was one of the first to actively start this effort by writing a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) demanding they audit the transition team because” it is in such disarray that it is probably misspending tax payer money”. And then Elizabeth Warren loudly and publicly joined in the efforts to demand that the GAO audit the Trump transition team’s work. These people want the GAO to waste taxpayer money and interfere with the Trump transition team’s work at a critical time because they think the team is in disarray?

In case you do not know their history these letters to the GAO and their public statements about the Trump transition team are typical behavior for Elijah Cummings and Elizabeth Warren. For example Cummings has a long history of “Abuse of Power” activity. He was one of the original members of Congress to demand, in writing that the IRS do something about the conservative groups that were applying for tax free group status during Obama’s first term. When an organizer of one of the targeted groups got a copy of his letter she filed formal “Abuse of Power” charges against him, which went NOWHERE with the current criminal Department of Injustice in power. Elizabeth Warren changed her personnel records at Harvard Law school to indicate that she was 1/32nd “Native American” so she could claim minority status. When a genealogist traced her history and could not find any Native American linkage and Warren was questioned about it, her only response was that she remembered her Grandmother talking about her Great Grandmother talking about their Indian ancestors. She also publicly blasted Trump for making money during the housing market crash. No surprise there, but she did the same thing! These are just two of the people actively working to destroy America and the next 50 days are their last best chance to do that.

We are also seeing and hearing loud complaints about Trump “conflicts of interest” because some of his family is involved in his transition team and because of his worldwide business interest, and he has not even been sworn in yet .On a legal note the President and Vice President are legally exempt from conflict of interest regulations. If they were not they would not be able to function due to constantly being attacked with “conflict of interest” complaints. It is ethical and desirable for the President and Vice President to try and avoid what could appear to be conflict of interest activities, but they have much bigger things to be concerned about in America and the world today. Publicly making these accusations now is not in America’s best interest.

Obama just wasted many millions of dollars doing a world tour where he spoke publicly in every country he visited about all his accomplishments, and said he would not remain silent after leaving the Whitehouse when there is a threat to his accomplishments!  And we thought Jimmy Carter was a really bad past President!

About two days after the election it seemed to me like a majority of the people in America collectively “breathed a sign of relief” and said, “OK we can get on with our lives now”.  Maybe not……

Note to those of you who are still in “mourning” over the election results, I suggest you read this article http://www.onlymakessense.com/updated-november-28-the-collapse-of-obamacare-was-planned/,  especially the update I added at the bottom.


Updated December 1, 2016 – The Collapse of Obamacare Was Planned

I have heard people say that the collapse of Obamacare was pre-planned ever since its inception and implementation. However it was only in recent months that I became convinced that this is absolutely true! It is common knowledge that a long time dream of the liberal Left is to replace ALL healthcare in America with a single payer, Government run VA style healthcare program. When a “single payer healthcare system” is established there will NOT be any private healthcare providers or institutions left operating in America. That means that everybody in America will be forced into that single payer plan, including people currently enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, private insurance, and people who are currently uninsured.

However the Liberals knew that the increase in healthcare premiums and deductibles, for everybody every year since Obamacare was implemented, would not be enough to force everyone into a single payer healthcare system. So at the same time that Obamacare was implemented they implemented the second part of their carefully planned effort to take over healthcare in America. The second part of their plan is to increasingly deny healthcare to patients and increasingly reduce reimbursement to health care providers for services rendered (which will eventually force them out of business).

My conclusion that there is a twofold plan being executed to take over healthcare in America is based on my personal healthcare experiences in recent years, especially this year, plus conversations with friends and health care providers about their healthcare experiences since Obamacare was implemented, and now recent reports that Obamacare premiums will increase as much as 116% in some states January 1. Here are a few examples:

  • I was forced into Medicare when I turned 65 by my private healthcare coverage provider.
  • My Medicare premium, which is deducted from my Social Security check is being “means tested” What that means is that I am charged more than the basic monthly premium each month based on my and my wife’s annual income and it is going up another $40 each month on January 1 (our income has not increased?).
  • I chose to also pay for a second healthcare provider in addition to Medicare to assure I had full coverage. This second coverage provider has changed every year since I signed up for Medicare except this year. I am currently Medicare/United Health Care (UHC) with UHC being the secondary coverage and administrator for my coverage for both plans.
  • My wife’s health care provider has changed every year since Obamacare was implemented except one. She will be forced into Medicare with UHC as a secondary carrier when she turns 65 this month. She got a letter from Medicare yesterday informing her that both of our Medicare premiums will go up $12 a month this month because we file a joint tax return?
  • My wife and I lost our individual, $1,000, preventive care budget on January1 the year after Obamacare was implemented and our deductibles increased (we were not on Obamacare).
  • In September one of my healthcare providers tried to get approval for a critical back procedure for me over the phone. My insurance providers refused to approve it over the phone so I had to wait two weeks, in pain, for the procedure.
  • My health care coverage providers required me to have an extensive evaluation before they would approve any more treatments for my accelerating back problems. I say again, it was a required evaluation. Last week I got a letter from UHC informing me that they were declining to pay for the required extensive evaluation and I was responsible for the total cost of $912.
  • I was scheduled for a new MRI to evaluate my treatment options for my increasing levels of back and hip pain. My health care provider approved the procedure and it was scheduled. Two days after the MRI I got a letter from UHC informing me that the procedure was approved however “ This approval did not guarantee that the plan will pay for the service(s).”
  • Out of my total medical expenses this year (YTD June end) that were billed by my medical care providers (which have been considerable), my combined healthcare coverage paid a total reimbursement of 08% and I had to pay 01% including my up-front deductibles. Some charges were reimbursed at a slightly higher percent, others at a lower percent and some were reimbursed at “.00” %! Note, I just received my September YTD medical care summary and the total reimbursement for medical services billed dropped to .06% with my combined healthcare coverage providers only paying .05% with me being responsible for the other .01% including my upfront deductibles. There were more treatments and procedures reimbursed at .00% in the 3rd quarter than there was in the first six months of the year! Update, just got a notice that one of my healthcare providers filed an appeal and received additional reimbursement for some of my medical care but the total reimbursement is still significantly below what was billed. And as a condition of accepting health care coverage reimbursements the healthcare providers cannot require the patient to pay more than their plan’s deductibles, or other charges their healthcare provider dictates (like the $912 example noted above). They are also requiring so much “red tape” that many healthcare providers cannot comply. Even if you consider some healthcare providers may be overbilling for certain services, no healthcare provider can stay in business with this level of reimbursement.  Especially when you consider the patients who cannot pay their upfront deductibles (I have witnessed this repeatedly while sitting in waiting rooms).
    • > My primary care Doctor sold his practice to the local hospital chain and left the profession.
    • > My eye Doctor stopped treating patients with any combination of Medicare insurance coverage so I have to pay him cash for my annual checkups.

As noted above I am now absolutely certain that the liberal Left is executing their carefully calculated plan to destroy America’s Healthcare system and replace it with their “dream single payer healthcare system”! It is also undeniable that a single payer healthcare system is the centerpiece for Socialism!

Note, the liberal Left referred to here is the Obama Administration since day 1 of his presidency and the Democrats in Congress since January 20, 2006 (when they had a veto proof majority during the last two years of President (43) Bush’s administration.

This election is our last chance to save our Republic!  I am repeating what I said last week. If you voted for Obama and still support Hillary, please look at history! No form of Communism/Socialism (no matter what it was called) has been successful since mankind began recording our history!


As noted above I have been “means tested” since I was forced into the Medicare program when I turned 65 in 2012. My Medicare premium has increased several times over the years even though my income has not increased? According to the Social Security Administration (SSA) the $40 increase noted above on January 1, 2017 is the result of the IRS notifying the SSA that I had TAX FREE income from tax free municipal bonds (I originally invested in them while I was still working years ago). My wife was forced into Medicare when she turned 65 this month (November).

In addition to the two recent SSA letters noted above regarding increases in our Medicare premiums since my wife was forced into the program, on November 25 we both got identical 4 page (printed on both sides) letters from the SSA explaining our Medicare monthly premium status and how it is calculated. The calculation process is referred to as “IRMAA” (income-related monthly adjustment amount).

According to these letters, based on our current joint IRMAA calculations both of our premiums will increase an additional $112.70 on January 1, 2017!

On January 1, 2017 we will be paying more for Medicare than we were paying for a family healthcare plan, that we were very satisfied with prior to me being forced into Medicare in 2012. That coverage was available to us through my wife’s employer provided group coverage plan (she was and still is working). Unfortunately the plan requires people on the plan to sign up for Medicare as their primary coverage when they turn 65.

For those of you who are still “in mourning” over the election, do you really want our healthcare system to continue down this path of destruction!


On November 21 I had an appointment at the spine center for a reevaluation of my options for treatment for my back problems. I had to pay a $95 co-pay since I was seeing a specialist. Based on my latest MRI and recommendation by my orthopedic surgeons (I have permanent, inoperable back problems that are accelerating), I was scheduled for a pain block injection procedure this morning, December 1. Tuesday afternoon the center called to confirm my appointment and that I was fully aware of the pre-procedure prep requirements, “nothing by mouth after midnight, etc”. Yesterday at 3:45 the center called again and informed me that my insurance, UHC/Medicare had informed then that the procedure was not approved and that I needed to come in this morning for another evaluation and  to provide more personal information! The additional information that was needed was information I have provided literally dozens of times already this year to all my medical care providers, including the Spine center every time I have been there this year, including during my appointment on November 21 (so it was already in my current and past records).

I paid another co-pay, answered the same questions again, watched the Doctor’s assistant verify that the information was already in my files (with a somewhat perplexed look on her face) and  was rescheduled for another procedure on December 19th.  So I will spend the next 18 days with Tens unit pads on my hips and lower back for 12 hours a day!

I am beginning to think I am being personally targeted……


How Can Trump “Drain the Swamp” When He Cannot Say “Your Fired” to Anyone in Washington? Here is How!

There are actually two distinct groups of people in Washington who cannot be fired, which is practically everyone there. The first group is our elected representatives in the U.S. House and Senate. They can only be “fired” (in an election) by the people they are supposed to be representing, which rarely happens because most of the people in Congress have gotten really good at staying in office. The second group of people who cannot be fired is Federal Government employees. Theoretically they can be fired but it almost never happens because they are protected by the most powerful, and corrupt work place rules governing employee discipline imaginable. Federal Government department and agency heads, managers, and supervisors DO NOT have the authority to discipline, much less suspend or fire subordinates. If someone in a position of authority in our Federal Government wants to discipline, suspend or fire a subordinate they must refer the employee to a committee of their peers to investigate the “alleged” misconduct and make recommendations for actions that may be taken against the employee. The committee’s review and recommended actions are then forwarded to a mediator for a final decision on recommended disciplinary action. There are three problems with this process. First, it takes too long for the process to be completed. Second, during this long drawn out process the person making the “allegations” against the employee and requesting disciplinary action is almost always subjected to various forms of workplace harassment and “work slowdowns” by other Federal Employees who want to prevent any future employee referral’s for disciplinary action.  And third, the process rarely results in any recommendations for discipline of any sort because the process is corrupted at every level. For instance at least some of the people on the review committee will be people who are determined to maintain the status quo regarding Federal Government employee “job security”. Consequently Federal Government employees are rarely referred to a committee for disciplinary action.

Some time ago I actually watched the Head of the VA testifying before a Congressional committee regarding his total lack of authority to discipline, suspend or fire anyone in the VA. It was actually infuriating to watch politicians on both sides of the aisle putting on a loud show of indignation as they pretended they did not know that was the situation and insisting that they would do something to change the “Washington” work place rules responsible for this situation. The truth is that Congress is actually responsible for such ridiculous work place rules being a fixed part of the Washington “culture” so I will really be surprised if anything about this situation changes in the near future, but we did get Trump elected to the Presidency, so there is hope.

So here is how President Trump can “drain the swamp”.

> First he can sign executive orders repealing Obama’s executive orders that empowered Federal agencies to go on a new rule making rampage of their own.

> Second he can “request” the resignation of existing Federal department and agency heads throughout the Federal Government. Some will resist but some will comply allowing him to replace them with better business people.

> Third he can appoint strong, ethical, constitutionalist to head all Federal Government departments and agencies with a mandate to “root out corruption” with referrals to the FBI for investigation and the DOJ for prosecution for criminal action. Note, this will be the first time in approximately 24 years that we will actually have a Department of Justice! Bill Clinton turned it into a “Department of Injustice” so he could use it to carry out his personal agenda items. President Bush could not fix it because 911 happened seven months and 21 days after he was sworn in. As a result the efforts to fight terror while rebuilding our intelligence service and national defense capabilities consumed all of Washington’s time and efforts throughout most of his two terms as President. And then Obama immediately elevated it to a “Department of Injustice” on steroids with every other Federal department and agency immediately following suit. As soon as President Trump appoints a new Attorney General and  Federal Government employees start getting prosecuted for criminal behavior, I feel certain that we will start to see some people in Federal government jobs begin to “clean up their act and others voluntarily resigning.

> Fourth, President Trump can begin to work with Congress on a serious Federal Government reorganization plan beginning with the elimination of the Department of Education.

Why do I think these four steps will begin to “drain the swamp” and continue at an accelerating rate? Because President Trump is a strong negotiator and the “mood” of the American electorate, which was initially visible in the 2014 mid-term elections and then made abundantly clear on November 8, 2016 sent a clear message to Congress that they want the “swamp drained” now!




The Big Lie, About Obama’s Approval Rating

For some time now I have been hearing about Obama’s approval being at “record highs”. This morning I heard that it was at 58%. I find it odd that very few who report on Obama’s approval rating, including Fox, acknowledge who provided the report and its origin. or dares to publicly question it? This is just one more example of the media being PC. The price for the media to not be pc is simply too high. It is extremely rare for anyone to dare to publicly question anything about Obama personally! I have also noticed that on the rare occasion when people in media do question any Obama  actions they usually preface their comments, or end them with saying how much they admire Obama, or a similar statement. The price to do otherwise is apparently too high in American media.  A perfect example of this is Charles Krauthammer, a regular Fox News contributor. He is a Dr. (Psychiatrist) who has never been intimidated by anything, including being permanently paralyzed from the neck down when he was in medical school. He still graduated with his class with honors, married his long time sweetheart, has children,  drives his own specially built car which he operates entirely with only his fingers on his right hand, has a very accomplished  career as a columnist  and Fox News contributor, and writes bestselling books. In short he is a very successful person and the consummate professional. During Obama’s first term he said that in his professional opinion Obama was a “pathological narcissist”. A few days later he made the public observation that he would not be making a public analysis of anyone again. The firestorm he must have endured to be “cowed” to this point is inconceivable! Note, I actually researched the term “pathological narcissists” and it seemed to me that it was a “text book” diagnosis for Obama.

The Fox report on Obama’s approval ratings this morning was in  the context that he was the first President in history to be the ”star”  in a Presidential campaign when he was not the candidate. On a side note they did report that Obama mentioned himself 207 times in recent campaign speeches including saying that if Trump is elected the Obama legacy will be destroyed!

Anyone who has been interested in history and followed current events at any level over the last few decades, or even in recent years has to be amazed at how biased (corrupt) and arrogant the Main Stream Media (MSM) has become in their reporting and opinion of the “average citizen” in America since Obama became a presidential candidate. The Obama approval rating and how the MSM reports on it, and Obama personally are glaring examples of how Politically Correct (P.C). America has become.

When anyone who supports Hillary is asked a simple question,, “can you name one thing Hillary accomplished as Secretary of State” they cannot  answer the question. The same thing happens when you change it to “her 30 years in public service”. The facts are that she did accomplish a lot, but none of it was good! I believe that history will show that Obama’s record will be SIGNIFICANTLY worse than Hillary’s (unless she is elected President) because he had unlimited opportunity to build a public record during his two terms as President of the United States of America. Unfortunately getting elected President, and reelected, was his only “positive” accomplishment (the first person of color to be elected to be President of the United States of America).

I am absolutely certain that history will show that Obama was the WORSE President in American history. He will leave America in such a weak position in every way that it is doubtful that we can recover! Yet he and his rabid sycophant supporters continue to “scream” about his extraordinary accomplishments? It is still astonishing to me that so many people not only believe this but angrily argue that this is true?  We have clearly reached the epitome in PC politics in America.

I first became aware of how being PC was becoming more noticeable in American politics when I got more involved in politics during the Jimmy Carter years. I noticed that America was becoming more polarized politically and I am sorry to say less patriotic. I was happy and proud to see that this changed to a noticeable positive degree during the Regan years with more Americans being less political and more focused on what was good for America. Political polarization came back with a vengeance during the Clinton Presidency but largely disappeared during President (43) Bush’s presidency when Americans put America first and rallied around the president after 911. However this welcome reduction in being PC and the surge in patriotism only lasted into the first part of President Bush’s second term. Then PC politics began to “rear its ugly head” again, exploded during Obama’s Presidential campaign and went on steroids during his time in the Oval Office. As I studied and wrote about the Obama Administration’s obsession with PC politics it became clear that throughout history there has been a direct correlation between a rise in PC politics and a direct decline in Patriotism.  This is very obvious anytime you are exposed to the MSM in America today.

Obama’s legacy in history will be that his Administration was so obsessed with being PC that his Presidency was an absolute failure in every way. For some time now I have been convinced that the Obama Administration will leave America in such a weak position in every way that it is doubtful that we can recover. I am so convinced of this that I began to research, document and write detailed articles about it earlier this year.in an effort to educate people about what is really happening in America. This will be my 45th article to date and hopefully not my last (depending on the current election results).

I normally do not post articles that have what could be too may distracting links. Consequently I am posting only links to two of my 44 recent articles at the bottom of this article in an effort to make my case that the Obama Administration has been an absolute failure in every way. Equally disappointing is that the Obama Administration and their sycophant supporters, including the MSM literally scream about all the great things this administration has accomplished (ABSOLUTE LIES). One obvious example of the ridiculous lies is, “we are reducing the deficit at the fasted rate in history”! Really!!!???  And I have not seen anyone in the media, except some people on Fox News, call the Obama Administration out on this ridiculous lie?

The first article I linked below is about our national debt exceeding our Gross Domestic Product.(it is not as complicated as it seems. Please read the article). To put this in perspective the only time in history this has happened in America was late in WWII and we lived in an entirely different time then patriotically and politically. Throughout history it has been extremely rare for a country to survive a national debt crisis like this. The Liberals love to “blame it on Bush” and now “blame it on Republicans”: but the facts prove otherwise.

The second article linked  below is about the real unemployment rate in America. The Obama Administration loudly brags about how many jobs it has created and that they have brought unemployment down to 4.9%. Really!!?? The facts prove it is the opposite!

Counting this one, there are now 45 articles posted on my website and on two other public forums that I write for but I think these two adequately explain why America cannot survive a Hillary Presidency.





Obamacare was Designed to Collapse so it Could be Replaced with Government Run Healthcare for Everyone

I have heard people say that the collapse of Obamacare was pre-planned ever since its inception and implementation. However it was only in recent months that I became convinced that this is absolutely true! It is common knowledge that a long time dream of the liberal Left is to replace ALL healthcare in America with a single payer, Government run VA style healthcare program. When a “single payer healthcare system” is established there will NOT be any private healthcare providers or institutions left operating in America. That means that everybody in America will be forced into that single payer plan, including people currently enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, private insurance, and people who are currently uninsured.

However the Liberals knew that the increase in healthcare premiums and deductibles, for everybody every year since Obamacare was implemented, would not be enough to force everyone into a single payer healthcare system. So at the same time that Obamacare was implemented they implemented the second part of their carefully planned effort to take over healthcare in America. The second part of their plan is to increasingly deny healthcare to patients and increasingly reduce reimbursement to health care providers for services rendered (which will eventually force them out of business).

My conclusion that there is a twofold plan being executed to take over healthcare in America is based on my personal healthcare experiences in recent years, especially this year, plus conversations with friends and health care providers about their healthcare experiences since Obamacare was implemented, and now recent reports that Obamacare premiums will increase as much as 116% in some states January 1. Here are a few examples:

  • I was forced into Medicare when I turned 65 by my private healthcare coverage provider.
  • My Medicare premium, which is deducted from my Social Security check is being “means tested” What that means is that I am charged more than the basic monthly premium each month based on my and my wife’s annual income and it is going up another $40 each month on January 1.
  • I chose to also pay for a second healthcare provider in addition to Medicare to assure I had full coverage. This second coverage provider has changed every year since I signed up for Medicare except this year. I am currently Medicare/United Health Care (UHC) with UHC being the secondary coverage and administrator for my coverage for both plans.
  • My wife’s health care provider has changed every year since Obamacare was implemented except one. She will be forced into Medicare with UHC as a secondary carrier when she turns 65 this month. She got a letter from Medicare yesterday informing her that both of our Medicare premiums will go up $12 a month this month because we file a joint tax return?
  • My wife and I lost our individual, $1,000, preventive care budget on January 1 the year after Obamacare was implemented and our deductibles increased (we were not on Obamacare).
  • In September one of my healthcare providers tried to get approval for a critical back procedure for me over the phone. My insurance providers refused to approve it over the phone so I had to wait two weeks, in pain, for the procedure.
  • My health care coverage providers required me to have an extensive evaluation before they would approve any more treatments for my accelerating back problems. I say again, it was a required evaluation. Last week I got a letter from UHC informing me that they were declining to pay for the required extensive evaluation and I was responsible for the total cost of $912.
  • I was scheduled for a new MRI to evaluate my treatment options for my increasing levels of back and hip pain. My health care provider approved the procedure and it was scheduled. Two days after the MRI I got a letter from UHC informing me that the procedure was approved however “ This approval did not guarantee that the plan will pay for the service(s).”
  • Out of my total medical expenses this year (YTD June end) that were billed by my medical care providers (which have been considerable), my combined healthcare coverage paid a total reimbursement of 08% and I had to pay 01% including my up-front deductibles. Some charges were reimbursed at a slightly higher percent, others at a lower percent and some were reimbursed at “.00” %! Note, I just received my September YTD medical care summary and the total reimbursement for medical services billed dropped to .06% with my combined healthcare coverage providers only paying .05% with me being responsible for the other .01% including my upfront deductibles. There were more treatments and procedures reimbursed at .00% in the 3rd quarter than there was in the first six months of the year!  And as a condition of accepting health care coverage reimbursements the healthcare providers cannot require the patient to pay more than their plan’s deductibles, or other charges their healthcare provider dictates (like the $912 example noted above). They are also requiring so much “red tape” that many healthcare providers cannot comply. Even if you consider some healthcare providers may be overbilling for certain services, no healthcare provider can stay in business with this level of reimbursement.  Especially when you consider the patients who cannot pay their upfront deductibles (I have witnessed this repeatedly while sitting in waiting rooms).
    • > My primary care Doctor sold his practice to the local hospital chain and left the profession.
    • > My eye Doctor stopped treating patients with any combination of Medicare insurance coverage so I have to pay him cash for my annual checkups.

As noted above I am now absolutely certain that the liberal Left is executing their carefully calculated plan to destroy America’s Healthcare system and replace it with their “dream single payer healthcare system”! It is also undeniable that a single payer healthcare system is the centerpiece for Socialism!

Note, the liberal Left referred to here is the Obama Administration since day 1 of his presidency and the Democrats in Congress since January 20, 2006 (when they had a veto proof majority during the last two years of President (43) Bush’s administration.

This election is our last chance to save our Republic!  I am repeating what I said last week. If you voted for Obama and still support Hillary, please look at history! No form of Communism/Socialism (no matter what it was called) has been successful since mankind began recording our history!